Chapter 510: 【Captain Marvel (Part 2)】

It turned out to be Captain Marvel, and Luo Wei was relieved, but then he was ready to fight, not daring to be careless.

Carroll's life apparently deviates from the timeline in the movie. In the movie, the strength of Captain Marvel as a Kerry warrior is not outstanding, and it is estimated that it is about the same level as the American team.

It was not until he recovered his memory on Earth that Carol fully awakened and became the top fighting force in the Avengers camp, who could compete with Thor, the **** of thunder at his peak.

But Carroll, who appeared in front of Rowe now, has undoubtedly awakened in advance, and has reached or at least approached his peak strength in the later period.

In the field of vision of the Eye of Reckoning, eight layers of energy ripples can be seen gathered on Carol's body surface, which means that Rowe must go all out to defeat her.

Carol stopped in the air, her whole body exuding bright light, she looked at Rowe and said calmly: "I didn't expect you to be stationed on Tofa Star in person, Sun God."

Although she is a woman and has delicate facial features, her short and capable hair makes the adjective "beautiful" unsuitable for her. In contrast, "handsome" may be more appropriate.

This is a handsome woman.

Looking at the radiant and handsome Carol in the sky, Luo Wei suddenly felt that he had lost his identity as a sun god.


He immediately activated the Wrath of Vengeance and Seraph, and the wings of holy light spread out from behind, and the golden light shone with it, squinting the emperor.

Carol is also ready to fight: "It is an honor to fight against you, but even if you are the sun **** enshrined by Odin, you will definitely become my defeat."

"Warring is not a virtue, Carol," Rowe said lightly.

Since Carol has become a Kree warrior Firth, it is obviously because her memory has been shielded or even tampered with by the Kree people. Lowe believes that some real information might allow Carroll to break free.


Sure enough, out of instinct, Carol couldn't ignore the title she had used for many years, so she couldn't help frowning and questioning.

"Carol Danvers, think about the name and everything about it," Rowe added.

Carol's eyes suddenly showed a trace of confusion: "Carol..."

But at this moment, Yong Rogge's voice came from the communication device of the battle suit: "What are you hesitating, Firth? Qualified warriors should charge without hesitation."

"Believe in yourself, your power is no less than that of the sun god. Kill the god, the spear of the Kree Empire!"

"Yes." Carol temporarily dismissed the distracting thoughts, and the fighting spirit re-emerged in his heart.

I saw a sudden burst of light all over her body, and immediately the whole person shot out like a meteorite and went straight to Luo Wei!

Luo Wei was thinking of subduing Captain Surprise without hesitation, when he was caught off guard.


Hearing a loud bang, Luo Wei was slammed into the ground by Carol, who had transformed into a bright rainbow, and the surrounding ground shook violently, as if he had experienced an underground nuclear explosion.

This ferocious blow made Rowe deeply understand Carroll's strength, and he knew that he could not hold back and must go all out.

Carroll's impact is not over yet, and he is still piercing the rocks against the crust of the planet Tofa, as if he will hit the center of the earth.

At this moment, Sulfuron's warhammer shone brightly, turning into flames and merging into Rowe's arm.

Immediately, his whole body was bathed in raging flames, and the right hand combined with the Sulfuron warhammer was like Ulu metal in a furnace, and the surrounding crust quickly melted into magma, filling the air everywhere.

Rowe's burning Sulfuron hand grabbed Carroll's arm.

Carol's expression changed and she tried to break free, but the power of Saffron's hand was far beyond her imagination, preventing her from breaking free.

The extremely high temperature created by the divine power of the flame and the Sulfuron flame made her experience a rare burning pain.

Faced with such a scorching temperature, Kerry Technology's carefully crafted suits were naturally equally unstoppable. Almost as soon as Rowe grabbed Carroll's arm, the flames burned the suits on her arm.

Then Rowe reversed the offensive and dragged Carol into the crust, smashing left and right, just like what Hulk did to Loki, except that the scene was replaced by the crust and lava.

"Boom boom-"

The violent impact on the ground, as well as the continuous melting of magma and surging rocks, caused the surface to vibrate one after another, like a dense earthquake.

After about a minute of this, Carol was bleeding from the corners of her mouth and panting.


Before the Saffron warhammer left the body, Rowe slammed her out of the earth's crust with a heavy punch, and the turbulent magma also burst out from the penetrated ground.

He followed and flew above the ground, then released the Sulfuron Hammer in his hand.

Carol stood up from the ground, panting and wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth, then looked at the arm that Rowe had just held.

Due to the tremendous force and high temperature burning, this arm of hers was seriously injured, dripping with blood, and was shaking violently, almost weakly lifted.

This made her very dignified If Luo Wei launched the same violent attack as before, she would definitely lose.

However, Carroll's worries were unnecessary. Rowe could only maintain the output intensity just now for about a minute.

Then he had to release the Sulfuron Warhammer from his arm, and couldn't fuse it again for a short time, otherwise at least one of the warhammer and the arm would be lost.

Rowe slowly walked towards Carol: "I think you should have realized a little bit why I called you Carol just now... Can you really remember nothing?"

Carroll's eyes showed a little confusion again.

"You're not a Kree, you're from Earth." Rowe saw her reaction, and immediately continued while the iron was hot, "Carol Danvers is your true identity, think back to your lost memories, who caused it your crash?"

"Crash..." Carol frowned, lost in the memories of her efforts.

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