Chapter 519: 【Battle Thanos (middle)】

"Your weapon doesn't seem to be of very good quality." Looking at the broken Demon Slayer Sword, Thanos said sarcastically, even though he was panting and his arms were shaking.

Rowe didn't say anything, the flames surged in his hands, and the Saffron flames were released from his arms, reintroducing the form of a war hammer, exuding a fiery glow.

Immediately, he swung the Sulfuron Hammer and killed Thanos again.

Thanos roared angrily, clenched the sword in both hands, and attacked with force, and the two sides continued to fight fiercely.

Compared to them, Carroll's fight with the superstar is certainly more entertaining.

After all, although Rowe is a paladin, Thanos doesn't shine, and both Carol and Superstar can release beams and energy, one is as gorgeous as stars, and the other is a dreamlike blue.

"Boom!" Carroll fired a photon cannon again, and the bright beam blasted towards the supergiant star.

The supergiant was ready, and circles of blue light appeared around it, like ripples in space.

The photon cannon rushed into the range of these ripples, and disappeared as soon as it was about to hit, as if it had fallen into a black hole.

Carol was stunned when she saw this, and then the fiery photon cannon drilled out of the space behind her and arrived in an instant.

"Boom!" Hearing a loud bang, Carol, who was caught off guard, was immediately sent flying by his own photon cannon.

The corner of the superstar's mouth twitched, then his eyes turned, and he waved his hand gently, and a light blue light instantly disappeared into the body of a nearby Asgardian warrior.

This Asgardian warrior had just defeated his opponent and was about to turn his head to kill the next one, but after being hit by the blue light, his movements stopped abruptly, and his eyes showed confusion.

"Obey me," said the superstar.

The confusion in the eyes of the Asgardian warriors suddenly turned into frenzy: "Fight for you, my lady!"

As he spoke, he waved his battle axe and rushed towards Carol, who had just settled down.

Carol didn't expect the superstar to have the ability to control people's hearts. She dodged two axes first, and then kicked the Asgard warrior under control.

After the warrior flew out, a nearby frost giant ran over, taking advantage of his unpreparedness, a sword pierced his chest.

The superstar frowned slightly, and was about to control another person when Carroll killed him again, and a dazzling punch hit him hard.

The blue halo surrounding the supergiant is like a layer of invisible armor, and any attack will be subject to huge resistance. After Carroll's fist passes through this force field, the formidable power has been lost.

But the superstar is not as thick-skinned as Thanos. Carroll punched him in the middle of the abdomen. Even if it was the last force, it still made her scream.

Circles of blue ripples swayed around her body again, and then she flashed and appeared a few meters away in an instant, dodging Carroll's next punch.

To others, it might be a quick move.

But Carroll, who has the super-light speed ability, can confirm that the supergiant has just teleported and teleported herself to the side, just like her photon cannon has just been transferred.

What a tough guy... Carroll couldn't help thinking of the various abilities displayed by superstars.

After avoiding the attack, the superstar once again turned her attention to the nearby Asgardian warriors.

A blue light struck, and Vorstag was immediately caught and controlled by her, turning his head and rushing towards Carol.

"What are you doing! Vorstagg!" Hogan and Fandral were shocked and hurried forward to grab it.

"Go away!" Volstage attacked his companions without hesitation.

Fortunately, at this moment, Loki hurriedly arrived, and with the help of Hogan and Fandral, he reached out and put his palm on Vorstag's forehead.

Vorstag was suddenly in a trance and looked struggling.

Hogan and Fandral said as they tugged at him: "Sober up! Think about what you're doing?"

Carol was entangled with the superstar again at this time, and Vorstag took this opportunity to get rid of his control, and a shudder came back to his senses: "Odin is above, what just happened!"

"Superstars have the ability to control the minds of others, we have to be careful." Loki said slowly, looking at the superstar who was fighting with Carroll.

"Go to hell, Asgardians!" Before he finished speaking, some frost giants rushed over from not far away.

The three warriors and Loki quickly responded to the enemy.

However, as the old enemy of Asgard, the Frost Giant recognized the identity of the son of Loki Odin at a glance, so from the beginning, many Frost Giants attacked in the direction of Loki, trying to catch or kill the prince.

So although Asgard has the advantage overall, Loki is under a lot of pressure here, showing some disadvantages.

"It would be great if Thor was here." Between the battles, Vorstage couldn't help complaining, "Where did this guy go, really."

Loki: "If Thor was here, he might take us all the way to Thanos and let Rowe save us."

At this moment, a tall and bald frost giant appeared nearby, and his hands released a long cold current, which immediately covered the surrounding area with a layer of frost.

With the sudden cold snap, the nearby Asgardians froze, and the frost giants took advantage of the situation to counterattack, forming a suppression.

Then the bald-headed frost giant came straight to Loki, shot with the soldiers around him, quickly subdued Loki, and grabbed his throat.

He sneered: "His Royal Highness Loki, it's a pleasure to meet you."

The bald frost giant's hand was very strong, and Loki immediately felt suffocated, and he didn't know whether the other party wanted to capture him alive or directly strangle him...

But soon, the bald-headed frost giant suddenly changed his expression, as if he had discovered something. He looked up and down at Loki for a while, and his hands unconsciously loosened a lot.

"You..." He seemed incredulous.

Frost giants have extremely low body temperature, and most life will freeze to death on the spot, even Asgardians will feel uncomfortable. As a strong man among the Frost Giants, he has a strong power of ice and cold, which is extraordinary.

However, when Loki held his throat, he didn't respond at all, and he didn't look like he was frozen at all.

"You shouldn't have been back then..." The bald-headed frost giant's face sank did not continue, but changed the subject and said hatefully, "Odin, you bastard!"

He looked at Loki: "Follow me to Jotunheim, the truth may be beyond your expectations."

"What?" Loki was puzzled.

The bald-headed frost giant was about to speak again, when a burst of heat roared from behind, making his expression unchanged, he quickly turned around to deal with it, and an ice shield instantly opened.

Hammer of Justice!

"Boom!" With a loud bang, Rowe's Saffron warhammer shattered the ice shield.

The bald frost giant was hit hard, screamed and stepped back.

Loki hesitated for a moment, but still waved his dagger and pierced his chest.

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