Chapter 518: 【Battle Thanos (Part 1)】

But the battle was imminent, and Luo Wei had no time to think about it. Seeing that Nebula was still alive, he raised his hand and gave her a Lay on Hand.

Although Nebula was seriously injured, she was a mortal after all, similar to Earthlings, so treating her did not consume much of Rowe's mana, and she was healed in a blink of an eye.

"Siglord, take her to our ship and keep an eye on her." Rowe turned and ordered.

Sigurd nodded, and then rode the Holy Spirit horse, bringing the dazed and awakened Nebula back to Asgard's Thunder Ship.

Due to the formation of the coalition, in order to adapt to members from various races, the Thunder Boat has made many changes over the years. It is very different from the traditional styling style. It has a thick and strict metallic tone, with sharp edges and corners, and looks quite technological.

In fact, it does use a lot of technology, so that life outside the Protoss can survive and operate in it.

Asgard's battle with Thanos has begun, but Sigurd and Nebula, who he brought back to the Thunderboat, clearly have nothing to do with it.

"Who are you?" Sigurd poured Nebula a glass of water, trying to make her relax.

However, Nebula did not respond, and just stared at the ground in front of him, absent-mindedly.

Sigurd asked a few more questions, and seeing that she still did not respond, he said: "Well... I guess you should be an important person around Thanos, but you seem to betray him, otherwise you will not be thrown out of the Holy Spirit. Temple ship."

Nebula finally reacted, and after a while he said, "I betrayed myself."

"What?" Sigurd was puzzled.

Nebula obviously had no intention of explaining, and fell into silence for a while again, with a change of expression in his eyes, as if he was recalling some complicated experience.

Sigurd had no choice but to nod: "Well, although you don't want to say anything, I still have to watch you here until the battle outside is over."

"It's not that easy to end." Nebula said, "My father is invincible, and there are many frost giants in the temple."

"Unless there are thousands of frost giants in Thanos' spaceship, otherwise—wait, you mean your father?" Sigurd shuddered, "Aren't you one of Thanos' two daughters? "

"Not one, but half."

Sigurd was stunned for a moment, then as if he had noticed something, he looked at Nebula carefully again up and down.

He soon discovered that Nebula was a cyborg. Half of her body was replaced with a mechanical structure, including half of her head, and mechanical traces could be clearly seen near her left eye.

" Thanos is really a creative father." Sigurd couldn't help but shook his head.

The raiding Asgardian coalition tore through the defenses of the Temple ship in one fell swoop, and began a decisive battle with Thanos, the last and most core force.

But unexpectedly, there are quite a few frost giants in the temple spaceship, at least five hundred people.

Previously, although the Frost Giants also appeared on the battlefield from time to time, they all appeared as stragglers. At most dozens of people each time, Asgard was not able to judge the identities of these Frost Giants. After all, which country does not have some in the wild Rogue.

Unexpectedly, there were at least 500 frost giants hidden in Thanos' temple spaceship this time. Obviously, so many people will not be rogues. It seems that Jotunheim is secretly helping Thanos.

The situation is much more severe than expected, but it is not bad, and the Asgardian coalition still has a clear advantage.

"Your doomsday is here, Thanos." Rowe looked at Thanos not far away with holy light in his eyes.

In the vision of the Eye of Reckoning, the blood-red figure of Thanos gathered eight layers of energy ripples, and his strength was comparable to the superstar in white next to him. Then there are General Deathblade and Ebony Maw, both of whom have a level seven strength.

Thanos was wearing dark golden heavy armor and holding a two-meter-long fan blade with a gloomy expression: "The battle has just begun, Asgardians."

"It's over in my opinion!" Carol said, and then took the lead in launching an attack, turning into a bright light and rushing towards Thanos.

The supergiant shot along with it, and a circle of light blue halo immediately radiated from her body, forming an invisible wall in front of her and withstood Carroll.

"You have to kill me first." The superstar said coldly.

"As you wish!" Carol shot beams with both fists, blasting the superstar out.

"Boom!" With the sound of the explosion, the battle between the two sides was about to break out, and Luo Wei also spread his wings of holy light on all sides and went straight to Thanos.

Ebonmaw and General Deathblade try to stop him, but they soon have their own opponents, Ebonmaw's opponent is Hus, the one and only demonic paladin.

The opponent of General Deathblade is Egg, a clone of Egg to be precise.

"Ego, you betrayed us!" General Dead Blade clenched the peerless blade.

Egg's face is not very good-looking: "Don't say that, Dead Blade, you know I have to... In fact, you are the same to some extent, isn't it?"

"Humph!" General Dead Blade snorted coldly, waving his peerless blade to meet Egg.

Asgard warriors such as the three warriors of Asgard looked at the frost giants: "Let's kill them all, these **** frost giants!"

"Yes, these **** frost giants!" Loki also responded.

"His Royal Highness Loki, although Thor is not here, there is no need for you to steal his lines." Fandral said, and rushed up with his sword.

"..." Loki was silent for half a second, then turned over to take out two daggers and joined the battle.

The Sulfuron warhammer turned into flames and merged into his arm, and Rowe's burning Sulfuron hand clenched the Demon Slayer Sword and slashed towards Thanos.

Thanos roared and waved his sword to attack.

"Boom!" The Demon Slaying Sword collided violently with the fan's broadsword, causing an astonishing loud noise and shock wave.

The ability of Thanos is obviously similar to the power of flesh and blood, with powerful physical power. But despite this, he couldn't resist the terrifying power of Sulfuron's hand, and was suddenly shaken back by the giant force But Rowe suffered a loss in the weapon, and Thanos' fan blade didn't know what material it was made of. , even the Demon Slaying Sword could not bear it, and the blade broke an obvious gap in the impact.

This was not unexpected by Rowe. After all, in the original book, Steve's 55-50 shield was also smashed by the Thanos sword, and the Demon Sword was made of Zhenjin. It is reasonable to lose to the sword.

He didn't care about the damage of the Demon Slaying Sword, and launched a violent attack on Thanos again, and dozens of swords poured out with the might of Mu Da.

Not to be outdone, Thanos waved the sword in his hand like the wind, and while retreating, he fully parried the attack of Saffron's hand.

"Boom boom boom!" The impact of the weapon was like a dense thunder.

Finally, after the high-intensity slashing, the material of Zhenjin reached its limit, and the small half-cut magic sword was cut off and shot out.

The broken blade shining with holy light instantly penetrated the wall of the temple, flew into the vast universe, and disappeared without a trace.

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