Chapter 499: [The real thoughts of Thanos]

As soon as Luo Wei raised his hand, the overwhelming flames rushed out, and in a blink of an eye, these dozens of wanderers who were half human and half birds were wrapped in them.

"Ow—" Immediately, a howl was heard, and most of these beasts turned into corpses and fell to the ground, only one of them was captured by Luo Wei.

Looking at the rogue who, although in human form, bites and roars like a beast, Rowe can't help frowning.

Generally speaking, humanoids are mostly intelligent beings, especially humanoids with the ability to walk upright.

However, the wanderer in front of him, although he looks like a humanoid, only knows how to fight, and he seems to have almost no consciousness of fear of death. This shows that even among beasts, he is a low-level existence. It really does not seem like a humanoid should have. Performance.

Rowe looked around again, and there were many such blue creatures around, some of which were breeding frantically.

He saw with his own eyes that a rogue with a bulging belly gave birth to a dozen cubs in one go.

These cubs rush out from the mother's birth canal, and can walk and eat almost immediately, and they are not afraid of meat and vegetarian food. They can eat grass and carcasses. Whether it is fishy or stinky, they are all in their mouths. Meat.

Not only that, but they even spared the corpses of the species, which can be said to be unimaginable by others, and impossible without them.

There are no Asgardian troops on this planet, and the number of rogues is very large, so the defenders have long been defeated, and the soldiers' corpses and surrounding plants have become a meal for the beasts.

Rowe flew towards these blue beasts, driving fiery flames. In a short while, he burned the wanderers who had gathered here, leaving behind a scorched corpse.

While burning, he asked Heimdall: "Heimdall, how often can this creature reproduce?"

"Their gestation period is only about seven days, and they can produce about ten offspring at a time. At the same time, the newly born cubs can reproduce again in just one month." Heimdall said in a serious tone.

"The super-powerful reproduction ability has caused the number of rogues to increase sharply. It only takes a few months of expansion for a dozen rogues to destroy a mortal civilization..."

Rowe asked again: "Is there no clue to the origin of the rogues?"

Heimdall: "No clue, so to speak, no one knows where Thanos found this ferocious species and took it for himself."

"Loki has tried to search the rogue's memory, but the rogue is a downright inferior beast with no mind at all, and Loki has found nothing but chaos."

After a pause, he continued: "There are already hundreds of planets where there are traces of wanderers. This kind of creature is spreading across the stars like a plague. I can already foresee that they will be our most troublesome enemies in the future."

In fact, as Heimdall said, these invincible rogues quickly became the most troublesome enemies of the anti-Tao coalition.

Even in one-on-one combat, ferocious rogues outshine most mortals, not to mention their unparalleled numbers.

Only elite troops such as Protoss Warriors or Marauder Corps can effectively combat rogues, but the number is limited and stretched.

Facing the interstellar and exponentially growing army of rogues, the coalition forces quickly lost sight of one another. Hundreds of mortal civilizations were destroyed as a result, and their lives were devastated.

Luo Wei asked Asgard to increase troops several times, but Odin refused to agree. In the end, he couldn't stand Thor's soft and hard bubbles. Odin finally let go, and reluctantly dispatched a thousand more Protoss warriors. ease the situation a little.

Even so, the originally good battle situation was changed due to the appearance of rogues, and the Thanos side regained its glory and continued its expansion plan.

The Kree people also dipped their toe, and beat the Skrulls to pieces, leaving only the Kree Empire among the three major technological empires, and the expansionist ambitions represented by the accuser Ronan rapidly expanded.

While the coalition forces are tired of dealing with the rogues, they are also trying to find out the origins of the rogues in order to find a countermeasure...

Thanos' Sanctuary battleship.

Although the dark quadrant is the core area of ​​the Thanos Legion, in fact, Thanos will appear more in his Templar spaceship, which seems to be a habit he left behind when he was an interstellar pirate.

At this moment, in the huge temple, Thanos and several of his capable subordinates are entertaining an important ally.

"Ego, these wanderers you created are simply the ultimate in life. Reproduction, selfishness, competition, expansion... can consume the environment in a very short period of time, and then perish with it."

Thanos looked at the long-haired man in front of him, and said slowly in a low voice, with a little smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was making a small joke.

From an ordinary person's point of view, what he said is obviously not a good word, but Egg is undoubtedly not a person who pays attention to truth, goodness and beauty. He laughed and didn't care.

The two talked for a while, and Egg said: "We can put rogues on more planets, so that the Asgardians will find it more difficult to deal with, maybe they will admit defeat in a few years, what do you think, Sa North?"

"No." Thanos said without hesitation, "This is just right, more words may cause Asgard to continue to reinforce, and even alarm Odin and Rainbow Bridge."

Hearing the Rainbow Bridge, Egg couldn't help shivering.

There is no doubt that as a living planet, what he is most afraid of is the rainbow bridge of Asgard's starburst artifact. As long as he mentions it, he will instinctively feel a bit of heart palpitations.

If it weren't for the fear of the Rainbow Bridge, he wouldn't be hiding behind the scenes and doing things with rogues.

So after a little thought, Egg agreed with Thanos' view.

Egg left the Templar spaceship, and then Commander Chitauri looked at Thanos: "Master I don't think Odin can take action at all, he is dying of old age, and he has no fighting spirit, If it weren't for the warlike sun god, Asgard would never have fought us to this day."

"Maybe." Thanos was noncommittal, stood up and looked at the galaxy outside the window, silent.

At this time, the supergiant said: "Are you worried that the resources of the universe will be over-consumed by rogues?"

Thanos didn't answer.

Obviously, the superstar knows Thanos better than the others. But even the superstar did not really understand the inner thoughts of the director of the cosmic family planning office.

Thanos really doesn't want the rogues to spread endlessly, crowding out the living space of other beings.

But deep in his heart, his concern for the future living conditions of other species is actually not that important, or even dispensable.

What Thanos really cares about is whether his ideas are recognized or not. As a group of beasts, wanderers naturally don't care.