Chapter 493: 【Kerry Charge Team】

Thousands of sharp swords rushed into the sky one after another, and the sharp edges cut through the air, causing bursts of whistling sounds.

As they tore through the armor and penetrated the interior of the battleship, Rowe also began to detonate the Holy Light, a series of explosions one after another in the air.

"Boom! Boom boom boom..."

In the intensive sound of explosions, the battleships of the Cree and the Chitarui were quickly damaged by more than a thousand, and the explosion of fireballs filled the sky.

Since the battle has been going on, their battleships have already lost a lot, and the losses caused by this round of attacks have directly reduced their remaining fleet by one-tenth.

Such a drastic battle damage immediately dealt a serious blow to their morale, and soon a few warships defected and chose to flee, turning around and flying to outer space.

On the other side, Thor, Loki and the supreme accuser Kulan's battle is still going on.

Hu Lan had completely mastered the situation, and swung the sledgehammer even arrogantly, while Thor and Loki had almost no defensive strength, and were beaten unilaterally by the supreme accuser.

Inside the giant Kree battleship, some Kree people were excited, especially Ronan, who was the most enthusiastic. Warrior! Sooner or later, Odin will surrender at your feet!"

The Kree man next to him looked at Ronan with more or less contempt in his eyes.

Although they also admired Hulan, Ronan's remarks were a bit exaggerated. In their opinion, it was more like shameless flattery.

It is the power of the greedy leader, lowly!

Ronan has always been this way, but in fact, he is not the sycophant many of his colleagues see.

It's okay to say flattering words against your will once or twice, but it is very difficult to persist for a long time. Ronan can always be like this, because he really worships the leader Kulan from the heart and fervently.

Even if he was talking to himself at home, he would praise Kulan in this way. Every word of Kulan could arouse his sincere resonance and unreserved approval.

As a core member of the accusation team, Ronan may be the most powerful fan of the entire Kerry Empire.


The Kulan Warhammer swept across, causing a violent sonic boom in the air.

Although the brothers avoided the warhammer itself, the weapon of the supreme accuser was obviously not just a simple impact, but also carried a powerful force field, and the two were knocked flying by the force field.

Thor is better, after all, the skin is rough and the flesh is thick.

In contrast, Loki was a mage after all, and he was about to go into shock after being beaten so badly.

"Huh...huh..." Loki struggled to grab the edge of the battleship, barely keeping himself from falling, panting.

"Is this the so-called god?" The supreme accuser, Hu Lan, flew in front of him, grabbed his throat, and gradually exerted strength in his hands.

Loki, who was seriously injured, rolled his eyes immediately.

Am I going to die? He thought in horror.

No, this is too shameful, I am Odin's son, and I must not be strangled to death!

Loki regained some consciousness and fighting spirit, and struggled hard.

However it didn't work.

Fortunately, Hulan didn't actually plan to kill him. After all, if Loki died here, Asgard might fully participate in the war. In contrast, capturing Loki and Thor alive is obviously a better choice.

After a few struggles, Loki passed out.

However, at this moment, a glittering, extremely fast-rotating polyhedron suddenly flew from not far away and appeared near the two of them in an instant.

A hint of doubt flashed in Hu Lan's eyes.

He could naturally feel that this polyhedron contained extraordinary energy, but he didn't understand why it flew here. Could the Asgardians plan to kill their prince together?

His doubts only lasted for a moment, but it still made him miss the opportunity to evade and defend.

"Boom!" Immediately, the rapidly rotating golden polyhedron exploded, and thousands of dazzling holy lights were released from it, most of which shot into him and Loki.

Although they were both shot by the Holy Light, the effects were completely different.

"Ah!" Hu Lan screamed loudly. Under the impact of hundreds of holy lights, he was instantly bruised and bruised.

And Loki immediately regained consciousness, and took the opportunity to break free of Hulan, and at the same time his injuries quickly recovered.

If he turned his head and looked at it, he saw that Luo Wei had appeared not far away, and the magic floating cloak was fluttering behind him.

Rowe looked around. I have to say that the leader of Kerry's accusation group did have extraordinary strength. Thor and Loki were both crushed together, and Loki was knocked out on the spot.

Moreover, after being attacked by the Holy Prism, Hu Lan seemed to still have fighting power, and was watching him from a distance.

The Cree had such a strong man, which surprised him a little.

"Sun God..." Hu Lan endured the pain all over his body and said, still clenching the warhammer in his hand. Thanks to the strong armor he wears, he resists most of the damage.

Inside the battleship, looking at the supreme accuser who was suddenly seriously injured, all the Cree people fell into great anger and fear.

"What just happened!"

"Why didn't the golden bomb hurt Loki Could the bomb still identify the enemy?" The Kree obviously couldn't understand the scene just now.

"This is bad, the leader of Hulan is seriously injured now, and he is definitely not the opponent of the Asgard Sun God..."

"And the goddess of death, the situation is irreversible, let's run!"

Ronan was angry at this: "Flee? What are you talking about! We should keep fighting!"

At this moment, the other accusers finally began to realize that Ronan did not seem to be a sycophant, but a fanatical admirer of Hulan.

Moreover, the choices of Ronan and Hulan coincided, and Hulan finally chose to stick to the fight, waved the warhammer without fear, and rushed to the **** Asa who symbolized the sun.

Luo Wei's expression remained unchanged, and he stretched out his finger lightly.

Holy Shock!

Hulan was wearing a very strong armor. These armors blocked most of the holy light, but the holy light emitted by the holy prism did not dissipate, but poured into the armor.

Inspired by the Holy Shock, the holy light in the armor exploded immediately.


Before Hu Lan could get close, he was severely injured again, and the blood mixed with some organ fragments spewed out of his mouth, shaky.

Immediately, Rowe appeared in front of him, wielding the power of flame and swinging the Sulfuron warhammer, the flames turned his head into coke.

"The leader is dead!"

"Supreme accuser!" the Kree shouted, and the atmosphere of defeat quickly spread.

Ronan opened his mouth, watching this scene in disbelief, trembling and speechless: "This..."

The scribbled death makes Hulan Shicai's bravery seem meaningless.

For the first time, a thought appeared in Ronan's mind: perhaps, staying alive is also a choice...