Chapter 516: 【Wake up Carol】


The dazzling figure and the shield of holy light collided violently, and dazzling rays of light burst out.

"Carol!" Although the light was dazzling, Maria immediately recognized the figure who was coming, it was her close friend who had been judged dead, Carol Danvers.

Carol was about to continue to attack, when she heard Maria's cry, her body shook, and her movements stopped abruptly.

"It's me, Maria, don't you remember me?" Maria said while looking at Carol in disbelief.

"Maria..." Carroll repeated the name in confusion, the memory fragments buried in the depths of the soul poured in like a tide, forming a collision of two self-knowledge.

Danvers? Firth?

The two identities and the emotions behind them clashed violently, causing Carol to quickly fall into pain and cover his forehead.

"Who am I?" she murmured.

Maria Rambo said quickly: "Of course you are Carol, Carol Danvers, my best friend, the pilot of the Avengers... Do you remember the Pancho bar we used to go to? ?"

"Pancho Bar..." Another name pierced Carol's heart and hit his soul.

The Kree apparently also noticed her strangeness, and Yong-Rogge's voice came from the communication device: "Furth, return to Hala immediately! This is the order of the supreme wisdom!"

"Supreme Wisdom!" Carol subconsciously quivered, obviously Supreme Wisdom also established an unusual position in her heart.

Maria took her arm and said anxiously: "You are not a Cree, the Cree Empire is our enemy, stop following their instructions."

"Return to Hala immediately!" Yong-Rogge exclaimed, "Do you want to betray the Kree Empire?"

However, things backfired, and such reprimands aroused Carol's reflection and struggle. Instead of obeying the order with little hesitation as before, she stopped and thought hard.

"I brought pictures of you from the past." Maria took out an album and opened it. It was full of pictures of the two of them in the past, both single and group photos. These familiar scenes are constantly connected with Carol's deepest memories. echo each other.

"This is Boston, your hometown, this is Joint Base, where we were selected as test pilots... This is Dr. Lawson, Wendy Lawson, do you remember her?"

"Dr. Lawson!" The names of the commander and best friend who crashed together made Carroll feel like he was struck by lightning, and the fragmented fragments of the crash quickly popped up in his mind.

The sky, the beam, the pursuit, the crash landing, the dead Dr. Lawson...and the light-speed engine that erupted violently in the devastation.

These violent scenes are like rapid tides, breaking through the barriers of memory in one fell swoop!

With the clarity of the crash, the past and the present are finally connected, and her originally shattered and chaotic memories are finally stitched together.

Carol's eyes finally became calm, and then she looked up at the sky and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Carol, have you finally remembered?" Maria said in surprise.

Carol smiled: "Yes, I remembered, I'm Carol Danvers from Boston, not Kerry Foss."

Maria was so excited that she couldn't help it, and hugged Carol: "That's great!"

Rowe then smiled and said, "Welcome back to reality, Carol."

Carol looked at him, frowned slightly, and said, "I have a question, can you answer me?"

"What question?"

Carol: "Why do you seem to know me well? You knew my name the first time we met, and I didn't even know it at the time."

Luo Wei only said: "It is easier for Asgard to get news of the earth, and I am very concerned about the earth, probably more than any Asgardian."

Carroll was about to say something.

Yong Rogge's voice came from the communication equipment of the battle uniform again: "Fuss, Supreme Wisdom—"

She pressed a button somewhere on the battle suit, not knowing whether it turned off the device or destroyed it, and then said, "These despicable Cree people, it's time for them to pay the price."

Rowe: "Compared to the Kree, their ally Thanos is a more formidable threat, and Thanos is our real enemy."

Carroll nodded: "Very good, whether it's the Kree or Thanos, let's start the counterattack."

Captain Marvel's defection completely overwhelmed the Kree and Thanos, and they could no longer organize a strong confrontation, or even maintain their own alliance.

Finally, not long after, when Asgard was about to invade the capital of Kerry, Hara, the Kree Empire announced its surrender, proposed by the supreme accuser Ronan.

No one can take Hara before the Kree surrender - a phrase someone used to say against Ronan, but it still seems to hold true.

The Kerry Empire surrendered, and the Thanos Legion was unable to support it alone, and it was even worse, and the defeats continued.

Less than a month after the Kree surrendered, Thanos' force was like a punctured balloon, shrinking sharply and running around, being chased and intercepted by the Asgard coalition forces throughout the universe, almost returning to the original state of interstellar pirates.

Victory is at hand.

Among the huge battleships, Luo Wei is discussing the decisive battle with Thanos with Carol, Hus and others.

"We have locked Thanos' Temple Spaceship, and today is the time for a decisive battle." Rowe pointed to the star map projection in front of him, and Thanos' Temple Spaceship walked through the projection.

Hus suddenly patted his belly: "I suddenly have an ominous premonition."

"What hunch?"

"I feel...well, we may be defeated by Thanos' troops." He then waved his hand. "Of course, this is more likely to be an illusion. Thanos is dead, how can we fail?"

Carroll smiled: "That's right Intuition is often unreliable. When I became a pilot, abandoning intuition was an introductory course."

"It's finally over." It was Hogan who spoke, he reached out and touched his shaggy beard, and said with great emotion, "When the war is over, I will go back to Warnerheim to accompany my people, I am them after all. the prince."

Luo Wei said a little seriously: "Nevertheless, we still can't be careless."

" Thanos himself is powerful and is one of the strongest fighters active in the universe today. His subordinates, Ebony Maw and General Deathblade, are no trivial matter... The superstar is even more mysterious, and he has hardly ever shown up, we have not yet Know her true power."

While everyone was discussing, Loki came in from the door, but as soon as he came in, he was forced to stop at the door by Luo Wei and the others.

"Uh." Loki smiled awkwardly but politely, then glanced away, "Where's Thor? Why isn't Thor here?"

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