Chapter 501: 【Tor's troubles】

Of course, from another perspective, Asgard has been using rainbow bridges as weapons.

After all, the god-king of the Asa Gods can always get the blessing of the Rainbow Bridge, thus exerting a powerful force far beyond ordinary creatures, which is equivalent to a portable human-shaped rainbow bridge.

It is with this super strength that Odin can defeat ancient existences like the flame giant Surtur.

Rowe believed that even if he didn't use the Rainbow Bridge directly, as long as he could let Odin take action himself, it would be enough to kill Egg's body.

So, is there any way to make Odin have to shoot? He couldn't help but think for a while.

Egg must die, whether it is out of emotional morality or practical interests, this evil **** who is the enemy of Asgard and plots the entire universe is the target that Rowe wants to eradicate.

But Egg's body is definitely much stronger than himself. No one in Asgard has the ability to kill him except Odin.

Of course, Rowe didn't think about the plan to blow up Egg's brain like in the movie. But he felt that the maneuverability was not high, and it was impossible for Egg to give him time to find a path to his brain.

There are too many accidental factors for Star-Lord's group to kill Egg in this way, otherwise a few mortals are not worth mentioning in front of the gods.

Soon Rowe thought of a possible solution.

But before that, he needs to know the location of the body of Ego's planet.

"About Egg, don't tell anyone else," Rowe said.

"Okay." Hela nodded.

Huss responded without hesitation: "Yes, great lord."

Immediately, Rowe found Thor, the **** of thunder, who was drinking alone and seemed to be in a bad mood.

"What's the matter, is there a conflict with Loki?" Luo Wei asked casually.

"Rocky?" Thor felt a little puzzled. "That was a kid. He stabbed me a few times when I was a kid, but we have always had a good relationship when we grew up."

"What's that for?"

Thor was silent for a moment: "Do you remember Haldo?"

"Sif's ex-boyfriend?" Of course Rowe remembered.

He may be more impressed than most people in Asgard. Because of Saka Star, his actual age is only a few hundred years old. What happened more than two thousand years ago is actually hundreds of years ago in his memory.

Luo Wei clearly remembered that when he was in Warnerheim more than 2,000 years ago, Haldo fought side by side with him against Earth Demon, but unfortunately his final outcome really made [] people sigh.

Thor nodded and was silent again.

Although he didn't say it, Rowe roughly guessed that Haldo was Sif's boyfriend, and was naturally Thor's rival in love.

It's just that after Haldo's death, Thor did not successfully become Sif's new boyfriend, and the relationship between the two became very embarrassing. Sif always blamed herself on the misunderstanding of Haldo, and was at odds with Thor.

For the one-strand Thor, this complex and delicate situation is definitely a kind of torture, and it can even be said to be the biggest trouble, which has always plagued him.

After a while, Thor asked, "How did you and my sister get together?"

Luo Wei smiled and said: "There is no special way, what promotes the relationship between two people is nothing more than experience and communication. A hundred years of working together, a life and death, plus a long talk, is enough to create an indestructible trust and emotion. ."

Thor seemed to be touched, holding the wine glass for a while without moving.

Luo Wei added: "In fact, the most important thing is communication. It is easy to work together, and it is not difficult to be born and die. Every one who has been on the battlefield will have some comrades who are born and die, but breaks between comrades also occur from time to time."

"Only in-depth communication is the cornerstone of emotion."

Thor nodded and said after a while, "Maybe I should talk to Sif."

Rowe said, "Actually, you should talk to yourself first."

"What's the meaning?"

Luo Wei: "In-depth communication is not something that can be done casually. Some people get nothing even if they talk for three days and three nights, but they will turn into quarrels. Only by summarizing their own thoughts clearly can they be beneficial to others. exchange.”

Thor doesn't seem to agree: "I know my own thoughts very well, is there anyone who doesn't know myself."

Rowe didn't continue the topic. Seeing that Thor's mood had recovered a lot, he changed the topic: "I'm going to launch a surprise attack, do you want to come with me?"

"Of course." Thor didn't ask about the specific situation, he simply agreed, and at the same time picked up Mauernier beside him, "Would you like to call Loki?"

"He is a mage, not suitable." Rowe said. His plan was actually very simple. He went to find Egg with Thor, and if he couldn't beat him, he would summon Odin. Odin would definitely arrive as soon as possible.

With Divine Shield in hand, Rowe can guarantee Thor will not be in substantial danger. But if there is another Loki, he certainly can't guarantee it. And Loki is very thoughtful and not easy to coax.

"So it's just the two of us in this operation?" Thor got excited.

"No, there will be others, join me to gather them." Rowe said, and then led Thor to find Yondu.

He is not sure whether Yondu has been in contact with Egg like the original. After all, he has obviously changed the original historical trajectory, and the ability to correct history is limited, and Yondu's experience may also be changed.

However, Yondu is the only known way to determine the location of Egg's body. If it doesn't work, then the plan can only be temporarily abandoned.

Fortunately, the result did not disappoint Rowe.

"Yondu went to Earth?"

Starka nodded: "Yes, I don't know what he's been busy with recently. He often runs around. I heard that it seems to be a job to find people."

The Marauder Corps has the nature of mercenaries, and members will accept some commissions to complete tasks for their employers.

Of course Compared with most mercenary groups, predators have a clear and strict bottom line, and some bad commissions will be rejected, such as child trafficking.

It is precisely because of this that Yondu in the movie will be resisted by other predators, and it will not be recognized by Starka and others until he proves himself with sacrifice.

After getting the news, Rowe hurriedly took Thor to Earth.


United States, Missouri.

In the dark, young Peter Quill sat alone on the lawn outside the hospital, sobbing intermittently and wiping away his tears.

In the hospital behind him, the crying of others could be faintly heard. Just now, Quill's mother died of cancer.

Little Peter Quill didn't know how long he cried. Suddenly, a few rays of light shone on the nearby ground. He wiped his tears and looked up, and then he saw a spaceship slowly descending.

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