Chapter 495: 【Sentry Project】

Ronan was stunned, and then hesitantly asked, "Supreme Wisdom, is the last choice of leader Hulan really wrong?"

"There are indeed many meaningless actions in this world, bravery beyond one's limits, worthless sacrifices... These actions seem to be unnecessary to implement." Supreme Wisdom said slowly.

Then he changed the subject: "The problem, however, is that the opposite of meaningless action is not necessarily meaningful."

"what do you mean?"

Supreme Wisdom: "It is wise to preserve strength, but Kulan at that time did not have a better choice. He could not be an opponent of the Sun God. Now he at least maintains the dignity that a warrior should have."

"...Intelligent life often has the illusion that it can choose between good and bad, but the reality is that people can only choose between bad and worse."

"For example, no creature can choose whether to die, whether it is an ant, or you or me, all we can choose is to choose a decent form at the time of death. There is no doubt that Hulan has achieved this. From this perspective, We don't have to blame him."

Ronan was silent for a while, then nodded: "I understand, Supreme Wisdom."

The Supreme Wisdom added: "Getting rid of the worship of the individual is a rare progress, and every Kree who does this can be appreciated by me."

After a pause, he continued: "Hu Lan was also very optimistic about you when he was alive, so I decided to appoint you as the new supreme accuser, and you will continue to lead the accusation team of the Kerry Empire."

"Would you like, Ronan?"

"Yes." Of course, the order of Supreme Wisdom cannot be disobeyed, not to mention the order of promotion, so Ronan said without hesitation.

Then he returned to the real world. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw all the accusers around him kneeling on one knee to show their respect: "The supreme accuser!"


United States, New Jersey.

This is a training base for the Strategic Science Corps. At this moment, several of the most outstanding scientists and engineers in the United States are sitting together and discussing their plans.

It is strange to say that two of the scientists are dwarfs. They are also sitting on chairs. Others can show their upper bodies, but the two of them can only stretch their necks above the table, looking like they are lying on the dining table. child, quite funny.

Of course, although everyone can look down on the figures of these two people, almost no one can underestimate their intelligence. They are the smartest group of scientists in the world.

One of the dwarves was flipping through the document in his hand and said slowly: "..."Sentry Project" is completely feasible in theory. According to the current analysis of the genetic information of mutants, we have already initially understood the genetics of mutant abilities. Base. "

"Besides, Mystique's genetic information has given us a lot to gain. It allows us to spy on her unique ability to imitate and replicate."

Another fat dwarf said, "Has the experiment been done?"

The other party asked back, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone: "Are you referring to human experiments, Dr. Zola? If so, I think you should know more."

The dwarf known as Zora fell silent.

Dr. Anim Zola was originally a member of the Nazi Germany, a subordinate of the notorious Red Skull.

After the end of World War II, in order to improve its scientific and technological strength, the United States launched "Operation Paperclip" and accepted a large number of sodium-based scientists. Therefore, Zola became an American and entered the Strategic Science Corps, which is the future S.H.I.E.L.D.

As an old man, naturally no one understands human experiments better than him.

Zola is not good at speaking, but this remark clearly upsets another scientist, who is tall and bearded, which makes him look more like a mercenary in the Middle East: "Dr. Tresk, you should show respect. Point. It's a bad history, but we have no choice but to serve Sodium."

"Sorry, Crowe," Trisk said.

At this time, the host of the meeting, Howard Stark, said after a moment of hesitation: "Trexker, the Sentinel Project cannot continue. "

Trisk was stunned: "Why? We have seen the first light, and if we go down this road, we can definitely make sentinel robots and use their power to fight mutants."

"Maybe it's not just against this sentinel robot may bring the mutants to extinction in the future." Howard shook his head.

"Wouldn't that be better?" Trisk said. "Did you forget about the Cuban missile incident. Mutants nearly destroyed humanity."

Howard looked at him: "The Cuban missile incident was just Sebastian Shaw's conspiracy, not the fault of all mutants. Just like we can't punish everyone who served the Nativity for Hitler's crimes."

This sentence was immediately supported by Zola: "Yes, I support Howard's opinion."

"Me too," Crowe said.

Trisk paused.

Howard also knew that this was not enough to convince him, so he added: "Of course there are more important reasons. You may not know that the **** who appeared in the Cuban waters has specially warned us not to provoke and mutants. conflict."

"You mean the ancient Egyptian sun god?"

Howard: "Actually, according to the research of the Strategic Science Corps, many of the sun **** images in myths originated from him. If you want to know more, I can give you permission."

Trisk fell silent.

Howard continued: "The warning from the sun god, I have already conveyed it to the White House. If this sentinel plan continues, not only me, but the White House will also come forward to obstruct it. It is better to stop now."

Although he has moved out of the White House, Dresk is obviously still a little unwilling: "But...this is my life's work!"

"No, Trisk, there is no such thing as a 'pure theory'. When Einstein came up with the mass-energy equation, and when people saw the huge coefficient before mass, the emergence of nuclear weapons was inevitable," Howard said. "The Sentinel's Once the theory is perfected, it's only a matter of time before robots appear."