Chapter 504: 【Tor VS Egg】

Thor landed on the planet with Mjolnir in his hand. He was looking left and right when the ground beneath his feet suddenly trembled slightly.

Immediately, several blue energy tentacles tore the ground and rushed towards Thor from all directions.

"Boom!" Thor swung his warhammer, and then dazzling thunder burst into these tentacles.

These tentacles obviously underestimated his strength, and immediately destroyed most of them in the thunder and lightning, turning into blue smoke and dissipating.

He swung the warhammer again, and the remaining blue tentacles were also destroyed and swept away.

But at this moment, the figure of a long-haired man appeared not far away. He looked at Thor with a gloomy expression, and when he stretched out his hand, more tentacles stretched out from the ground, and these tentacles radiated blue light. , surrounded by the sky.

"Are you Egg?" Thor shook hands with Mjolnir, looking at the long-haired man who appeared before him.

Egg asked coldly: "Who are you?"

"The one who punishes you - for the innocent who died in your hands!" Thor held his warhammer high, and the bright arc continued.


Suddenly thunder rumbled in the sky, dark clouds gathered, and dazzling thunder quickly accumulated in the clouds.

The scene made Egg frown, but not panic.

This is his territory, more precisely himself. The matter and energy of this planet, regardless of wind, rain, thunder and lightning, are inevitably affected by his power.

In other places, the surging thunder in the sky might still be a bit of a threat to him, but here, it's just a beautiful firework.

"Taste the wrath of thunder!" Thor roared and waved Miaolnir, and the thunder surging in the dark clouds immediately vented and descended from the sky, heading straight for Egg.

As a result, at this moment, a mutation arose.

The thunder that fell from the sky seemed to be greatly disturbed, and turned a corner without warning. Not only did it not hit Egg, but it fell on Thor himself.


"Ah!" Thor howled.

He staggered to a stand, then looked up at the dark clouds, then at his warhammer, with an expression of doubting life on his face.

"It's too much." Egg said sarcastically, and with a light move, the dense tentacles all around flocked towards Thor.

Thor hurriedly waved Mjolnir, and the thunder arcs lashed, facing the tentacles rushing around.

However, compared to just now, this time the tentacles not only surged in number, but also contained even more amazing energy, and he couldn't remove them quickly at all.

Seeing that he was about to be surrounded by countless blue tentacles, Thor had no choice but to swish his warhammer into the sky and fly into the air.

He turned his direction and rushed towards Egg, and at the same time, a dazzling thunder light was excited all over his body, like a meteorite wrapped in thunder, which was ferocious.

Egg, however, seemed to be teleporting, blinking away in a blink of an eye.

Thor was startled, and was about to turn to continue chasing, but was caught up by the tentacles behind him, entangled in his body, and stopped in mid-air.

He raised his hand and threw Mjolnir, and the warhammer shot out in the thunder circle, rushing towards Egg at an astonishing speed.

"Boom!" Egg couldn't dodge this time, and was smashed by Miaoernier. The huge impact directly smashed him into the ground, opening a big hole.

Seeing Egg, who was hit on the chest by Mjolnir and fell to the ground, Thor couldn't help laughing: "You are finished, no one can break free from Mjolnir!"

But life is always full of surprises. Just after he finished saying this, the part of Egg's chest that was pressed by Mjolnir suddenly disappeared, as if a blood hole was torn open, and Mjolnir passed through and fell to the ground.

Egg got up from the ground, and immediately saw a flash of blue light, and the hole in his chest was closed.

"What!" Thor was shocked.

Egg said gloomily: "Stupid guy, you have angered me, no matter who you are, you will be my nourishment today."

"Nourishment, what do you mean?" Thor tried to break free from the blue tentacles, but to no avail, he reached out and summoned Mauernir.

Just hearing a roar, Miaolnir on the ground rose up and flew back along the trajectory just now.

Unprepared, Egg was knocked to the ground again.

This made him feel shocked and angry.

In fact, on this planet, Thor's strength is almost negligible to him, but this hammer is so annoying that he has eaten twice.

Egg gritted his teeth for a while, and immediately saw a huge tentacle that stretched out from the ground. The top of this tentacle was extremely sharp, and it was more than ten meters long, like a sharp spear.

As soon as he waved his hand, the sharp spearhead pierced Thor, making a piercing sound in the air, and he was about to pierce Thor, who had not yet broken free.

At the critical moment, a layer of faint golden light filled with mysterious runes suddenly appeared, instantly covering Thor's body, exuding a holy breath.

"Boom!" The seemingly earth-shattering huge tentacles seemed to hit the stone with an egg, and the sharp edge pierced the Jinhui, smashing into pieces.

"This is it!" Egg's expression changed.

At the same time that the radiance of the runes enveloped Thor, a golden rainbow also shot out, and a dazzling figure with four wings on its back could be vaguely seen.

The figure was extremely fast, and he deceived himself in an instant, holding his long sword high, and slashing towards Egg.


Under the Sword of Slaying Demons, the dazzling brilliance of punishment suddenly exploded. Egg had no time to guard, and his body collapsed.

Knowing that it was impossible to kill Egg, Rowe turned his head and flew to Thor's side to free him from the tentacles.

"This guy is too strong!" Thor couldn't help saying, "And these tentacles sticking out from the ground, how do I feel that he is one with this planet?"

"You guessed it right A voice like thunder sounded from all directions, it seemed that the planet was talking, with a tone of anger, "I am the sky and the earth here! "

"The sun **** of Asgard, your arrival is really surprising... But since you have come to the door, you can become the soil here with peace of mind!"

Egg naturally recognized Luo Wei, he never expected Luo Wei to come to the door, which made him feel both shocked and angry.

After a short thought, he thought that the best option was to go all out to eliminate these two people here immediately.

So with Egg's angry voice, the entire planet suddenly trembled violently, and the ground beneath Rowe and Thor's feet was soaked in blue light, and terrifying energy was rapidly brewing in it.

Without any hesitation, Rowe reached out and grabbed Thor, while adding Divine Shield to both of them.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling blue light burst out from the ground, and everything in the field of vision was submerged in it.

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