Chapter 514: 【nebula

Compared with the coldness of the blue-skinned girl, the green-skinned girl opposite was much calmer, looking at her silently with only a short blade.

"Gamora, Nebula, the same rules, let's start." Thanos said slowly.

"Yes, Father." Nebula said.

Gamora was always calm, silent, even looking graceful. Thanos is also clearly more appreciative of her attitude, although Nebula is more respectful towards him as his adoptive father.

"Ah!" Nebula roared and charged forward with a sword.

"Qiang!" The two men's weapons pressed together, making a fierce collision sound, sparks splashing everywhere.

Nebula gritted her teeth, and although Gamora also showed a labored expression, she still maintained a bit of restraint.

"Clang clang!"

They fought fiercely on the duel venue, dodging and moving, and the two short swords finally ushered in their first drop of blood after dozens of collisions and blocks.

The desperate Nebula slashed Gamora's shoulder with a sword, and blood spilled out!

It's just that before she could smile, the flaw she exposed with this blow was caught by Gamora.

The short sword in Gamora's hand went straight to her sister's chest, but she obviously had reservations, and finally only pierced the tip of the sword.

Nebula groaned and hurriedly retreated diagonally back, clutching his **** chest while dodging the next attack.

The two adopted daughters were fighting fiercely, while Thanos watched with relish, as if in his eyes, such an event was as harmonious and beautiful as a family dinner.

The battle between the two sisters reached the white-hot stage, and Nebula was like an angry beast. Every time he cut out a sword, it was accompanied by an attacking roar, hysterical.

It's just that this kind of anger did not give her an increase in strength, but instead led to a weakening of her skills and gradually lost the rhythm of battle.

Gamora, who already had an advantage, became more and more stable, and firmly held the upper hand.

Anyone with discernment can see that if it wasn't for her mercy, Nebula would have been defeated long ago.

Thanos could see it naturally, but he still let the battle go on, sitting and watching Nebula getting more and more embarrassed in the battle, the anger on his face was gradually mixed with pain and despair.

With only a "chuck" sound, Gamora knocked Nebula's weapon into the air.

"Give it up, Nebula, you're not my opponent," Gamora said, putting her sword around Nebula's neck.

Nebula gasped heavily and murmured, "Why...why..."

Thanos got up from his seat: "You lost, Nebula."

Nebula suddenly looked terrified and hurriedly said: "No, father, I just made a mistake, I can fight again!"

"Giving up defense is the beginning of victory. Come with me, my daughter, and accept your punishment." Thanos was unmoved.

"Please, father!" Nebula knelt on the ground, tears welling in her eyes.

Gamora also said, "Father, she's still a child."

Thanos said slowly: "The real rules in this world will not change because of your identity... Besides, strictly speaking, what Nebula receives is not punishment, but transformation, which will make her stronger, and what she pays is only A little bit of pain."

Gamora didn't know what to say for a moment.

Then Thanos pulled Nebula away and took him to a room similar to an operating room after a while, where his most trusted subordinate, Ebony Maw, was already waiting here.

"Master." Ebony throat bent and said.

Nebula looked at Thanos again begging: "Father..."

Thanos was unmoved: "Ebony throat, replace Nebula with a mechanical arm."

"Yes." Ebony Maw replied, and then he and Thanos fixed Nebula on the floating operating table, letting him cry and struggle.

The operation went very quickly, a moment later.

Nebula lay weakly, she raised her left hand, and found that it was no longer flesh and blood, but a mechanical arm composed of metal, circuits and chips.

Although this mechanical arm is stronger and more agile than flesh and blood, she can't feel the temperature.

Her original arm was lying quietly in the transparent box beside her. Due to the meticulous preservation measures, this arm still maintained its fresh vitality, and her fingers moved as if trying to grasp something.

Thanos said calmly: "This arm will be kept alive and alive, and when you defeat Gamora, you will have the option to reattach it. But I think you will soon lose the will to do so. , for the vast majority of races, flesh and blood is actually far less reliable than machinery."

Ebony Throat stows the case containing Nebula's arm, and then unleashes her.

Nebula left the operating table without saying a word, and silently looked at his arm, which was placed not far away.

Thanos looked at her and said: "Next time if you still fail, the more core parts will be transformed, such as the heart and brain... If you don't like this, make yourself stronger."

Nebula lowered his head: "Yes, father..."


"It's probably like this. Carol's memory has been tampered with by the Kree. I tried to wake it up but couldn't. As her best friend, you should be able to achieve this." Rowe looked at Maria Rambo , said slowly.

Maria was silent for a few seconds: "With all due respect, this sounds a bit... absurd."

Nick Fury said as he ate his bread: "But I have no doubts. I have seen so many more ridiculous things today. You can imagine that a cute kitten is actually a monster ten times more terrible than Hannibal. Oh, and this person in front of you... oh no, this god."

"What?" Maria Rambo frowned.

Nick Fury continued: "He's actually a god, can you believe it? You wouldn't believe it if you hadn't seen half your car taken from New York to California in an instant."

Rowe looked at Maria: "If this is true, are you willing to help Carol?"

"Of courseif that's true." Maria nodded.

"Follow me." Rowe stood up and said.

Maria hesitated and looked at her daughter, Little Rambo, beside her.

Little Rambo said without hesitation, "Mom, let's go save Aunt Carol!"

Nick Fury said: "It's us, a former Air Force pilot, an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and a god, not including you, little guy, let's talk about it when you grow up."

Rowe: "Maria, you should be back soon, and the child can be handed over to Fury for the time being."

Little Rambo immediately looked at Nick Fury: "It doesn't include you."


"Okay." Maria nodded in agreement and got up, "Anyway, Carol is my closest comrade-in-arms, and I hope she's still alive and help her retrieve her memory."

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