Chapter 492: 【HELLA support】

After Loki killed Proxima Night, he picked up the halberd she had left behind, and after waving it twice, he felt quite handy.

"Good stuff." Loki said with a smile.

Although he is a mage, which man does not desire to have a powerful melee weapon.

What's more, this weapon of Proxima Centauri is thick and long, and can be far or near. It is not only suitable for close combat, but also has a strong launching function, and the output beam power is amazing.

"Boom!" He slashed his halberd in one fell swoop, and a bright beam of light shot out, wiping out a nearby group of Qitarui flying soldiers.

Thor shook his head and returned to the fight.

As soon as he swiped Mjolnir, he rushed to a huge Cree warship in the sky amid the thunder and storm. This is one of the largest warships in the Cree fleet.

"Boom boom-"

The giant battleship turned many gun barrels and fired a salvo, and the intensive artillery fire came crashing down.

Thor accelerated the speed of turning the warhammer, and along the plane generated by the rotation, dazzling thunder surged out, forming a circular surface composed of thunder, blocking him.

The dense artillery fire was mostly separated by the Thunder, and he took this opportunity to quickly pass through the area covered by the artillery fire, rushed straight to the vicinity of the battleship's engine, and vigorously swung the warhammer.


Thunder shot out, and an engine on the left side of the giant battleship suffered a devastating blow and stopped running.

The suspended posture of the giant battleship tilted slightly, but it still had many engines running, each of which was a big guy more than ten meters long, outputting strong power and jointly supporting the huge volume of the battleship.

Thor was followed by another hammer, and the engine in front of him became several large pieces and fell from the battleship one after another. He grabbed these fragments and threw them around, and some nearby flying soldiers and small warships were defeated by them.

Immediately, he was about to rush in along the crack of the battleship, but at this moment, a ferocious cyan light beam suddenly shot out from the ship, blasting him out of nowhere.

Thor clutched his chest that was hit, gritted his teeth, quickly fixed his body, then looked up, and saw a stern-looking Kree floated out of the battleship, holding a long gray hammer in his hand.

"Supreme accuser, Hulan." Thor recognized the Kree, and the other party was Hulan, the leader of the Kree accusation group, the most powerful existence in the Kree Empire—probably not one of them.

"Prince Thor of Asgard, let me test your strength!" Hu Lan swung the warhammer in one fell swoop, and a blue light immediately appeared.

Immediately, Thor was shocked, but he suddenly felt an invisible force grabbing him and pulling him straight forward.

He hurriedly raised his hand and threw Miaolnir, and the warhammer, wrapped in thunder and storms, went straight to the accuser, Hulan, with an endless roar.

Hu Lan shouted and waved his warhammer to meet Miaoernir.


Hearing a loud bang, under the violent impact, Miaolnir did not break through the obstacles like before, but flew back upside down, almost hitting Thor himself.

Kulan swung the hammer again, this time targeting Thor, who was dragged closer.

Thor was shocked by the power of this supreme accuser, and did not dare to be careless.


The two hammers collided, and it was Thor who used the strength to suckle, but he was still not the opponent of the supreme accuser. Even the man and the hammer were knocked out and knocked over a battleship.

"Prince of the Asa Protoss, it seems like this." Hu Lan sneered, and was about to shoot at Thor again.

But his intention was stopped abruptly by a yellow light beam sneaking at a tricky angle behind him, which made him stagger in the air.

Loki arrived quickly in his hand, raised his halberd high, and slashed straight to the high accuser from top to bottom.

Fortunately, Kulan reacted in time and blocked the blow, otherwise he would have been seriously injured.

Afterwards, Loki took advantage of the situation to attack, gritted his teeth, and slashed wildly with the halberd in his hand, looking like a berserker.

Thor also flew back and attacked the supreme accuser, Hu Lan, with his younger brother. With the cooperation of the brothers, the powerful supreme accuser was also somewhat passive for a while.

But this situation only lasted less than half a minute.

When Thor's King's Blessing was over, and Hulan got used to the situation of being besieged, the situation immediately reversed, and the brothers became passively defending, while Hulan attacked from left and right, firmly gaining the upper hand.

At this time, a rainbow beam of light suddenly descended from the sky, dazzling, and immediately gathered everyone's attention.

"It's the Rainbow Bridge!"

"Asgard's reinforcements are here!"

Luo Wei naturally noticed the Rainbow Bridge for the first time, and immediately smiled: "His Royal Highness, you are here!"

Hela, who was wearing a leather armor, came to him and looked at the battlefield in the sky: "I didn't expect the battle to be so fierce."

Rowe: "Both Kree and Thanos have sent a strong lineup, and more importantly, the number is huge, and some of them are almost invincible, so the battle has continued until now It seems that I am here at the right time. ." At the same time as Hela spoke, with her as the center, a series of sharp swords quickly condensed in the nearby midair.

Compared with the initial awakening of divine power, the second awakening of Hela's divine power is obviously much smoother, and it has already been completed. Coupled with the blessing of the incomparably powerful Asgard power, her strength is even stronger than today's Luo Wei. Be a lot stronger.

After a while, thousands of sharp swords condensed and gradually aimed at the target.

After aiming at the target, Hela waved and pulled, and these sharp swords flew out one after another, forming a rain of swords, from bottom to top, the mountains and tsunamis went straight to the many battleships of the Kree and Chitarui.

"Boom! Boom boom boom..."

Immediately afterwards, the sound of dense explosions resounded through the sky. Under the bombardment of this wave of sword rain, hundreds of enemy warships were destroyed in the sky, and the flames of the explosion came one after another.

After a round, Hela began to condense the sharp swords again, and thousands of sharp swords reconstructed from nearby materials appeared in mid-air, pointing to the new round of attack targets.

"Your Highness," said Rowe suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Hela looked at him.

Luo Wei didn't speak, but opened his hands, and quickly generated several sacred prisms. These sacred prisms were rotated at an extreme speed, and he was thrown into the middle of Hela's thousands of sharp swords.

Immediately, these sacred prisms exploded together, and the released holy light instantly poured into thousands of sharp swords, causing them to show a faint color of holy light.

"I think we can destroy more targets this time," Rowe said.

Hela understood, smiled slightly, and then dragged these swords filled with holy light to the new attack target.

This time they were more scattered, and their sharp edges were aimed at more than a thousand battleships of the Cree and the Chitauri.