Chapter 517: 【Masked Challenger】

"I went to Nowhere and had a drink at the tavern there. Have you ever been to Nowhere?" said Loki.

"Never heard of it at all," Carol said.

Loki smiled: "If you have a chance, you can go and see it. It's a good place to play and trade. Tanya Tiwan is there."

"Where's Thor?" he asked again.

"Back to Asgard."

"Back to Asgard, why?" Loki asked in surprise.

With Thor's character, he would not easily leave the battlefield. The reason why he returned to Asgard this time was mainly because Odin had entered Odin's sleep again, and he had been sleeping for longer than before.

Obviously, Odin has been alive for a few years and may die at any time.

Rowe didn't explain the reason. Odin's sleeping time was a secret that only a few people knew. There were dozens of people in the room, and he certainly couldn't tell it in public.

Seeing that he didn't speak, and didn't ask any more questions, Loki changed the topic: "Have you locked Thanos' Templar spaceship?"

"That's right." Carol looked at the star map projection, "It's not easy to lock this guy, we have to set off immediately. Prince Loki with long hair, do you want to join me too?"

As an excellent pilot, Carroll's character is inherently tougher than most women. After experiencing these years of experience, her character has been further strengthened, and the female color has almost completely disappeared.

Coupled with the style of her ultra-short hair, from time to time, people will ignore or even mistake her gender and make some jokes.

For example, Thor once called her "Mr. Carroll" and was mocked by Loki for that.

It's just that although Thor got Carroll's gender wrong, Carroll didn't dislike him. In contrast, she looked down on Loki, a man with longer hair than her, and she seemed to feel that Loki also has a personality problem, so he is always not very friendly to him.

Loki naturally felt the unfriendly tone in her tone, and replied with a smile: "Of course, Ms. Carroll with short hair, I am also a member of the coalition."

Carol frowned.

Loki subconsciously took a half step back. Although the relationship between the two was not good, Carroll's strength was obvious to all. Except for Rowe, no one in the room was her opponent.

"Don't talk about these irrelevant things." Rowe coughed twice, "It's about to be a decisive battle between us and Thanos, get ready."

After a series of intensive fiascoes and the loss of almost all of its territory, the Templar ship was filled with a depressing and solemn atmosphere.

Whether ordinary soldiers or Thanos himself, became more reticent, everyone's hearts were tense and suppressed, like the low and gray sky before the storm.

Nonetheless, the brutal duel continued.

"Please, father, stop torturing Nebula... I can admit defeat and take the punishment in her place." Gamora begged Thanos.

Thanos was unmoved: "I didn't torture her, and the operation was almost painless. I was making her stronger, and she was actually very adaptable to these transformations. What really tortured her was weakness, or a mentality that didn't match her strength. "

Then he suddenly changed his words: "You can't admit defeat, and it's not you who duel with Nebula this time."

Gamora was startled: "Who would that be?"

Thanos didn't answer, and led her to an empty and flat room, where the duel had been going on all along, but it seemed darker than before.

"Come out." He said.

The doors on both sides of the room opened, and a masked man walked out.

They dressed the same, they were all covered, they couldn't see half of their skin, and their body shapes were similar, so naturally they couldn't tell who was who.

"Which is Nebula?" Gamora said.

Thanos didn't respond, still looking at the two people in the field: "Start the fight."

The two masked men didn't say a word, and after staring at each other for a while, they attacked almost simultaneously, waving their short swords and rushing towards each other.


Hearing a metal crash, they pressed against each other in an almost symmetrical posture, with sparks bursting between the blades.

"Clang clang!"

Immediately following an intensive and violent confrontation, the two sides had hundreds of back and forth without a winner or loser, and there was no difference between the upper and lower sides.

The two are not only close in strength, but also have almost the same fighting style.

Gamora watched the battle for a long time, unable to tell which one was her sister Nebula.

Due to the high degree of consistency in strength and style, the battle between the two masked men finally dragged to the end, and the winner was barely separated when they were exhausted.

One of the masked men worked hard and pierced the heart of the other masked man with a sword, and the tip of the sword exposed his back.

"Nebula!" Gamora didn't know which one was Nebula, but she had a 50% chance of losing her sister, so she couldn't help shouting.

Hearing the sound of "choking", the masked man's weapon, which had been penetrated through his heart, fell to the ground, and the man also fell to the ground and couldn't move again.

The winning masked man took off his mask, revealing his true face, it was Nebula.

She panted and looked at the masked man lying on the ground, her eyes complicated, and she said nothing.

"Fortunately you're all right." Gamora breathed a sigh of relief and walked to Nebula's side.

"Father, I want to rest for a while." Nebula was silent for a while and then said.

"Go, reflect on the battle just now, such a battle is rare." Thanos said.

Nebula turned around and left silently.

Gamora couldn't help but flash a trace of doubt in her eyes, and then looked at the masked man who fell to the ground: "Who is this masked man? Aren't we going to save him?"

"No." Thanos snapped his fingers.

"Crack!" He seemed to practice often and had a special finger-snapping technique, so his voice was very loud, like an ordinary person slapped hard.

As soon as the fingers snapped, the floor of the room opened, throwing the masked man out of the spaceship.

Gamora opened his mouth and hesitated.

Thanos turned his head and was about to say something when the temple spaceship suddenly trembled violently, causing him to change his face.


Outside the spaceship, UU reads www. in the starry sky.

Rowe led thousands of the most elite warriors to attack the temple of Thanos, and the hammer of judgment of the paladins started the decisive battle.

"Boom!" The Hammer of Judgment exploded on the side of the spaceship, and the holy light was released.

"For the alliance!" The rebels were indeed an alliance, and many people shouted like this, including Rowe himself.

But at this moment, a masked figure suspected of being a corpse was suddenly thrown by the spacecraft and flew right next to Rowe.

Rowe subconsciously grabbed the masked man and tore off his mask.

Under the mask, there was a blue-skinned girl with no hair. She closed her eyes, bleeding from the corners of her mouth, and seemed to be dead.

This is... Nebula?

Looking at this blue-skinned girl, Rowe was a little surprised.

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