Chapter 496: 【Zola and Howard】

"So should I destroy my current research?" Trisk said.

Howard thought for a while: "It doesn't have to be like this. It can be frozen indefinitely. The frozen data is kept by the Strategic Science Corps, and only the top person in charge of the Corps or the president has the right to unfreeze it."

Trisk was silent for a moment, and finally sighed: "Okay..."

Several people talked for about half an hour, and then each left, leaving only Howard Starkhaanim Zola in the room.

"Cough cough—" Zora coughed violently a few times, as if to cough out her lungs. After coughing, she leaned back on the chair and panted slightly.

"You have pneumonia?" Howard poured him a glass of water. "You seemed to be coughing from time to time."

Zola shook his head: "No."

Howard seemed slightly relieved and handed him the cup.

However, Zola went on to say: "It's cancer."

"What?" Howard was taken aback, thinking he had heard it wrong.

Zola took a deep breath: "I have cancer, Howard, and it's terminal, and I don't have much time."

The countdown of the colleague around him was about to end his life. The news was obviously too sudden. Howard didn't know what to say for a while.

Zola said with some emotion: "Human beings are really small. We have been on the road of science for so many years, but we are still helpless in the face of cancer."

Compared with other people, Zola obviously has a deeper feeling on this point.

He is a first-class scientist with the highest intelligence of human beings, but his body is a dwarf. Now he has cancer and is about to die in pain.

"I don't want to be a human anymore, Howard." After a while, Zora said such a sentence.

Howard didn't understand: "What do you mean?"

"Ahem..." Zora coughed again, then continued, "I want to save my consciousness in a computer so I don't have to be killed by cancer, or suffer from other forms of sickness, death, some kind of To a certain extent, immortality is achieved.”

As he said that, he pressed a button, and a portrait of himself appeared on the computer screen next to him.

Howard blinked in disbelief: "You... you succeeded?"

"Of course not yet, this is just a test item." Zola said slowly, "Although it uses my image, it is actually just the consciousness of a cat."

"Howard, will you do this in the future?" He changed his words. "I'm not sure if I can complete my plan before I die, but I will keep the technical information and believe that you have the ability to complete it."

Howard shook his head: "Frankly, I don't approve of this eternal life."


Howard: "No creature can live forever. This is not only a physical shackle, but also a spiritual defect. Even if we can live a very long time with the help of technology, we will lose ourselves over a long period of time, and eventually we will enter some form of die."

After a pause, he continued: "In contrast, I hope to create a perfect intelligence, not only immortal in body, but also immortal in spirit, omniscient and omniscient, able to solve all problems, eliminate all misfortunes, and eradicate all evils ."

Talking, Howard couldn't help showing a deep yearning, which shows that this desire is rooted in his heart.

After being silent for two seconds, Zola asked, "But what does he have to do with you? He can exist until the universe perishes, but you are already dead."

Howard: "I created him, and he is my continuation in life. Spiritually, I am a subset of him. He has all my knowledge and ideas. To a certain extent, this is also equivalent to me getting immortality."

"Nice idea," Zola said.

"I also know that this is unrealistic." Howard smiled, and then said, "Anyway, Zola, I hope you can finally overcome the disease."

"Thank you." Zola nodded.

Howard stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, then turned and left the room.

There was only Zola left in the room. He leaned on the seat and looked at himself on the computer screen, and fell into a long meditation...


some distant planet.

A handsome long-haired man slowly descended from the sky, looked around, and seemed to be searching for something. He is not someone else, but the **** Egg.

After being destroyed by Rowe, Egg was naturally unwilling to let it go But soon he knew Rowe's identity, the sun **** of Asgard, which immediately dispelled his original revenge plan .

The Asa **** himself is powerful, and has a power called holy light to restrain and restrain evil. Egg understands that no matter how strong his human avatar is, it cannot be his opponent.

The main body is strong enough, but Egg does not dare to let the main body go to Luo Wei's trouble.

After all, Asgard's most well-known weapon is the Rainbow Bridge, which is a super star-bursting weapon. If he ran to Asgard as a living planet, wouldn't he be asking for his own death.

Therefore, after thinking for a while, Egg came up with another way: to create a species to go to Asgard's troubles instead of himself. Although most likely won't be able to kill Rowe, it can make him feel more comfortable.

But this is obviously not an easy task. Although he has the ability to create creatures, even if ordinary creatures are created, it is impossible to cause any trouble to Asgard.

It has to be a species that is powerful enough or has something unique to have the potential to cause some trouble for the Asgardians.

So in order to create an ideal creature, Egg searched around in the universe, trying to get some inspiration from the countless lives that have evolved in nature, so as to find a reference for him to create.

Egg roams the planet, hunting for life here.

At this moment, a group of soldiers suddenly came into his sight. The members of this team of warriors are obviously not of the same race and have different looks.

The leader of them was a blue-skinned man with a red cockscomb head and an arrow stuck in his waist. He was walking and laughing with a few people around him.

Egg didn't intend to let these lives go, so he instantly appeared in front of them.

"Who are you!" A soldier was shocked and pointed his gun at Egg.