Chapter 497: 【Wanderer】

Egg immediately pulled out the Yaka arrow inserted in his chest, put it in his hand and looked at it, his eyes returned to Yondu.

Yongdu was a little stunned at this time. He didn't know why this person could be safe after being shot in the heart, and he could pull out the arrow at will.

Egg has also heard about Centaur's most well-known Yaka arrow, and knew that very few people can manipulate this arrow. They are all rare animals. I didn't expect to encounter one today.

This led him to change his mind in the end, no longer wanted to kill Yondu, but wanted to take advantage of it.

"What's your name?" Egg asked with a smile, while returning the Yaka arrow to Yondu, as if nothing had happened.

"I..." Yondu was a little flustered and took a few steps back.

With a wave of Egg, a few blue lights poured out from the palm of his hand and shot into the bodies of the soldiers who fell to the ground.

After the blue light entered their bodies, they actually got up from the ground, looking like they were resurrected, which made Yondu surprised and happy, and his vigilance relaxed a lot.

But in fact, this is not a real resurrection. Egg is here to collect life. Naturally, he will not kill these people on the spot, but will only knock them down to the ground.

After a few people got up from their injuries, they looked at each other, and they all understood that the man in front of them was a powerful being they couldn't understand, and their resistance was meaningless in front of him.

Egg said slowly: "You broke into my territory. I wanted to kill you directly, but I didn't expect that there are talents among you who can manipulate Yaka arrows, so I changed my mind."

He looked at Yongdu again: "What's your name?"

Yongdu swallowed and said cautiously, " name is Yongdu."

"Yondu." Egg nodded, "Very good, Yondu, in order to pay for your sins, you need to do one thing for me."

"What's up?"

Egg said: "Find my lost child for me."

Yongdu breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that it was not difficult, and agreed on the spot, nodded and said, "Okay, I promise you."

"I have lost more children."


Egg shook his head and said, "I can't remember, maybe a few hundred."

"Hundreds!" Yondu's eyes widened, and the other fighters were also in disbelief.

It is enough to give birth to hundreds of children, and it is too exaggerated to actually lose them.

Egg smiled slightly: "In fact, this is only a small part of my offspring. You should know that no matter what species, the stronger the male, the more offspring."

"These children were born out of my carelessness, I hadn't thought about them before, and now it's time to pick them up," he continued, "They're spread over hundreds of planets, and I'll give you some of my The information that can be recalled, your task is to find them based on this information."

Yondu and a few companions looked at each other and felt very embarrassed... How to find children scattered on hundreds of planets?

At this time, Egg threw out an interstellar check: "This is the deposit, and I will pay you extra for every child you find for me."

Seeing the amount on the Interstellar cheque, Yondu and the others couldn't help being surprised.

Then Egg raised his hand and released a few more blue lights, and the blue light flashed into the bodies of Yondu and the others: "If you don't follow my instructions honestly, I can make you disappear from this world at any time, understand?"

Under the coercion and temptation, Yongdu several people were in a cold sweat and had to quickly agree: "Understood, we will do our best."

After a while, Egg left.

Yondu and several others also left here, and a person on the road whispered: "Boss, I don't think this guy is a good person, do we really want to do things for him?"

Yongdu was also a little apprehensive, but still said: "We are just looking for the lost child for him. Even if he is really an evil person, he will definitely not hurt his own child."

"Maybe, but with so many children, when are we going to find out..."

"I think we should be more optimistic." Some people are not worried but happy, "Look at how generous he pays us. If we can find hundreds of children, we can definitely make a fortune!"

"I have a question, brothers, does this count as child trafficking? Chief Starka strictly forbids us to deal with children."

Someone immediately said: "It's a good thing to find the lost child for the father, how can it be considered child abduction."


Egg's human clone returned to his planet body, with some strange life collected from aliens.

He manipulated his blue energy to vivisection these beings one by one, observing the imprints of nature's evolution in their blood and bones.

In the process, the dissected life wailed in despair, but to no avail.

On this planet, even a flower is following Egg's will.

After dissecting for a long time, Egg found almost nothing of value, and couldn't help but say: "A group of inferior creatures!"

"Boom!" Before he finished speaking, the red-skinned humanoid that was undergoing his dissection was suddenly smashed, turned into a pile of minced meat and blood and fell to the ground, becoming the fertilizer to nourish the planet.

Egg looked at the remaining few beings. These beings included birds and beasts, as well as human figures, but now in his opinion, they were all inferior creatures that were unlikely to bring him inspiration from creation.

At this moment, he looked up with a sense of awareness.

I saw that in the starry sky, a huge spaceship was approaching here, and it entered the atmosphere and landed on the ground in a short time.

After the spacecraft landed, the hatch opened and a group of humanoids came out.

Most of them have khaki skin, half human and half bird. The wings and claws of the eagle are spliced ​​on the human torso. These half human and half avian creatures are tall, almost two meters or more, and they look very strong.

"It seems that there is no intelligent life settled here, it is an ideal planet!" They looked at the surrounding scene and said excitedly.

"We can finally stop wandering!"

"This is going to be our new home. It's called New Ecopia, what do you think?"

"I hope the Planet Devourer will not come to you again..."

Egg quickly came to the vicinity of the spaceship, and while approaching them, he looked at these half-human half-avian uninvited guests with interest: "Who are you?"

These strong creatures who are half human and half bird also noticed him, and they couldn't help but be surprised: "There is intelligent life!"

Egg said: "In fact, I just passed by here. As far as I know, there is no other intelligent life on this planet."

This made the half-human, half-avian humanoids a little relieved, but there was still a lot of discussion, and one of them stepped forward and said: "We are Ecopians, from Ecopia, and our homeland was devoured by the Planet Eater. , so had to wander the universe, looking for new settlements... Are you an interstellar explorer?"

"Ecopia..." Egg didn't answer, and murmured the name several times.

"Are you an interstellar explorer, to which civilization?" the Ecopian asked again.

Egg smiled slightly: "You guys look good."

"What?" The Ecopians were stunned, not knowing why.

However, at this moment, the earth suddenly trembled slightly, and countless blue rays of light poured out from the ground, like tentacles, rushing towards the panicked Ecopians.

"What is this!"


The Ecopians tried to resist, but to no avail, the tentacles of energy from Egg's body quickly overpowered them, and the dissection began.

Egg came to one of the Ecopians, manipulated his energy tentacles into tens of thousands of hair-like threads, and then pierced into the other's body, tearing open his skin and flesh.

"Ah—" the Ecopian who was dissected wailed in pain.

And Egg looked at the wriggling internal organs of this Ecopian, his face gradually showed joy, and then said: "A masterpiece of nature!"

He has been searching in the universe for several years, but he has not found the ideal blueprint for life as the basis for his creation of species. Unexpectedly, there was nowhere to look after breaking through the iron shoes, and it took no effort to get it, and what I wanted was delivered to the door by myself.

When Egg's innards were revealed to Egg, he quickly realized that these Ecopians were his perfect reference for his creation.

Inspired by nature, Egg began to try to create his own species by imitating the structure of the Ecopians.

Under his control, the surging blue energy was woven into flesh, bones, skin, wings... A tall humanoid creature gradually took shape.

The first product came out, and it looked 70-80% similar to the Ecopian, the biggest difference being that the skin was blue.

Of course, in reality, this creature was fundamentally different from the Ecopians: the soul.

The law of the soul is one of the basic laws of the universe. As a god, Egg is far from understanding this law, so he can only create low-level beasts or plants, but cannot create independent intelligent life.

Although this blue creature looks very similar to the Ecopians, it is essentially a beast that only knows **** and reproduce, and is very good at killing and multiplying.

That's enough for Egg.

Then he created another female and made a pair: "You're called 'Wanderers'. "

"Roar—" The two wanderers flapped their wings and let out bursts of roars, they were already hungry and thirsty.