Chapter 498: [Soul Mark: Illidan]

"I was imprisoned for 10,000 years and then expelled from my hometown. Now you dare to break into my territory, you are asking for your own death!!"

In the dark temple of the experience space, Illidan's familiar lines sounded again, and then Rowe challenged the legendary demon hunter.

He turned on the four-winged angel form, wielded the Sulfuron Warhammer and the Demon Slayer Sword, turned into a golden rainbow and charged towards Illidan.

"Boom!" Only a loud noise was heard, but it was Illidan wielding the Azzinoth War Blade to block, provoking a violent collision.

Unlike the first challenge, Rowe did not integrate the Sulfuron warhammer into his arm this time, so he did not have the terrifying power of the unicorn arm.

The two sides collided, and each took a step back, as if it was a five-to-five trend.

"Feel this 10,000-year hatred!" Illidan burst out with blue demonic flames, and at the same time fanned the huge fleshy wings behind him and flew into the sky.

Luo Wei also followed and flew into the sky. The two moved from side to side in the sky. In just a few moments, they fought hundreds of times back and forth, and the battle became more and more intense.

Although the outcome has not yet been decided, Rowe has gradually gained the upper hand. The speed of the four wings is also better than that of Illidan, which makes Illidan faintly fall into a passive situation.

Finally, his fleshy wings flew into the air, the demonic aura on his body increased sharply, and black energy like a dark cloud quickly enveloped his body.

The demonic energy like a dark cloud changed Illidan's image, transforming him from a unique night elf into a huge demon.

The huge black wings vibrated gently, and it was the devilish aura that was blowing towards him.

Seeing Illidan transform, Rowe has no reservations.

"Boom--" With the whistling of a burst of flames, the Sulfuron warhammer immediately turned into a flame shape and merged into the right hand, just like the fiery Sulfuron's hand forged by Ulu clenched the Demon Slayer Sword.

Immediately, his wings vibrated, and he went straight to Illidan with the Demon Slayer Sword in hand.


"Boom!" The bright brilliance of punishment burst out on Illidan's arm, and the black energy burst into a crack, revealing a wound with visible flesh and blood inside.

When the wound healed quickly, before Illidan could make a move, Rowe roared and used twelve points of speed, turning into a dazzling golden rainbow, interspersed around Illidan.

Jin Hong's trajectory was woven into a large net, which bound the figure of the demon hunter.

During the battle, Illidan seemed to release mana to burn again.

This trick not only hurts, but also burns a lot of mana, and Luo Wei naturally doesn't want to eat it.

So he simply took the lead and used all the remaining mana directly, and a series of holy light spells poured out in a very short period of time - as long as there is no mana, the burning of mana is meaningless.

Lay on Hands! Holy storm! Blessed Hammer! Judgment! King Blessing! Holy Blessing!

In the face of such wild firepower, Illidan was caught off guard, especially the holy storm. The huge killing range included his whole body, and a lot of disciplinary holy light swept across his body crazily.

He immediately fell to the ground with a painful cry, and Rowe took advantage of the situation, facing Illidan's forehead, and slashing the Demon Slayer Sword in his hand.

Big wood, big wood, big wood!

After a while, with a bang, Illidan's demon body burst open and disappeared, and two golden pages appeared at the same time.

Rowe couldn't help but froze for a moment, but he didn't expect that Illidan would explode like other monsters in the end.

Brother Egg is also a hero anyway, is he so out of line?

He looked at these two pages, the first was [Shandis Feathermoon's Friendship], which allowed him to summon Feathermoon to help him when he challenged the existence of level 9 and above.

Actually Rowe didn't think it made sense, and Maiev Shadowsong might be more appropriate.

Another thing surprised him, even shocked.

[Soul Mark: Illidan Stormrage]

As a hero, Illidan exploded like other monsters after being defeated. This is already very out of line, and he even dropped the soul mark!

Before that, Rowe had seen a total of two soul imprints, one from a wolf and one from a tree. Now Illidan is the first intelligent life.

Rowe carefully looked at the description of the soul imprint.

[The imprint of the soul of the hero Illidan Stormrage, apply the imprint to the dead target and release Lay on Hands to achieve resurrection, and the resurrected will gain some of the characteristics and power of Illidan Stormrage... Only the resurrected and Yili Dan is highly compatible in spirit, and only after resurrection can he gain powerful power. 】

After reading this description, Luo Wei couldn't help feeling a little unbelievable.

Hero Soul Mark + Lay on Hands = Resurrection!

More importantly, the resurrected people will also have some of Illidan's characteristics and output Does this not summon Illidan to the real world to a certain extent?

Rowe almost immediately wanted to find a dead soldier to revive, but he soon gave up the idea.

After all, it was mentioned later in the description that only if the resurrected person and Illidan are highly compatible in spirit can they gain powerful power. It is estimated that it is not meaningful to find an ordinary person to resurrect this, and such a precious opportunity is wasted.

In the Marvel universe, who is more compatible with Illidan?

Rowe fell into a long reverie...

After a long while, he exited the experience space and returned to his own room in the real world.

He first got up to check a bottle of gray potion, which was the sixth-level potion crime and punishment distortion he made according to the holy deed formula.

The preparation of this potion is quite troublesome, mainly because it also requires a long period of standing.

The newly prepared criminal punishment medicine is almost solid and very viscous. It takes several years of standing to turn into a liquid like clear water, and only then can it be used.

Luo Wei shook the potion bottle, and the punishment potion inside was still very viscous, so he put it back.

After going out, Heimdall's voice sounded in his ears: "Rowe, the situation on the battlefield has changed."

"What's changed?" Rowe asked.

Heimdall said: "Those do not know where to find a group of strange species called "rogues", these human-shaped raptors are strong and ferocious, not afraid of death, and have extraordinary reproductive ability, the number is growing very rapidly, killing Invincible to kill. "

"As long as rogues are put on the battlefield, they can quickly change the situation of the battle. Mortal warriors are not their opponents at all. Even Protoss warriors will be in danger when facing the siege of a group of rogues."

And such a thing?