Chapter 502: 【Peter Quill】

Peter Quill stared blankly at the spaceship in the night sky. Before he could regain his senses, a dazzling beam of light shone down, and then took him back to the spaceship.

Immediately before his eyes, he was in a spacious and bright cabin. The scene here looked like an arrangement in a science fiction movie, making him almost unable to believe his eyes.

A blue-skinned man with a flaming cockscomb head came over, leaned over to look at Peter Quill, and took a closer look: "Peter Quill?"

From the eyes of the people of the earth, the image of Yongdu is undoubtedly very different, and it can even be said to be a little scary, which made young Peter Quill's face turn pale and stammered: "You... Who are you? How do you know my name?"

"Of course someone told me." Yongdu smiled.


"Your father."

Little Quill was stunned for a moment when he heard it, and then he couldn't help but widen his eyes, and quickly asked, his voice full of hope: "Do you know my father? Where is he?"

So far, Peter Quill has never met his biological father, and the only way he knows his father is through his mother's description.

His mother once told him that his father was a hero from an alien planet, but whenever he told his friends about it, he always received endless ridicule and sarcasm.

Laughter and laughter such as "You don't have a dad at all" recurred in young Quill's nightmares, almost throughout his existing memory.

He desperately hopes that his mysterious father will come to him one day, but this hope has been shattered again and again, making the tone of his childhood darker and darker.

Now that his mother died of illness, Peter Quill felt that his world was already dark, and the news of his father appeared as if a light of dawn had come in, allowing him to regain hope and courage.

"You'll find out soon, little guy." Yondu didn't say much, and patted Peter Quill on the head.

Then he turned his head and said, "Let's go, take this child to see his father."


The spaceship swayed slightly, but it slowly rose while adjusting its posture, then began to accelerate, and went straight to the sky.

Although he couldn't see the scene outside, little Quill could feel that he was far away from home, which made him a little panicked, looking around for a while, fidgeting.

But out of the yearning for his father that he had never met, he finally did not choose to resist, but sat silently on the spacecraft, looking forward to the moment when he was about to meet his father.

However, the young Peter Quill did not get his wish.

Before the spacecraft flew out of the atmosphere, the pilot quickly slowed down, causing everyone in the ship to jolt violently.

"What's wrong?" Yondu asked after standing up.

"Yes... it's the sun god, and Thor, the **** of thunder!" said a crew member.

Yondu turned his head to look, and sure enough, he saw two figures outside the porthole in front of the spaceship, one dressed in holy light and the other holding a short hammer, it was Rowe and Thor.

"Why are they here?" Everyone was very puzzled, but they didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly opened the hatch to let the two in.

"Respected Sun God, Your Highness Thor." Yondu greeted.

"How did you come to Earth, and where are you going now?" Rowe entered the spaceship and immediately noticed the little boy sitting not far away, who was looking at him and Thor at a loss.

This kid must be a famous fool in the future... ah no, Star-Lord.

Yondu pointed to Little Star-Lord and said, "We are entrusted by an employer to find the child who was lost on Earth for him. This is the child, his name is Peter Quill, and we are about to take him to see his biological father. ."

Rowe nodded and asked casually, "What's the employer's name? Is his last name also Quill?"

"Uh..." Yondu hesitated, then shook his head and said, "It's not Quill. But sorry, although the employer didn't specifically request it, but as usual, I can't reveal his name at will."

At this time, Little Star Lord suddenly said: "What's my father's name?"

Yongdu looked at him, and seemed to be in trouble for a while.

According to the default practice of the predator, he should not reveal the private information of his employer to outsiders. However, when a child asked his father's name, it seemed a bit inhumane not to say it.

After less than two seconds, Little Star-Lord couldn't wait to ask again: "Uncle Blue, what is my father's name?"

Yondu had no choice but to approach him and say, "Your father told me his name was Egg, but that might not be his real name, he—"

"Egg!" Rowe pretended to be shocked, "You said his name was Egg?"

Yondu was obviously a little frightened by his tone: "Yeah... what's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Rowe didn't answer immediately, but first used blind light to make Star-Lord fall asleep. After possessing the Holy Light affinity constitution, Blind Light can exert a certain hypnotic effect under certain operations. Although it is not very practical, it is definitely more than enough to hypnotize Little Star-Lord.

Peter Quill is only a few years old now. If he knew that his biological father was a despicable and ugly evil god, it might have some bad influence on his growth, so Rowe made this move.

Seeing his move, Yongdu couldn't help but sigh, apparently realizing something faintly.

Then Luo Weicai said in a serious tone: "Is this Egg you are talking about a guy whose many descendants have been lost on alien planets?"

"Yes..." Yondu began to feel a little uneasy.

Luo Wei was silent for a moment: "In this way, he is probably right. Yondu, you may not realize what you did."

Thor on the side couldn't help scratching his head and said, "What's wrong with this Egg, it sounds like he's an unqualified father?"

"It's more than unqualified." Rowe began to guide Thor intentionally, "He's just a demon, no, maybe even more evil than a demon."

As soon as these words came out Yongdu and others couldn't help but turn pale: "Why?"

Rowe continued: "There are not many people who know about Egg's existence and actions, and I happen to be one of them. In fact, I played against him once. According to the information I know, Egg's identity is a god, Evil gods, born millions of years ago."

"Evil gods!"

"That's right." Rowe nodded, "You may not be able to imagine his evil deeds."

"...For some ulterior purpose, Egg collects women from various planets in the universe to bear children for him. The final outcome of these women and children is that he will kill them by various means." He paused. , asked, "Is Peter Quill's mother dead?"

"Yes." Yongdu swallowed, his voice trembling slightly.

Hearing these words, Thor, who was full of blood, couldn't bear it, and even said indignantly, "Where is this bastard, I'm going to kill him!"

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