Chapter 509: 【Captain Marvel】


Carol lay quietly on a platform, and some blue liquid shaped like mercury diffused from the platform and slowly attached to her body.

These blue liquids are the tentacles of the Kree Supreme Intelligence, through which the Supreme Intelligence conducts in-depth detection or communication of things.

A few Kree huddled around Carroll, and Yon-Roger was among them.

"Marvel is dead? The power core is missing?" a Kree asked.

Yong-Rogge nodded: "Yes."

"The lightspeed engine was also destroyed?"


"It was a failed operation, Yon-Rogue! You got nothing at all!" people complained.

Yong-Rogge quickly defended: "But I brought back this woman, she has energy similar to the speed of light engine in her body, it should be when the engine exploded-"

A Kree interrupted him: "What's the use, do you expect to drive her into battle?"


"Be quiet and stop talking nonsense. Let's see how the Supreme Wisdom decides later."

The crowd of Kree were much quieter, most of them stared at Carol in a coma and stopped talking. The Supreme Intelligence is carrying out in-depth and detailed detection of this Earthman, and they should know the result soon.

After a while, someone suddenly exclaimed: "Look!"

Everyone looked intently and found that Carol on the platform had a dazzling light on his body, as if the stars were shining, and the whole room was splendidly reflected.

A group of Kree can clearly feel the strong surging energy, this dazzling light shines on them, almost bringing a kind of physical touch.

They couldn't help but feel a little terrified. Fortunately, this process did not last long, and the light on Carol dissipated in an instant, and calmed down.

The light dissipated, and she still lay motionless on the platform, as if she was asleep.

"What happened?" The Kree people looked at each other.

At this time, a hollow voice sounded: "Carol Danvers has a powerful energy in her body."

"Supreme Wisdom." A group of Kree people said respectfully, and this hollow voice was the Supreme Wisdom, the highest decision maker of the Kree Empire.

Supreme Wisdom continued: "This energy is very similar to the residual energy on the wreckage of the fighter plane, but it is not the same. It should be a supernatural force induced by it."

Yong-Rogge asked: "The Supreme Wisdom, is it possible for us to restore the speed of light engine through her?"

"Hope is slim," said Supreme Wisdom, "but aside from the speed of light engine, the power in Carol Danvers is already very powerful. If we can use it, the significance may be no less than the speed of light engine."

"No less than the speed of light engine!" Everyone was quite shocked.

"Yes." The voice of Supreme Wisdom did not fluctuate. "The power in her body is rapidly increasing, like a newborn baby."

"I have just given guidance to make this power grow more smoothly... Not surprisingly, the power she finally masters will be comparable to gods like Asa Sun God and become a powerful weapon for the Kree Empire."

Then the Supreme Wisdom changed the conversation: "Yong Rogge, I modified some of her memories. From now on, she will be called Firth, and she is your subordinate. You want to guide her to become a loyal Kree warrior, understand?"

Yong-Rogge was stunned for a moment, and then quickly replied: "Yes, supreme wisdom."

The Supreme Wisdom finally added: "This power is too powerful, I wanted to suppress it first, and then release it when Firth fully becomes a warrior loyal to Kerry. But now the war situation is getting worse, I can only let it grow, Firth as our warrior against Asgard."

"Hopefully it doesn't get out of hand..."


a few months later.

Under the leadership of Asgard, the rebels attacked the city and broke the fortress.

The same is true for the Kree. External aggression will inevitably lead to internal worries. Frequent defeats have also made the alliance between the Kree and Thanos fragile, and there are many internal conflicts.

Thanks to the fact that Thanos has an ebony throat, ebony throat is not only an outstanding magician, but also a strategist who cooperates vertically and horizontally. With his three-inch tongue and some shady methods, he barely maintains the alliance between the two sides.

However, just when the situation was good, a sudden change occurred, and news of defeat suddenly began to be heard in Rowe's ears, and more than once, the troops of multiple planets suffered disastrous defeats.

"Failed again?" Rowe frowned as he looked at the latest battle report.

"Yes." The soldier who presented the battle report did not dare to look up.

Luo Wei was silent for a while, then waved his hand: "You go back first."

After the soldier left, he contacted Heimdall: "Heimdall, have you found the results? What caused the recent consecutive defeats?"

It is normal for people to stumble, horses to stumble, and occasionally a rollover or two is normal. However, the resistance army has suffered dozens of defeats recently, and they have all been defeated very quickly, and they have been killed in seconds, which is obviously strange.

Could it be that Thanos has found some powerful reinforcements?

"I found it." Heimdall replied, "According to the results of my inquiries, a warrior named Fuss has recently appeared in the Kree Empire. She is very powerful and can fly at an unbelievable speed in a very short time. to and from the planets."

"The reason why our troops have suffered consecutive defeats recently is because of her appearance."

"Fos..." Rowe frowned and repeated the name.

He has no impression of such a powerful character at all. In his memory, there is no news about "Fuss" at all.

"Any more specific news?" he asked.

"Not yet," Heimdall said, "but I already know what Firth's next target is for, and I can send you there."

Luo Wei thought for a while: "Okay, send me there immediately."

After a while, he took the Rainbow Bridge to his destination, a planet named "Tofa". This is a desolate planet with few inhabitants, but it is quite important militarily, and there are often garrisoned troops.

"Sun God!" The defenders here were surprised by Rowe's arrival, and hurried forward to greet him.

Luo Wei said: "You guys go to rest The leader of the defending army was stunned for a moment, and he was a little unclear.

"You don't need to participate in this battle." Rowe didn't say much, turned his hand to take out the Sulfuron Warhammer, and waited in place.

Shortly after the defenders withdrew, a spot of light appeared in the sky. This spot of light zoomed in sharply in the field of vision, apparently approaching the planet rapidly.


Luo Wei looked up, and then he was stunned for a moment, and then showed a bit of surprise.

In the sky, a short-haired woman wearing a tight battle uniform was breaking through the atmosphere at an astonishing speed, exuding a dazzling light all over her body, as bright and dazzling as a supernova.

Captain Marvel - Carol Danvers!

Looking at this bright figure, Luo Wei guessed her identity almost immediately.

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