Chapter 513: 【Original Devourer】


Nick Fury rubbed the orange cat for a while, with a foolish smile on his face: "Little cat, what's your name?"

The nameplate on the orange cat's neck reads "Gugu", which seems to be its name.

Nick Fury noticed the nameplate: "So your name is Gugu."

Rowe also turned his attention to the orange cat in Fury's arms, and the holy light flashed in his eyes.

Devouring beast.

Most of the earth creatures only have first-level energy. However, through the eyes of reckoning, this ordinary orange cat has four layers of energy ripples, and it appears in this place again. Obviously, it can only be a primordial beast.

In addition to the impression of the previous life, Luo Wei also has some understanding of the Primordial Devouring Beast, after all, this thing still has a certain reputation in the universe.

The fame of the Primordial Devourer first comes from its price. This strange creature with cute appearance and danger inside has a very amazing market price, and it is priceless. It is very rare and can be called a cosmic-level giant panda.

It is said that the famous collector Tanya Tiwan has always wanted to collect a Primordial Devourer, but so far has not been able to do so, which proves its rarity.

Nick Fury asked, "Whose cat is this kitten?"

"A stray cat with no owner," the base official said.

Nick Fury blurted out: "Then can I adopt it?"

The official nodded: "Of course, if you want."

Nick Fury smiled, but Rowe said: "Leave it to me, you are not suitable for raising it."

"Why?" Nick Fury frowned.

Luo Wei only said: "For you, it is very dangerous."

Nick Fury looked inexplicable: "Dangerous? It's just a kitten, not Hannibal, can it still eat people?"

The base official also laughed.

Luo Wei was silent for half a second: "Let's settle the business first."

Nick Fury got up immediately and continued to rummage for information while hugging the orange cat.

After a while.

"Ah, I seem to have found some clues." Nick Fury's eyes lit up and pointed to the information in his hand.

"The pilot of the Avenger was selected by Dr. Wendy Lawson as the first test pilot of the speed of light engine... but it is blacked out a lot, and the name of the pilot has not been found. Is that Carroll you said? Carol Danvers."

"It should be right." Rowe took the information in Fury's hand and flipped through it, and soon found a photo in it.

The main content of the photo is a black female pilot, and Carol can be seen in the corner behind her.

The black female pilot's information was apparently not redacted too much, so Rowe quickly identified her as Maria Rambo.

She is Carol's best friend and another test pilot of the Tianma program, but she survived because she didn't get on the fighter plane. She is currently retired and lives an ordinary life.

There is no doubt that, as one of the people closest to Carroll, Maria Rambo can definitely help Rowe to awaken Carroll. In the original book, the pilot played a similar role.

Therefore, after finding her address, Rowe immediately left the base, and Nick Fury also hugged Gugu and left.

Nick Fury is clearly a veteran cat lover who never forgets to tease cats along the way.

After walking outside the base, Rowe turned to look at him: "Fury, do you want to know what Gugu is in your arms?"

"It's a cat, of course I can see it, and I'm not blind," Nick Fury said dismissively.

Luo Wei didn't say anything, he just used the hand of reckoning to face Gugu a little, and the holy light flashed at his fingertips.

"Ow!" Gugu was enraged by the hand of reckoning, and immediately roared, opened his mouth and spat out several tentacles, swarming towards Rowe.

"My Fake!" Nick Fury was shocked and hurriedly threw it out.

"Meow!" The Primordial Devouring Beast slammed into the mud and broke into a weak and helpless orange cat.

Although the scene just now was fleeting, Nick Fury was still in shock: "What the **** is this?"

Rowe said: "A creature from outside the earth. In theory, you can't get enough of it in its teeth."

Nick Fury: "..."

"Do you still want to adopt it now?" Rowe smiled.

Nick Fury shook his head quickly.

Luo Wei stepped forward and picked up the Primordial Beast, Gugu obviously still remembered the hand of reckoning just now, and resisted angrily: "Meow! Ouch!"

However, its resistance obviously poses no threat to Rowe, and its shortcomings are too obvious. As long as it is not allowed to open its mouth, its power is almost the same as that of cats on earth.

Luo Wei easily subdued the Primordial Devourer, and then took out some special food from Asgard, so it didn't resist much.

"Heimdall, send us to this place." Rowe communicated with Heimdall and took out the map marked with Maria Rambo's address.

"Okay." Heimdall replied.

Immediately, the Rainbow Bridge opened, transporting Rowe and Nick Fury to their destination, and a small villa in the woods came into view, which was Maria Rambo's residence.

"Look, Mom, what is that!" The Rainbow Bridge's momentum obviously attracted attention, and a little girl's voice came faintly from the villa.

It wasn't long before Maria Rambo came out of the house with a pistol in her hand, clearly alert.

After seeing Rowe, Maria immediately raised her gun and asked, "Who are you?"

Nick Fury reluctantly took out his documents: "I am Nick Fury, an agent of SHIELD, you can call me Fury. As for the two guys by my side, I don't know who they are."

"Meow." The Primordial Devouring Beast called out.

Maria froze for a moment, then said in surprise, "Gu Gu?"

"Meow Gugu walked over to her, circled her for half a circle, and sat down to lick her paws.

Seeing the nameplate on its neck, Maria finally confirmed its identity, and then looked up at Rowe and the two: "Why is Dr. Lawson's cat here with you?"

"That's not the point." Rowe said slowly, "What's important is your comrade-in-arms Carol Danvers, who needs your help right now."


Temple Ship.

A trivial duel is about to take place in the huge and fortified spaceship of the Temple, but the owner of the spaceship, Thanos, came to watch the battle in person, and even put on a serious expression without a smile.

Two slender girls, each holding a weapon, stood in the duel arena, staring at each other. They have a blue skin and a green skin, but they call each other sisters.

The blue-skinned girl had no hair, and she said in a cold voice, "My sister, I will definitely defeat you this time!"

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