Chapter 520: 【Battle Thanos (Part 2)】


The bald-headed frost giant fell down, unable to rest his eyes.

"Are you alright, Loki?" Rowe asked. He saw that Loki was about to be strangled, and he hurriedly came to rescue him.

Loki panted and shook his head, his eyes fixed on the corpse of the frost giant, his eyes dazed.

What did he mean by what he just said? Should I be what it was back then? Loki thought in confusion.

Rowe added the king's blessing to Loki and the three warriors, and then turned back and left, preparing to continue the fight against Thanos.

It took him a moment to save Loki, and Carroll had to face the superstar and Thanos alone, and instantly fell into a disadvantage.

I saw the supergiant move with both hands, and the chains composed of blue rays of light blasted out and wrapped around Carroll's hands and feet.

Although these chains are not strong enough, Carroll is fully capable of breaking them, but they still inevitably affect her movements, revealing flaws and being seized by Thanos.

Thanos immediately deceived himself, clenched the sword in both hands, and slashed at her one after another.

Carroll dodged several times before being slashed in the stomach.

The double-edged sword, sharper than Zhenjin, cut through her skin with ease, and the blood splashed, making her groan involuntarily.

Fortunately, at this moment, an extremely fast-rotating golden prism shot up, and it exploded without waiting for everyone to react, turning into a thousand holy lights and shooting in all directions.

Holy Prism!


Thousands of holy lights were released from the sacred prism, so densely packed that neither Thanos, the superstar nor Carol could dodge, they were hit hundreds of times.

It's just that the effects of these holy lights on them are completely different. After Carol was hit, the wound on his abdomen quickly healed, but Thanos and the superstar were injured.

Thanos is okay, he has the top physical defense, but he suffered some flesh wounds, and there is no serious problem except that he looks a little embarrassed.

In contrast, superstars are much more miserable, with blood dripping from their bodies.

This result is not only because of her weak physical defenses, but also because of her sin.

For this, Rowe was very surprised. In his subconscious, Thanos' sins should be heavier than the supergiant who didn't show up very much, but the fact is just the opposite.

The sin of the superstar is far heavier than that of Thanos. Although Thanos's reckoning color is also red, it is not deep, at least it is seriously incompatible with his actions of slaughtering hundreds of millions of living beings.

Among the people Rowe met, Thanos' sins were not even in the top ten.

The Holy Light is much more merciful than the law. Its judgment of a person's sin is more a reflection of the heart, not just an objective action.

Luo Wei really wanted to know what kind of mentality Thanos had in the process of killing to reduce his own sins to this level.

Of course, he never thought that Thanos was a good person, and it was true. Even if Thanos's reckoning color was much lighter than he expected, it was still blood red, and he was an unquestionable sinner.

Maybe it's because you often walk by the river without wet shoes. Even if Thanos has a firm heart and a detached concept, it is impossible to perfectly comply with hundreds of millions of killings.

Sinners in the sight of the Holy Light, even with the most merciful laws, can be sentenced to life in prison. Even if justice aside, Rowe must kill Thanos in order to protect himself and his loved ones.

The intensive attacks of hundreds of holy lights not only seriously injured the superstar, but also severely damaged her clothes, revealing a lot of skin, including some parts that are not suitable for exposure. For her, this may be worse than the injury.

But at the moment of life and death, she couldn't allow her to think too much. Naturally, she could only forcefully ignore her naked body and focus on fighting.

The blue light on her body was shining, and these mysterious and peculiar energies seemed to be infinitely useful. At this time, they exerted a healing effect, allowing her injuries to recover quickly, and at the same time, it also played a role in coding.

"You deal with her." Carol said to Rowe, then turned and rushed towards Thanos, and the two exchanged opponents.

Rowe played against the superstar, and soon realized that her abilities are rich and tricky, especially the transfer attack and teleportation are very difficult.

But he also has a way to deal with it - the Holy Prism.

The Holy Prism has a fast attack speed and a large coverage area. Short-range teleportation cannot be avoided at all, and it is useless to kill the enemy, heal the friendly army, and transfer it.

After a few shots of the Holy Prism, the superstar couldn't stand it, and the people who could only control the coalition side kept harassing Rowe and barely coped.

the other side.

"Go to hell!" Ebony Maw waved with both hands, and hundreds of nearby ice thorns, metal fragments, and weapons shot out and shot densely at Huss.

Hus's body was hit by these fragments, his eyes were shot, and his plump body fell to the ground immediately.

Ebony-throated breathed a sigh of relief and walked to the vicinity of Hus, who was lying on the ground. Looking at the fat flowing on the ground, a trace of disdain and disgust flashed in his eyes.

However, at this moment, Hus, who had already been beaten into a sieve, suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed his ankle.

"What!" Ebony Throat paled in shock.

"I am immortal, haha!" Hus laughed loudly, and slammed his ebony throat against the wall beside him.

"Boom! Boom boom!" The wall was smashed through immediately, but he didn't stop there, but continued to smash the ebony throat for a while, and smashed through several walls.

How could the small body of the ebony throat endure such a heavy blow, and immediately lost the strength to fight back, and then was smashed all the way to the edge of the temple spaceship, smashed through the last wall, and flew out and crashed into space.

Huss didn't go after him. Ebony Throat didn't have the body of the Protoss. He was seriously injured and could not survive in space.

The huge temple spaceship is like a city, but the battle has been severely damaged and riddled with holes, and the situation has gradually become clear.

Despite the help of the Frost Giants, the Thanos Legion was unable to defeat the Asgardian coalition and began to rout.

The General Deathblade, who was fighting Egg, saw that the defeat was set, and quickly said: "Egg, don't you really want to be loyal to Asgard?"

Egg: "What do you want to say?"

General Deathblade breathed slightly: "If we are eliminated, Asgard will have one less enemy. I think you should not want to see such a scene."

"Odin won't allow me to do this." Egg said lightly.

General Deathblade holding his weapon was silent for a while.

But at this time, Egg jumped suddenly, turned around to deal with the Frost Giants, and fought back and forth with a group of Frost Giants.

General Dead Blade was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately, turned around and ran away, got on the escape boat in a short time, and ran away alone.

On the way, he also encountered Ebony Throat floating in space. The latter did not seem to be dead, but he did not lend a hand and continued to drive the spacecraft to disappear into deep space.


But at this time, Egg jumped suddenly, turned around to deal with the Frost Giants, and fought back and forth with a group of Frost Giants.

General Dead Blade was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately, turned around and ran away, got on the escape boat in a short time, and ran away alone.

On the way, he also encountered Ebony Throat floating in space. The latter did not seem to be dead, but he did not lend a hand and continued to drive the spacecraft to disappear into deep space.

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