Chapter 508: 【Light Speed ​​Engine】

Harrah's Planet.

Yong-Rogge is doing his own fighting training, sweating profusely. Since his boyhood, he has almost never interrupted high-intensity fighting training.

This perseverance has made him a great fighter and has earned him the favor of decision makers, leading to where he is today, a colonel.

For Yong Rogge, the position didn't come easily.

He's not a Kree in the standard sense, as can be seen from his skin color. A true Cree has blue skin, while he is white skinned and belongs to the minority.

Therefore, although Yong-Rogge has the identity of a Kree, many people inside and outside the Kree Empire do not think that he is a Kree. This has brought a lot of obstacles to his ascent.

"Yon-Rogue." A blue-skinned Kree female warrior entered from the door. "It's time for us to act."

Yong-Rogge stopped training and turned to look at her: "Planet C53?"

Planet C53 is also the Earth, which is a broader term for many technological civilizations.

"Yes, according to the monitoring results, Supreme Wisdom issued an order, we need to immediately go to the C53 planet to intercept the light-speed engine technology and energy core of the traitor Mawell," said the female soldier.

Yong-Rogge nodded: "I hope the lightspeed engine can bring a turning point in the current war. Let's go, Minerva."


On the empty test flight field.

Dr. Lawson and Carroll boarded the Isis fighter one after another, while Maria was on standby in the open space not far away.

The Isis fighter is a two-seat fighter specially designed for the speed of light engine. The two sat in the cockpit one after the other, preparing for the test flight.

"Prepare for the first phase of testing, atmospheric cruise," Dr Lawson said.

"Yes." Carol nodded and made a gesture to Maria who was not far away. Then the fighter plane started slowly, accelerated along the runway, and finally rushed into the sky.

The Isis fighter jet shuttled across the sky and quickly broke the sound barrier, causing a sonic boom in the air, accompanied by a loud noise.

"Speed ​​Mach 3.0, load 7.5G, everything is fine," Carroll reported.

Dr. Lawson: "Starting non-classical acceleration."


As soon as the voice fell, the light speed engine of the Isis fighter started, and the blue light emanated from the fuselage, making it look like it was transformed into a beam of light.

At the same time, the speed of the fighter began to increase exponentially, and the numbers on the dashboard kept jumping.

Just as the two were watching the flight situation nervously, the alarm of the aircraft radar suddenly sounded, and a red dot appeared behind the aircraft on the monitor.

"What's that? A MiG fighter?"

Carroll said while trying to change direction to avoid the plane behind him.


However, as soon as the Isis fighter turned around, two beams came from behind, and then only heard an explosion, and the fighter was damaged and lost its balance.

Dr. Lawson obviously realized something, his face instantly turned white, he couldn't help holding the weapon at his waist, and at the same time hurriedly said: "Accelerate to the speed of light!"

She didn't need to say that Carroll knew what to do. After all, the test plane didn't have much combat power, and running away was the best choice.

So with Carroll's operation, the speed of the fighter soared, and the blue light of the fuselage became more and more dazzling.

Seeing that the speed of the Isis fighter plane was about to reach the speed of light, the pursuers behind were obviously a little anxious, and immediately opened fire one after another, and several beams bombarded the fighter plane one after another.

"Boom boom boom!"

Several beams severely damaged the structure of the Isis fighter, bringing the original rapid acceleration to an abrupt end.

The fighter plane began to plummet downwards, and the surrounding scene turned around.

Carol gritted her teeth, breathing hard, trying to correct the posture of the Isis fighter. But it doesn't seem to be of any use, and the fighter plane is still plummeting to the ground.

"Parachuting!" By now, they could only save their lives first.

However, fate made a joke at this time. With Carroll's actions, the two did not successfully eject, but remained in place - the ejection device of the fighter plane malfunctioned.

Dr. Lawson was stunned, and Carroll responded in a very short moment: "Sit tight!"

She tried her best to adjust the flight attitude, and finally changed the trajectory of the Isis fighter when it was about to crash.

The soft surface of the water allows the aircraft to be cushioned, but for the speed of the fighter, even a collision with the water surface is enough to cause huge damage.


The waves splashed on the water, and the Isis fighter was almost torn apart. Fortunately, it finally stopped on the shore, and the two also temporarily saved their lives.

"Dr. Lawson!" Carroll was slightly injured, and quickly climbed out of the driver's seat and came to Dr. Lawson's side, who was seriously injured, with blue blood seeping from his forehead.

Carol noticed the blue blood and asked at a loss, "Doctor...why is your blood blue?"

"Carol..." Dr. Lawson's breath was weak, and he took out the beam gun around his waist, "They are for me, my technology, sorry for bothering you."

"What? Who are they?" Carol wondered.

Dr. Lawson, unable to elaborate, put the beam gun in her hand, and murmured, "Destroy the engine, don't let them get..."

After that, there was no sound.

"Doctor!" Carroll yelled, but Dr. Lawson didn't respond, and gradually lost his temperature.

At this moment, a peculiarly shaped fighter jet landed from the sky and parked not far from the wreckage of the Isis fighter jet.

Carroll turned her head to look, and saw two warriors getting off the plane, one of them seemed to be a male human, the other a blue-skinned female, obviously not human.

She quickly clenched the beam gun and looked at the two of them vigilantly.

Jon Rogue and Minerva came over.

"Who are you!" Carol asked, shaking in the hand holding the gun.

"Don't make senseless resistance, Earthling," said Yong-Rogge.

Carol gasped violently and remained silent.

Immediately when Yong-Rogge was about to approach she gritted her teeth and made up her mind, aimed the muzzle at the engine of the plane, and pulled the trigger.

"No!" Yong-Rogge's expression changed drastically, but he was a step too late.

A beam of light lased out, hitting the light-speed engine from the damage of the Isis fighter.


Hearing a loud bang, the light-speed engine exploded, and the turbulent blue light poured out from the position where it was hit, almost all of which rushed towards Carol.

Under the impact of the huge energy, Carol immediately flew out and lost consciousness.

Yong-Rogge rushed over, staring blankly at the blown up aircraft engine, and then at Carol, who was unconscious on the ground.

"This is..." He seemed to have found something.

I saw at this moment, there was a faint layer of blue light surging on Carroll's body, exuding strange fluctuations.

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