Chapter 491: 【Holy Prism】

Looking at the armor of holy light that suddenly appeared on his body, Thor couldn't help but froze for a moment, then turned to notice Rowe.

"Don't be distracted, Thor," Rowe reminded.


Obviously his reminder was a step behind, and Thor was immediately knocked to the ground by the beam of Proxima Centauri, but fortunately there was no serious problem.

Thor quickly got up from the ground, looked at Proxima Centauri and said, "In the name of Odin, you are doomed!"

As he said that, he roared and jumped up.

For the strength of Thor, the improvement effect of King's Blessing is not great, but there is not much difference between him and Proxima Centauri.

Therefore, this armor of holy light has changed the original stalemate, making Proxima Centauri gradually lose the advantage.


Hearing a roar, Miao Ernir blasted out with a thunderbolt, and went straight to Proxima Centauri in the dark night.

Night Proxima dodged and avoided the heavy blow of the warhammer in a dangerous and dangerous way.

Thor grabbed the halberd and tried to grab it.

Proxima Dark Night hurriedly clenched his hands, and at the same time, the halberd suddenly lit up with a blue-purple light, spreading from the front of the halberd to the body of the halberd. Thor felt his palms burning and let go.

But at the same time, he also stretched out his hand, and Mjolnir, who had just flown out, turned around, turned around and charged towards the Proxima Dark Night in front of him again.

"Boom!" This time, Proxima Dark Night couldn't dodge, she was hit **** the back, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth.

She stumbled to the ground, and then Mauernier fell, pressing down on her back.

Proxima Dark Night tried to get up, but couldn't move Mjolnir on his back.

This made her furious, but also deeply confused, why the plane can drive Thor's warhammer, but she can't?

How did she know the magic of Mauernier.

But anyway, there seems to be only one way now, so Proxima Dark Night immediately grabbed the halberd, and a dazzling beam of light shot out and slammed into the deck of the battleship below her.


With just a loud bang, the beam ripped through the deck, revealing the scene outside the battleship.

Proxima Dark Night did not hesitate, and fell out along the crack. At the same time, the halberd in his hand shone with light, and it flew with her. The flying posture looked similar to Thor's hammer.

Upon seeing this, Thor recalled Miaolnir and chased after the battleship, and the battlefield between the two turned to the sky.

After getting out of the battleship, he held Miao Ernir high, dark clouds surged in the sky, dazzling thunder light quickly brewed, and electric snakes flew.


Immediately, there was only a loud bang, and a thick thunder fell from the sky, slashing at Proxima Centauri in the dark night.

"Ah!" She couldn't help screaming, and she lost control of the flight for a while, and fell for two seconds before regaining stability.

After taking two heavy blows, she was obviously no longer able to be Thor's opponent, so she didn't dare to fight again, and fled far away.

Thor chased after him, occasionally summoning lightning strikes.

"Roar—" Seeing that he was about to chase after him, a Leviathan beast suddenly roared and crashed from nearby.

Leviathan's huge size immediately flew Thor's top out.


The thunderclouds gathered, and Thor summoned several lightning bolts one after another, killing the Leviathan beast that hit him, and then continued to chase the Proxima Night.

It's just that Proxima Dark Night has escaped quite a distance at this time, and even if he does his best to catch up, he will not be able to catch up for a while.

"Dear, come to me!" Suddenly a familiar voice entered the ears of Proxima Dark Night.

She turned her head and saw that her husband, General Dead Blade, was sitting in a flying boat waving to her.

"Dead Blade!" Proxima Dark Night was seriously injured and exhausted, but his mind was a little confused. Although he wondered why his husband was here, he subconsciously turned his head and flew to General Dead Blade.

"Are you alright?" General Deathblade asked with concern.

Dark Night Proxima was panting, and put one hand on his shoulder: "Fortunately, why did you come here, could it be that Thanos--ah!"

Her words came to an abrupt end, and a dagger pierced through her heart.

"You..." Proxima Dark Night's voice trembled, looking at her husband, General Deathblade, in disbelief, her broken heart almost instantly took away all her power.

The dead blade shimmered on his body, and then turned into a tall and thin black-haired youth with a faint evil smile on the corner of his mouth, who was not Loki.

"Sorry for letting you see your husband for the last time in this way, it seems that you two are quite in love," said Loki, pulling out his dagger at the same time.

Proxima Dark Night was dead and fell down.

Thor arrived at this time and asked, "Loki, what have you done!"

"Of course to kill the enemy." Loki said casually.

Thor was obviously displeased with his approach: "We should defeat the enemy in an upright manner, this is what a qualified warrior should do."

Loki smiled: "I'm not a warrior, I'm a mage."

Thor: "..."

Rowe's body was burning with tens of thousands of degrees of flame, and at the same time, the wings of holy light on all sides behind him vibrated, like a fiery meteorite, and any enemy that stood in his way would be penetrated or even smashed.

At least a hundred battleships were destroyed by him, and as for the Chitarui flying soldiers who had turned into coke in the heat wave, there were already countless.

However, the scale of the enemy's fleet is too huge. There are tens of thousands of large and small warships, filling the sky, and the intensive artillery fire is overwhelming.

Although he and Thor and other Asgardian powerhouses killed the Quartet, in general, the defenders were somewhat passive.

Under the fire of the sky, about one-third of the defensive guns of the Skrull Fortress have been destroyed.

Even the tens of thousands of troops brought by Luo Wei, the elite rebels from various planets, at a glance, I am afraid that two or three thousand people died in battle Luo Wei looked around, and immediately rose to the top. From the highest place, looking down from a height, the holy light in his eyes is surging.

He opened his hands, and the dazzling holy light brewed between his fingers, quickly condensed into a holy light polyhedron, and swirled between his hands.

Holy Prism!

Rowe raised his hand, and the Holy Prism shot out, flying towards a place where the crowd was fighting, where thousands of enemies were fighting with his troops.

The extremely fast rotating sacred prism flew in in a blink of an eye, and then burst open.

Thousands of holy lights were released from the sacred prism and shot in all directions - this process was very brief, even less than a millionth of a second.


After the momentary flash, the dense voice sounded almost at the same time.

Hit by these holy lights, the enemies were all killed and wounded, whether the Cree or the Chitauri were killed or injured.

Allies will also be hit by the Holy Light, but the effect is healing, and the wounds on the body are quickly healed.

The holy light of the holy prism has a killing or healing effect on living beings, and when it encounters dead objects, it is directly poured into it and attached to weapons, armor, and decks.

Then Luo Wei pointed out.

Holy Shock!

"Boom boom-"

Along with a series of explosions, the holy light poured into the enemy's items was detonated one after another, causing secondary damage.

After two kills, the hundreds of enemies here were swept away.

In contrast, the soldiers who were fighting with him just now recovered from their injuries, strengthened their weapons, and their strength increased instantly.

Luo Wei released several sacred prisms one after another, with both life and death, and the effect was excellent. It's a pity that this spell consumes a lot of money, otherwise he will definitely keep releasing it and end the battle quickly and gracefully.