Chapter 515: 【Fury's new car】


After the two left the room together, Maria couldn't help asking, "Where are we going now? You said Carol is on an alien planet."

Luo Wei didn't answer, and at this moment, the Rainbow Bridge fell from the sky, disappearing instantly with the two of them.

Little Rambo couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw this scene, she ran over quickly, but found nothing except the teleportation traces on the ground.

"What the **** is going on?" She turned to Nick Fury.

Nick Fury shook his head, then sighed. "I don't know more than you. Let's go back to the room. Hope your mother comes back sooner."

Being left here to take care of the children made Furipo feel a little depressed.

After all, he is also a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent after all, and he is still a small boss in the bureau. Compared with his usual work, being a dad is far from the force.

A few days later, while Nick Fury was teaching little Rambo an arithmetic problem, two black cars came to a stop in front of the villa, and a few men in suits and ties got out of the cars.

"Is Nick Fury here?"

Nick Fury frowned when he heard this.

He was just helping Maria take care of the child temporarily, and this is not his residence, how could anyone come here to find him?

Out of professional sensitivity, Nick Fury asked little Rambo to hide, while he went out with a pistol and came to a few uninvited guests: "Who are you?"

However, the other's answer surprised him.

"We are the Stark Industrial Gold Research Center. ' said a gray-haired middle-aged man with a leading appearance.

Nick Fury is inexplicable: "Gold Research Center?"

"Not many people know us, but we have a lot of good things, and this is for you." The gray-haired middle-aged man pointed to the black car next to him, "We have received a message to send you a car."

Nick Fury looked at the car in front of him.

While it doesn't appear to be branded and doesn't look great, Fury is almost certain that the car is much better than his original.

The gray-haired middle-aged man introduced: "Strictly speaking, this car has not been officially put into production. You are the only user at present, Mr. Fury."

"Is there anything special about it?" Nick Fury leaned closer to the car.

"You can drive it like a normal car, or you can turn on another mode of it, and let me demonstrate it to you." The gray-haired middle-aged man got into the car, and Nick Fury followed suit.

The middle-aged man pressed a few buttons, and the seemingly unremarkable black car trembled, and the four wheels turned into a shape similar to a jet engine.

An invisible force appeared, holding up the car and suspending it half a meter above the ground.

Seeing that this car could turn into a flying machine, Nick Fury couldn't help opening his eyes and said in disbelief: "It can fly!"

The gray-haired middle-aged man smiled: "Its engine technology was first born during World War II, and Howard Stark first showed it at the exposition, although the technology at that time was still very crude... By the way, Steve Captain Rogers was there too."

Nick Fury couldn't help but say, "Really?"

The gray-haired middle-aged man nodded: "If you want to check, maybe you can find a photo."

"...this technology has been deeply embedded in some strategic military projects, but the successful application in automobiles is only a recent thing."

"The car we were in was particularly different, it used some light cast components that are unique to the Stark Gold Research Center."

Nick Fury: "What is Lightcasting?"

"One thing." The middle-aged man obviously had no plans to elaborate.


The gray-haired middle-aged man showed Fury the operation of flying the car, and finally landed the car back to the villa and said, "By the way, if there is no emergency, it is best not to turn on the flight mode casually, especially in public places."

"Okay, I get it. Thank you." Nick Fury fondled his new car with joy, and the miss of the old car disappeared instantly.

"By the way, what's this car called?"


After everyone left, he was about to turn on the flight mode again, and the four wheels turned into jet engines.

Little Rambo ran out of the house. She had obviously witnessed the magic of this car just now, and quickly said with bright eyes: "Uncle Fury, take me!"

"Come up." Nick Fury asked her to sit up, and immediately flew up, rushing through the surrounding mountains and forests, overlooking the scenery below, which was extremely enjoyable.

"how do you feel?"

Little Rambo was lying on the side of the car window: "I've been on a plane driven by my mother, but it feels completely different from this!"

Nick Fury smiled and was about to say something when a mechanical voice suddenly interrupted him: "Friendly reminder, the electricity usage exceeds 10,000 degrees."

Ten thousand degrees? Nick Fury was stunned for a moment, and estimated the electricity bill in his mind.

"Mommy Fake!"


The light from the Rainbow Bridge dissipated, and Maria Rambo found herself in a splendid hall with a majestic man in armor and a long sword standing in front of her, looking at her and saying, "Welcome to Asgard. Germany."

"Asgard?" Maria was stunned, then remembered something, "Could it be the Norse mythology..."

"It's true to a certain extent, but there are also a lot of falsehoods and mistakes," Rowe said.

"God." Maria said in disbelief.

Luo Wei said: "Wait here for a few days, once Carol appears, the Rainbow Bridge will send you there, I will protect your safety personally, all you need to do is to wake up her dusty past and let her from Firth Back to Carol."

Maria no longer doubted the authenticity of the matter, nodded: "I understand."

Heimdall said at this time: "Rowe, did you buy this dress on Earth?"

"No, I asked Asgard tailors to do it, but it looks similar to Earth clothing," Rowe said.

Although he likes Earth's clothes, it is too fragile for Asgardians, like paper paste. If you move too much, it may be damaged, so naturally you can only find Asgard tailors. One.

A few days passed in a flash.

Heimdall has always been closely monitoring the movements of various battlefields, looking for traces of Carol, and Rowe and Maria are also on standby at any time.

Finally this day, Heimdall said: "Carol has appeared, get ready."

Maria couldn't help getting up, pursing her lips, looking nervous and expectant.

Luo Wei propped up the two shields of holy light, held one in each of his left and right hands, stood beside her, and said, "Don't rush up in a hurry."

Then Heimdall pierced the sword of guardianship, and the rainbow bridge opened, sending the two over.

In the blink of an eye, the rainbow light has not completely dissipated, and a figure with a bright light all over its body collided like a meteorite!

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