Chapter 511: 【SHIELD】

Just when Rowe thought that Carroll was about to remember, Yong-Rogge's voice entered Carroll's ears again: "Furs, return to Hala immediately."

"But—" Carol wanted to say something.

Yon-Rogge interrupted her: "This is the order of the Supreme Wisdom, return to Hala immediately!"

Carroll showed struggle in her eyes, and at the same time took a few steps back, as if to leave.

Seeing this, Rowe hurried forward and said, "Carol, you don't need to follow the will of the Kree, they are your enemies."

But Carol finally chose to obey the order of the Supreme Wisdom, and she saw a radiance all over her body, and then she flew into the sky.

Luo Wei chased away, and the two turned into rainbow lights and flew into the sky one after the other.

However, Carroll's flight speed can exceed the speed of light. At first, the speed of the two people was similar, but after only ten seconds, Carroll disappeared without a trace in the sky...

a few hours later.

Carol returned to Planet Hala, and Yong-Rogge looked at her, silent for a moment, then said, "You're doing well, Firth."

Carroll raised her head and asked blankly, "Colonel, where did I come from?"

Yong-Rogge's expression changed slightly, but soon returned to normal: "You are a citizen of the Kree Empire and come from the same place as me, what's the question?"

It is not unreasonable for the Supreme Wisdom to appoint him as Carroll's prefect. From the outside, the two do seem to belong to the same race, although human looks are not uncommon in the universe.

"But my memory is blank." Carol covered her head.

Yong-Rogge said calmly: "I have already explained this issue. You were injured in a mission and lost part of your memory. This is normal for a brave warrior, isn't it."

"Do you doubt your true identity? It makes no sense. You can easily find out your past, your name, your place of birth, the schools you attended, your test scores, and our university. The group photo of when...are these all fake?"

Carroll was silent for a long time.

Yong-Rogge looked at her, then stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder: "It seems that you need to rest, come with me, the Supreme Wisdom is just about to summon you."

Carol nodded, and followed.

After a while...

Carol closed his eyes and lay quietly on the platform, while Yong Roger watched and said, "Supreme Wisdom, how is Firth now?"

The voice of Supreme Wisdom sounded out of nowhere: "Her memory barrier is loose, and I have just repaired it."

Jon Rogue: "So there's no problem?"

"No, human memory is very complicated." Supreme Wisdom said, "Now it seems that we should not let Firth participate in battles frequently, her spirit is not stable enough."


After a period of time, Carroll no longer appeared on the battlefield frequently, but every time he appeared, it would bring huge trouble to the coalition forces, seriously disrupting the rhythm of the coalition forces.

After Carol appeared less frequently, it was naturally more difficult for Rowe to encounter her. In the only few encounters, he also failed to wake Carroll.

This made him quite depressed. Seeing that Thanos was over, he didn't expect Captain Marvel to jump in and disrupt the situation again.

But then again, as long as Carol can be woken up and let her join his camp, Thanos will not be able to turn over no matter what.

After thinking about it, Luo Wei finally decided to go to Earth. He knew too little about Carol's experience, and to successfully awaken her, the help of the earthlings was essential.

New York.

In a conference room, dozens of members of the Strategic Science Corps were discussing some important issues, chaired by Peggy Carter.

Carter is in her seventies, with silver hair and many wrinkles on her skin, but she still looks energetic, which is probably why she is still active at work.

"...The last topic of the meeting is about the new name of the Strategic Science Corps." Peggy Carter flipped through the document in his hand, "There are currently three alternative names, namely the Strategic Science Security Agency and the Special Security Defense Agency. , Strategic Dangerous Intervention Intelligence Agency. If you have other suggestions, you can also put them forward."

"What kind of ghost names are they, Momja Fake..." A muttered voice sounded faintly in the corner.

Carter apparently heard the muttering and looked straight at him: "Fury, tell me what you think."

Nick Fury hesitated for a while, then he said: "Well, I think we can refer to the CIA, the National Security Agency, and come up with a simpler name."

"for example?"

"Like... like the Defense Bureau?" Fury said.

"This is too ugly!" Someone immediately objected, "It doesn't fit our identity at all!"

"What do you think about S.H.I.E.L.D.?" someone suddenly said.

The name immediately hit the hearts of many people, when even a few people said, "I think it's good."

"S.H.I.E.L.D., let's call it that, Carter?" people said.

But Peggy Carter said: "As a government agency name, it doesn't seem very standard."

Others agreed: "Indeed, S.H.I.E.L.D., that sounds like a name in a movie."

Nick Fury then said: "Why don't we make the short name S.H.I.E.L.D., and then give it a proper full name?"

"What name can be shortened to S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Someone put forward: "Isn't it the Strategic Hazardous Intervention Intelligence Agency, the first letter of each word can be connected to form SHIELD (shield)."

"Have you never been to school? Look carefully at the initials of these words."

"Well... well, it seems like there's an L missing, but we'll just add a word that starts with an L."

"You can add a "logistics", which is called "Strategic Hazard Intervention Intelligence Logistics Agency", and the acronym just happens to be "SHIELD"! "

"But what do we have to do with logistics..."

"Don't care about these details, the important thing is to call it S.H.I.E.L.D., understand?"

Soon, everyone almost unanimously approved the new name which sounds a bit lame, just because the first letter of each word can be connected to SHIELD.

"Then we will be S.H.I.E.L.D.," Carter said finally. "The meeting is over. Fury, come with me."

"Yes." Nick Fury replied with some trepidation, and then followed all the way to Carter's office.

"Fury, you are a talented young man, but you also have your shortcomings..." Carter said while pushing the door.

However, as the office door opened, her voice stopped abruptly.

"Long time no see, Ms. Carter from the Strategic Science Corps." A blond young man with a height of nearly two meters appeared in this office at some unknown time, and greeted him.

Peggy Carter was stunned for two seconds, then returned to normal, not at all wondering why Rowe could ignore the defense and appear in her office, and responded with a smile: "I think for you, it's not a '' Long time no see'. In addition, it is necessary to explain that this is no longer the Strategic Science Corps, but S.H.I.E.L.D."

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