Chapter 500: 【Magic and Technology】

This is the obsession of the tyrant.

At the time of Titan, his clansmen were extinct, and not many people recognized his plan. In his opinion, this is obviously the only solution to the Titan's predicament - forcibly reducing the population and reducing resource consumption in order to maintain the continuation of the race as a whole.

Under the circumstances at the time, this was the optimal solution for everyone on Titan, and the situation later proved this. The only downside of this solution is probably that it sounds too cruel.

However, it is this only trivial shortcoming that makes Thanos questioned, criticized and even personally attacked within the clan. Almost no one agrees, and even if they agree, they dare not speak up for him.

The original intention of proposing this plan is naturally that Thanos hopes that his ethnic group can continue.

However, when he was regarded as a "heresy" by the clan, no matter how he argued, he could only gain criticism and personal attacks. This original intention was no longer important, and the more important thing was the battle of ideas and ideology.

In any civilization in the universe, the ideological struggle is one of the most irreconcilable conflicts, and almost all advanced civilizations have learned **** lessons on it.

So after escaping from Titan and rising, Thanos launched a series of "holy wars" - like a fanatical religionist.

He believes that as long as he forcibly destroys half of the life in the universe, the remaining life will realize his correctness sooner or later.

It is also for this reason that in the narrative of the film, when Thanos sees that people in the future do not thank him, he will be out of anger, thus changing his mind and deciding to reopen the universe.

Of course, apart from Thanos, no one understands his deepest obsession, and maybe he doesn't even realize it...


On the messy bed, Luo Wei and Hai Layi cuddled with each other, enjoying this rare comfort together.

Since the wanderers spread like a virus in the interstellar space, the coalition forces have become too stretched to take care of all the invaded planets, so that the two have very little time for entertainment.

Fortunately, for some reason, the scale of the rogues has not expanded endlessly. The Thanos Legion has always kept the planets invaded by the rogues at a certain scale, which can just make the coalition overwhelmed.

In addition to this, there is good news. After repeated research, people have gradually found some ways to deal with the proliferation of rogues.

At present, there are two main methods, one is the kinship curse on the magic side, and the other is the genetic modification on the technology side.

The kinship curse specially created for rogues can launch slay attacks on rogues of a family. Because rogues are extremely fecund, some older rogues can often have hundreds of thousands of offspring.

So, by catching an elderly rogue and putting a curse on it, hundreds of thousands or even millions of rogues can be wiped out at once.

Genetic modification on the technology side means that people use genetic technology to create a mutant wanderer with insufficient reproductive capacity.

These mutant rogues are all male, tall and powerful, and are extremely attractive to female rogues, and can easily acquire a large number of mating rights.

However, their reproductive capacity is seriously defective. Although they can also make female rogues pregnant, the females cannot give birth normally after pregnancy, and can only abort and die as a result, thus eliminating a large number of rogues before they are born.

With the help of these two major means, the pressure on the coalition forces has eased recently, and Luo Wei and Hela have also been able to take some time off to do some things they love.

After a while, the two got dressed and left the room, ready to continue to return to the battlefield.

"Big lord." Walking on the road, a chubby super fat man came towards him and greeted the two of them with a salute.

"Is there something important, Hus?" Rowe asked.

This big fat man is the great demon paladin Hus who converted to the Holy Light. Currently, he is one of the senior generals of the coalition army.

Yes, only hopeful. Odin had no interest in this war at all, and Hus was a demon. Even if he had given up on the dark, Odin might not be willing to meet him.

Hus said: "In the past battle, I captured Chitauri's current commander, the other, and got some important information."

"What information?"

"It's about the origin of the wanderer." Hus said slowly, "Through repeated interrogation of others, we learned that the wanderer is a creation of a **** named Egg."

"Egg!" Rowe couldn't help frowning.

Hela looked at him: "Do you know this god?"

Luo Wei nodded: "There has indeed been some contact. He may be the most shameless **** since the birth of the universe."

Hus continued: "According to others, it was Egg who took the initiative to find Thanos and took out the rogue family he created, hoping to fight Asgard with Thanos..."

There is no doubt that Egg did this apparently because Rowe had destroyed his clone before.

Of course, there may be another reason. He did this to avenge Odin's revenge. After all, Odin killed several gods. If Egg is indeed a real **** group, it can be regarded as Asgard. archenemy.

However, Rowe expressed doubts about Egg's identity. This guy has a peculiar origin, and is despicable and shameless. It really doesn't look like a formally established **** group. At least the **** group is generally maintaining the order of the universe.

"Any more details?" Rowe asked.

Hus shook his head: "No. Egg never personally participated in the battle, and hardly ever made a public appearance. Only a few people such as Thanos knew of his existence."

Rowe was silent for a moment and looked at Hela next to him: "As far as I know, this Egg's body is a living planet I plan to ask His Majesty Odin to directly mobilize the Rainbow Bridge to bombard him. "

"It shouldn't be possible." Hela said, "You also know my father's attitude towards this war. And Asgard has long promised that unless it faces a crisis of death, it will never use the Rainbow Bridge as an attack weapon. ."

This is indeed the case.

Even with one-tenth of its power, the Rainbow Bridge is enough to destroy a planet. The rainbow bridge with full power is unstoppable in the known universe.

According to an ancient legend, true or false, the invincible Planet Eater once tried to eat Asgard as a snack, but was bombarded by the Rainbow Bridge, and has never attacked Asgard since. .

Because the Rainbow Bridge is too powerful, Asgard once became a public enemy of the universe, until Odin's grandfather Bully solemnly promised not to use the Rainbow Bridge lightly.

Asgard has always abide by this promise, no matter what kind of battle it has faced for tens of thousands of years, it has never used the incomparably powerful Rainbow Bridge.

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