Chapter 506: 【Tianma Project】


Somewhere in a military base, Howard Stark, who was already full of white hair, walked out of the base building. A short-haired lady walked with him. She was about forty or fifty years old, showing an intellectual temperament.

Of course, Howard must be with his most trusted butler and assistant, Jarvis.

It's just that this thin, taciturn old housekeeper looks more like a background board and hardly attracts anyone's attention.

"...Dr. Lawson, the "Tianma Project" has just made significant progress, do you know when the first test flight will be possible? "Howard looked at the middle-aged woman beside him.

The middle-aged woman called Dr. Lawson smiled: "We have found the best test pilot. Her name is Carol Danforth. I believe it will not be long before we can test the lightspeed engine."

Howard: "It's definitely an epic advance. I think even on a cosmic scale, the lightspeed engine is a revolutionary creation."

"Yes." Dr. Lawson nodded, his tone revealing yearning, "I believe it will bring benefits to all civilizations."

The two talked and then left.

After parting with Dr. Lawson, Howard and Jarvis got into a black sedan and drove away. But instead of going home, he went to another workplace.

This is commonplace for Howard Stark. As the founder of Stark Industries and one of the founders of the Strategic Science Corps, these two identities alone are enough to keep him busy all day.

What's more, he has many other identities, such as philanthropist, scientist, IEEE chairman... Even if he is extremely smart, it is inevitable that he will not be able to face these many responsibilities.

"How's Tony doing?" The bumpy road reminded Howard that he had a son.

"He recently wanted to study economics at Cambridge University," Jarvis said.

Howard frowned: "Isn't he studying electrical at MIT, why did he suddenly want to study economics in the UK?"

Jarvis was silent for a while: "Tony has graduated from MIT with the highest marks, Mr. Stark."

Howard paused, blinked, and then seemed to remember this.

"Mr. Stark, you should pay more attention to Tony. Everyone wants his father's attention, and so does Tony." Jarvis added.

"You're right." Howard nodded, but then frowned and said nothing.

Although Howard has achieved extraordinary achievements in many fields and is admired by thousands of people, he is a failed father in the family.

Although there are objective reasons for busy affairs, it is more of Howard's own problems.

It has been more than ten years since he became a father, but he has not yet adapted to this identity, and has not handled his relationship with his son well. The relationship between father and son has always been cold and distant.

He also knows that this is bad, and he has reflected on it more than once, and even formulated a series of careful and grand parent-child interaction plans, but none of them have really been put into practice.

Now that Tony Stark has grown up, a lot of the father's care seems a little too late for an adult son.

"Alas." Howard's mood gradually lowered, and finally sighed.

Maybe he is a failed father...


"Father, you must not let this villain go!" Thor said to Odin, pointing to Egg kneeling in front of him with Mjolnir.

Egg said again, and his tone sounded quite sincere: "I feel sorry for my past crimes, merciful Odin, I hope you will forgive me."

Rowe still felt a little unimaginable when he looked at Egg who was kneeling and begging for mercy.

But when you think about it, it doesn't seem too surprising. If he remembered correctly, in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Egg also begged for mercy before he died.

When facing the Guardians of the Galaxy, Egg still begged for mercy, and it is not surprising that he kneeled in front of the god-king Odin.

Killing children, killing wives, kneeling down and begging for mercy... This guy is really unscrupulous, he can do anything.

Luo Wei naturally didn't want to let Egg go like this, and even said: "Your Majesty, he has such a sinful and brutal past, we should not believe his so-called repentance."

After a pause, he continued: "Even if Egg is sincerely repenting, this should not be a reason for pardon. Compared with the pain of the dead, repentance is obviously too cheap."

But Odin didn't seem to think so. He looked at Egg kneeling on the ground, frowning slightly for a while, thinking about something.

Egg bowed his head and said: "In order to show my sincerity, I am willing to swear allegiance to you, Your Majesty Odin, I am willing to abide by any of your orders."

Odin's expression moved slightly.

He doesn't really need Egg's allegiance, after all, he's already six thousand years old anyway, and he doesn't have much time left. For him, the most important thing is family and the future of Asgard.

As the end of his life approached, some terrible foreshadowing gradually appeared in Odin's heart.

He was almost certain that Ragnarok was close at hand, and he probably had no chance to do anything.

Perhaps, conquering Egg is a good choice. Egg's power is very powerful, no less than the flame giant Surtur in his peak state. Such power can definitely affect the direction of Ragnarok.

After this thought, despite repeated persuasion from Rowe and Thor, Odin changed his original decision.

"Igo, do you want to be loyal to me?"

Egg responded quickly: "Yes, Your Majesty."

Odin pondered for a moment: "If you are loyal to me, you must give up all your evil deeds, or I can still execute you, understand?"

"Understood, I will repent, and will not repeat the same mistakes." Egg said.

Odin nodded, then flicked the spear of eternity, a golden light melted into the ground, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"This is?" Egg looked at the golden light that merged into his own body, with a little panic on his face is just a mark. The existence of this mark will keep you under the surveillance of the Rainbow Bridge forever. ' said Odin.

Egg was stunned, speechless for a moment.

Both Rowe and Thor were still unwilling, and Thor stepped forward and said, "Father, you shouldn't trust him, he—"

Odin interrupted: "Under the supervision of the Rainbow Bridge, we can convince anyone with virtue."

Seeing that Odin had made up his mind, the two had no choice but to give up.

It seems that after Odin dies, it is possible to get rid of Egg... Rowe thought to himself. He still can't trust and tolerate Egg, but obviously, there is no way to get rid of this guy for the time being.

"Egg, those rogues are your masterpieces, aren't they?" Rowe asked.

Egg was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I will let them withdraw from the battlefield immediately."

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