Chapter 512: [NASA Air Force Joint Base]

Luo Wei was not surprised that the Strategic Science Corps was renamed S.H.I.E.L.D., after all, it was almost time to calculate.

However, the black detective who followed Carter caught his attention.

Could this guy be Mama Fack?

"Who is he?" Nick Fury pointed at Rowe, black question mark face.

Carter had no intention of introducing, and still looked at Rowe: "Why are you here this time?"

Luo Wei said straight to the point: "I came to ask you to help me investigate some information. This matter is related to the future of the universe."

"What information?"

"About a guy named Carol Danvers who was your pilot but crashed in the Lightspeed Engine program," Rowe said. "I need all her information now."

Nick Fury immediately said: "The light speed engine is a national secret of the United States, and we can't divulge any information to you."

Carter also said: "Yes, the speed of light engine is indeed an important secret. If you can't give a good reason, I can only say that there is no comment."

"Sufficient reason?" Rowe was silent for half a second, "The pilot you judged dead, Carol Danvers, is actually still alive and working for a cosmic Hitler, is this enough? reason?"

"Cosmic Hitler?"

Rowe: "You don't know it either, but he is far more powerful than Hitler in human history in terms of power and massacres. If you don't want the earth to be massacred, you'd better put Carroll's information on it. Give me."

"It doesn't matter if you don't give it. I can go directly to the White House or the Pentagon to 'get' it, but the process may not be harmonious."

"Robbery of the White House? Who do you think you are?" Nick Fury was a little angry when he heard it. There is no doubt that he can become the future director of S.H.I.E.L.D., a patriotic stance is essential.

"Fury, don't be impulsive." Carter motioned to him, "He has this ability."

Sure enough, it was Mama Fake, Rowe nodded secretly.

Nick Fury wondered: "Who the **** is he?"

Carter had to say, "A god."

"What?" Nick Fury thought he had heard it wrong.

Luo Wei smiled and said: "It seems that you did find me in the history books."

Carter was silent for a moment, and finally nodded: "Okay, we can help you, but most of the Tianma project information is stored in the "NASA Air Force Joint Base" in California. If you want to know more, you can only go there to find it. "

Rowe: "You don't know at all?"

Carter shook his head and sighed: "Because of the crash, the Tianma Project was suspended and most of the information was destroyed. It is difficult to find relevant information other than Joint Base. Howard knew more about this, but unfortunately Yes, he was killed in a car accident."

"Howard is dead?" Rowe frowned slightly.

"Yes." Carter nodded.

Rowe didn't say anything. Died in a car accident, it seems like most of the same, Howard was killed by the Winter Soldier.

"Joint Base is near Rosamond, California, and Fury can take you there, but..." Carter hesitated.

"But what?"

Carter continued: "Joint Base officials have been trying to cover up and shirk responsibility for the accident. You go to investigate Tianma Project, they may not be very friendly, but I don't think you should be the **** of killing."

Then she looked at Nick Fury: "Take him."

Nick Fury opened his mouth to say something, but facing Carter's unquestioning gaze, he finally responded: "Yes."

After a while, Rowe and Nick Fury walked out of the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters building. Fury asked tentatively as he opened the door: "Are you a god?"

Lowe: "In a way, that could be said."

"Does God need a car?" Fury opened the door.


Nick Fury frowned, and was about to say something when Rowe raised his head and said, "Heimdall."

As soon as the voice fell, a rainbow beam of light descended from the sky, and instantly disappeared with the two of them. Immediately, they appeared in a barren mountain and ridge, and an iron gate could be vaguely seen in the distance.

"Bang!" Fury's car was also teleported by the Rainbow Bridge, but only halfway.

"That should be your NASA Air Force Joint Base." Rowe pointed to the distance.

Looking at his half car, Nick Fury was speechless for a long time.

"Someone will pay you, let's go to the base first." Rowe unfolded his holy light wings, dragged Nick Fury into the sky, and soon came to the iron gate.

"This is the government boundary, and it is forbidden to pass." The inspection device in front of the iron gate sounded an alarm.

Nick Fury took out his ID and pointed at the camera: "Nicholas Joseph Fury, Agent of SHIELD."

"Please verify your fingerprints."

Nick Fury pressed his finger on the panel of the inspection device, and after a while, he heard: "The verification is passed, and the passage is allowed."

The iron gate opened, and the two entered the base. After a while, a base official in military uniform came to greet him, followed by two live ammunition: "SHIELD, do you have any important business here?"

Nick Fury showed his credentials again: "Yes, we need to investigate some information about the "Pegasus Project". "

Then he took out another document, signed by Peggy Carter: "Peggy Carter authorized this operation, I think you should know who she is."

As the girlfriend of the legendary American hero and the leader of S.H.I.E.L.D., Peggy Carter is still very important in American politics. After reading the authorization letter, the base officials immediately showed embarrassment.

Upon seeing this, Nick Fury added: "The results of the investigation will not be passed on to other departments."

Joint Base wants to cover up the responsibility So they don't want Tianma Project to be investigated. Fury said that the investigation results will not be transferred to other departments, which is actually implying that S.H.I.E.L.D. will not take political responsibility for the crash. problem.

Finally, the official nodded, not embarrassing Fury as in the original book: "Okay, you come with me."

Rowe and Nick Fury followed the officials all the way to the joint base's data room, and the officials took them to the storage of the Tianma project data: "This is it, everything about the Tianma project."

Rowe took out a folder from the information shelf to read, and Fury also took a folder to look at.


Just then, a cat meow came from nearby.

Nick Fury was obviously a cat lover, and was immediately attracted by the sound, and when he turned his head, he saw an orange cat walking towards him.

"Hey, kitty." He put down the file and ran over to hug the orange cat with a smile.

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