Chapter 503: 【Nick Fury】

Rowe said: "Thor, although I have some doubts about Egg's self-proclaimed identity as a god, he is indeed very strong. You should not be his opponent, so you should not go."

Of course Thor couldn't have listened. In fact, words like this only inspired his fighting spirit: "I must kill that guy, even if he is very powerful. As the son of Odin, I must not condone such evil!"

Luo Wei continued to persuade, his tone was earnest and true: "I will arrange a simpler task for you, fighting Egg is not suitable for you..."

Thor said anxiously: "How can it not be suitable, I have been an excellent warrior for a long time, didn't you say the same?"

Rowe shook his head slightly: "Thor, you haven't seen the gods with your own eyes. Every **** has powerful power. I can't put you in such danger."

"It is the duty of a soldier to face danger, and choose to escape because of danger. This is desertion behavior, and I will not be a deserter!" Thor's tone was firm. Although he has experienced danger many times, he is still eager to charge forward like a soldier who is just entering the battlefield.

Rowe: "His Majesty Odin definitely doesn't want you to go..."

Thor interrupted him with a wave of his hand: "This is my choice, and no one can change it, even my father."

Rowe was silent for a moment: "Do you have to go, Thor?"

"Of course!" Thor blurted out without hesitation.

Thor's reaction was exactly as Rowe imagined, active and determined, even stubborn. In this way, even if Odin was dissatisfied afterwards, he would not say much about Rowe.

"Since you insist so, then all right." Rowe nodded.

Thor smiled: "As expected of my brother-in-law!"

Luo Wei then looked at Yongdu again: "You should know the location of Egg's hiding place, right?"

"I know." Yongdu sat in his seat, bowed his head, his face full of regret and anger, "He is such a villain, what have I done for him, God!"

The other predators also talked about it, and after learning the truth of Egg hiring them to find children, they, like Yondu, felt great remorse and anger. Of course, there is also fear and anxiety. After all, even if it is an unintentional mistake, this undoubtedly breaks through the bottom line of the Marauder Corps.

"It's unbelievable that there is such a father! I think even the most depraved demon is like that!"

"Are all the children we sent before... I don't dare to think about it."

"What should we do, will we be kicked out of the Marauders by the Starka leader?"

Rowe said calmly: "Leave other things aside, plunderers, tell me where Igo is, and Thor and I are going to kill this bastard."

Yongdu clenched his fists: "I'll take you there."

"No need, you stay here, I can go with Thor." Rowe said.

Although Yondu can be considered a good player, if he is fighting against Egg, Yaka Arrow will obviously not be of much help, and will most likely become a burden.

Yondu was silent for a moment, finally nodded with a sigh, and then pointed out a location on the star map: "This planet is where Igo is, and only it has life in this empty star field, and every time we find the child. send it to the top."

Rowe stared at the star map, then turned around and said, "Let's go, Thor."

After the two of them left, Yondu's spaceship stopped in the sky for a long time, and the cabin fell into silence for a long time, and the plunderers were all silent.

"What to do, boss?" said a skinny predator weakly. "Should we confess this to Chief Starka?"

Before he could finish his sentence, someone immediately objected: "Are you crazy, Kraglin? If Chief Starka knew about this, we would definitely be kicked out of the Marauders!"

Craglin said: "But it's probably a matter of time before the leader knows the truth. Rather than being discovered, it's better to take the initiative to confess and admit that we were wrong. After all, we are just unintentional faults and should not be expelled from the organization."

When everyone was talking, Yongdu got up and walked to the sleeping Peter Quill, watching silently with a complicated expression.

Others then turned their attention to Peter Quill, and some asked, "By the way, what to do with this kid? We obviously can't give him to his father anymore."

"But the child's mother is also dead."

"Let me take care of him." Yongdu said at this time, putting his hand on Little Star-Lord's body, "It's some redemption."


The level of human science and technology is changing with each passing day, and it has long ceased to be backward. Even if it is placed in the entire universe, it is still a medium-level scientific and technological civilization.

The Marauders obviously didn't know enough about this, and Yondu's spaceship hovered in the sky for a long time, eventually inevitably attracting human attention.

New York, USA, Strategic Science Corps.

A tall black man was removing the bandage on his left hand, and after a little movement, he couldn't help smiling when he saw that the wound on his hand had healed.

However, at this moment, his boss came over with a serious look, holding several documents in his hand: "Nick Fury, go to Missouri immediately. The satellite found some anomalies there, it may be an alien spaceship. ."

"Alien spaceship?" Nick Fury was taken aback.

The boss said lightly: "It's not surprising, we are the Strategic Science Corps. Come on, isn't the injury on your hand healed, young people should look like young people."

After saying that, he turned to leave.

Nick Fury looked at the documents thrown on his desk and couldn't help but slander: "These **** bureaucrats!"

"Mommy Fake!"


In the deep space, a spaceship jumped into space, moved forward at a high speed, and soon came to a dark star field, and a red planet was faintly visible in the distance.

Far from the stars is a remote place in space.

Rowe and Thor were on this spaceship, and their destination was naturally Egg's hiding place, or rather, Egg himself, the only living planet in the universe.

After a while, they approached the target, and the red planet clearly appeared in the field of vision.

Luo Wei opened the eyes of reckoning and looked at the planet, and the result was as he expected. The reckoning color of Egg's body is also red, just like the color of the planet.

"It's here," he said.

Thor picked up Mauernier impatiently: "Let me see the power of this god!"

After that, let's take a swipe of Miao Ernil first, enter the universe and fly to the red planet in front.

At the same time, the living planet also noticed his presence.

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