Chapter 505: [Odin kills]

Egg's body shot with all his strength, and the power was naturally no trivial matter. Without the support of the Holy Shield technique, Thor would have been confused long ago.

Even with the absolute defense of the Holy Shield at the moment, Thor couldn't help but tremble as he looked at the blue light filled with endless destructive power, and asked, "What should we do now?"

Luo Wei was still calm, he had already contacted Heimdall before he shot, presumably Odin could arrive soon.

Although Odin is Buddhist today, he still cares about his son very much. Seeing Egg kills Thor, he probably won't let him go.

However, Luo Wei didn't wait. After opening the holy shield, he clenched the Demon Slayer Sword in both hands and stabbed downward, and then a steady stream of holy light rushed towards the planet below through the sword body.

"Boom boom-"

For an evil existence like Egg, even if Rowe doesn't take the initiative to detonate, the Holy Light will automatically stimulate the power of punishment.

Along with the intensive explosion, round after round of golden apertures opened, looking like a string of golden Mach rings, from top to bottom, connected to each other and rushed into the interior of the planet.

The burst of holy light caused the surrounding blue light to be washed away a lot at once. From a distance, it seemed that a cluster of golden stamens had bloomed in the blue flower.

Although a lot of blue light was washed away, Rowe didn't really kill Egg.

After all, for Egg, the real ontology is just the brain located in the core area of ​​the planet. In addition, all other bodies, whether tentacles or human bodies, are nothing but things outside the body, which can be restored at any time.

Seeing this, Luo Wei immediately called out the Holy Spirit's war horse and stretched out his fingers. The golden surging warhorse immediately turned into a mass of pure holy light energy, blazing along the path blasted by the holy light, and went straight to the interior of the planet. .



The Holy Spirit warhorse, which was condensed with huge energy, exploded inside the planet, and the dazzling holy light completely overshadowed the vast blue light released by Egg.

"Ah!" This time, Rowe obviously injured Egg, only to hear a cry of pain that exploded like thunder, which instantly spread to every corner of the planet.

The blue light that was originally overwhelming also wilted for a while, as if a basin of cold water had been poured, and its power was greatly reduced.

"You..." There was a moan of disbelief and a bit of pain in Egg's voice.

He had just shot with all his strength, but in the end, he didn't even hurt a single hair of Rowe and Thor. Instead, he took a heavy blow, hurting the core.

Severe pain struck, a feeling he had not experienced for tens of thousands of years.

This unfamiliar pain intensified Egg's sense of urgency and urgency to get rid of Rowe, and at the same time, there was a faint feeling of fear and anxiety in his heart.

Egg roared, his voice was the thunder here.


Accompanied by this furious thunder, a vast blue light burst out from the inside of the planet again, and the energy of destruction madly impacted the two of Rowe.

However, at this moment, a colorful light spot suddenly lit up in the starry sky.

This spot of light seemed to span time and space, and as soon as it appeared, it arrived instantly, turning into a huge rainbow beam of light and descending on the planet.

Rainbow bridge!

An old man dressed in golden armor and holding the spear of eternity appeared in the brilliance of the Rainbow Bridge. It was Odin, the king of Asgard.

"Father!" Thor was overjoyed.

Seeing Odin kill, Rowe was slightly relieved.

Before the beam of light on the Rainbow Bridge was exhausted, Odin waved the spear of eternity, and the colorful light immediately swept out.

As the spear of eternity swept past, the mighty blue light was instantly shattered, and the earth-shattering power subsided.

Then Odin held the spear of eternity in his hand and said angrily: "Get out of here! Let me see who wants to kill my son!"

The whole planet is silent.

Obviously, Odin's arrival so soon was completely beyond Egg's expectations, leaving him at a loss for a while, and the fear of the Rainbow Bridge instantly permeated his heart.

Luo Wei stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, it is this planet, he is a ** planet."

"** Planet?" Odin frowned.

"That's right," Thor said, "His name is Egg, he's a villain full of crimes, and he teamed up with Thanos to fight Asgard. I wanted to get rid of him, but I didn't expect him to be a planet with the power of an entire planet. , even if the two of us are together, we are not his opponents."

Odin asked back: "You insisted on coming again?"

"Uh..." Thor hesitated.

Odin immediately reprimanded: "If you don't know the strength of the enemy, you start a battle. You always do this, Thor! If Rowe hadn't notified Asgard in time, you'd be dead by now!"

Thor lowered his head and said nothing.

Looking at him like this, Odin was even more angry, and almost wanted to domestic violence on the spot: "You are over a thousand years old!"

Rowe changed the subject: "Your Majesty. I propose to completely destroy this planet and execute Egg. He is the enemy of Asgard and the enemy of all intelligent life."

Thor also followed suit, filled with righteous indignation: "Father, you can never imagine Egg's evil deeds, he can even slaughter his own family..."

Afterwards, he told the story of Egg's slaughter of his wife and children, and Odin couldn't help but be shocked when he heard it.

"Father, we must not let this villain go!" he said finally.

At this time, there was a sudden burst of blue light in front of him, and Egg's human avatar appeared.

Odin looked at him and said solemnly, "You are Egg?"

"Yes." Egg looked stiff, then looked at Thor, trying to smile as naturally and politely as possible, "I didn't expect it to be His Highness Thor, just a misunderstanding, misunderstanding..."

Naturally, no one believed this statement.

Odin held the spear of eternity in his hand, and the sharp spear head began to brew colorful rays of light, shining brightly - it was the supreme divine power of Asgard, and it was the same source as the Rainbow Bridge.

Feeling the power of the Rainbow Bridge that the Spear of Eternity was constantly accumulating, Egg's face suddenly showed a look of horror, and he couldn't help shivering.

As a ** planet no one understands the horror of the Rainbow Bridge better than him.

Almost all his attention to Asgard was on the Rainbow Bridge, and he knew very well how fragile and small he was in front of the Rainbow Bridge.

To a large extent, his quest for expansion, power, and eternity stemmed from a fear of the Rainbow Bridge.

While gathering divine power with the spear of eternity, Odin said slowly: "Although I don't want to participate in the battle, since you want to kill my son and commit so many evil deeds—"

Before he finished speaking, at this moment, an unexpected scene happened.

Egg actually knelt on the ground with a "thump" and pleaded, "Merciful God King, please forgive my past!"

rub, kneel directly?

Rowe's eyes widened. He never imagined that Egg, as a god, could kneel so simply.

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