Chapter 521: 【Death of a Superstar】

As the defeat became more prominent, more and more people in the Thanos Legion chose to run away like General Dead Blade. Hundreds of small spaceships flew out from the temple, which made the defeat even faster.

Thanos' Legion has virtually disintegrated.

Thanos apparently also realized this. When he was rushed by Carroll, he took a sword and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He raised his head and roared, "Detonate the temple!"

"Countdown to self-destruction, ten, nine, eight..." The sound of the spacecraft's self-destruction sounded, and the time was less than ten seconds, which immediately disrupted the rhythm of the battle.

Compared with the Asgardians, the soldiers on the Thanos side were more panicked. After all, most of them did not have a strong physical defense, and it was almost impossible for them to survive the self-destruction of the temple.

But this army has already disintegrated, and Thanos obviously no longer needs them. The countdown to self-destruction will soon end.


Starting from the energy core, the huge Templar spaceship was immediately engulfed by a violent explosion.

The flames and shock waves ripped apart the structure of the spacecraft sharply, turning it into a mass of fireballs and debris that burst into space, lighting up an insignificant star in the nearby cosmic space.

In the chaos of the explosion, the supergiant teleported to Thanos, panting and said, "I'll send you out of here."

Thanos looked at her who was seriously injured, and his expression was a little moved: "You..."

"I've been looking forward to this day for a long time." The superstar smiled.

Immediately, she raised her hand and released a dazzling blue light, which surrounded Thanos, and the surrounding space fluctuated.

The shock wave of the explosion has not yet subsided. Seeing that Thanos was about to be teleported away by the superstar, Rowe immediately summoned the Holy Spirit Horse.

After the Holy Spirit Warhorse came out, he suddenly thought of something. He turned his hand and took out a bottle of potion that looked no different from clear water from the Sanctuary space. It was the distortion of punishment.

He stuffed the Potion of Punishment into the Holy Spirit Horse, and then pointed out a little.

The warhorse blasted out, and sharply compressed into a golden energy group composed of holy light, and flew to the vicinity of the supergiant and Thanos in a blink of an eye.

The superstar apparently sensed the threat of this group of holy light, maintaining the teleportation to Thanos with one hand, and opening a dazzling blue light shield with the other, trying to resist.


"Boom!!" The light group transformed by the Holy Spirit Warhorse exploded with a bang, and a golden circle of light burst open instantly, engulfing the superstar and Thanos.

Compared with the self-destruction of the temple spaceship, although the explosion range of the Holy Spirit Warhorse is smaller, the lethality within the explosion range is obviously far better than that of the temple spaceship, even if they cannot easily withstand it.

When the holy light dissipated, the supergiant's arm that stretched the light shield had disappeared, and his body was severely injured, and the torn wound even revealed his wriggling internal organs.

But this didn't immediately take her life, and Thanos' teleportation wasn't interrupted.

"Please allow my death..." the supergiant said weakly.

"I, allow." Thanos clenched his fists.

With his voice, the superstar's eyes gradually dimmed, and some blue light gushed out from his arm again, and then slowly slipped.

Thanos did not notice that during the explosion of the Holy Spirit Warhorse, some imperceptible cool liquid splashed onto his skin with the violent explosion.

Due to the protection of blue energy, although these liquids did not cause him serious damage like the explosion, they unknowingly changed the condition of his body.

Under the vision of the Eye of Reckoning, Rowe could clearly see that the sin on Thanos' body turned into a gray color after a surge of surging—this showed that the Punishment Potion had taken effect.

The sin of Thanos has been transformed into a special lethal cancer by the power contained in the potion, which will kill him in the near future.

Luo Wei breathed a sigh of relief, but still rushed towards the superstar, trying to interrupt the teleportation and beheading the two on the spot.

Although the sin cancer caused by the medicine can also kill Thanos, it will take some time after all. Of course, characters like Thanos must be killed as soon as possible to avoid future troubles.

Hammer of Justice!

"Boom!" With a loud bang, the Sulfuron Warhammer almost shredded the supergiant star.

However, Rowe's expression changed. After killing the supergiant, the teleportation energy wrapped around Thanos did not disappear, but continued to flicker, exuding more and more intense divine fluctuations.

He hurriedly turned the warhammer, raised the Sulfuron warhammer with both hands, and smashed it hard at this blue energy, which was another hammer of justice.

Carroll also killed at this time, and two photons bombarded Thanos.


The Sulfuron Warhammer and the Photon Cannon caused the blue energy to fluctuate violently, but in the end it failed to penetrate this layer of resistance, causing damage to Thanos himself.

what's the situation? Holy Intervention?

This seems to be a bit of divine intervention, or divine intervention plus hearthstone teleportation... The supergiant has died, but the teleportation on Thanos is still continuing, and it maintains a strong defense force that is difficult to break through.

The self-destruction of the Holy Spirit Warhorse just now clearly broke through the barrier of blue energy, otherwise the Punishment Potion would not take effect on Thanos.

But the Holy Spirit Warhorse has already been used, so it is impossible for Rowe to fire again immediately.

He and Carol attacked the blue energy again, and the result was still, the teleportation was still going on.

The blue energy flickered more and more rapidly, Thanos looked at the two of them coldly, his voice was low: "Asgardians, and Kree..."

Carol frowned: "I'm not a Cree."

Thanos continued on his own: "One day you will understand that I am the destiny of the universe."

As soon as he finished speaking, the blue energy wrapped around him and disappeared suddenly, disappearing, leaving only the embers of the temple echoing nearby.

Carroll looked at Rowe: "He escaped, what do we do next?"

Luo Wei frowned and was silent for a long time.

The tyrant's power was indeed eliminated by Jian, and the army was completely destroyed, but the tyrant himself ran away, which made him feel depressed and doubtful.

Just like the situation in the first fight, there seems to be a force of destiny behind Thanos to help him so that he can always slip away at critical moments.

But the good news is that this time Thanos did not get out of his body, the punishment medicine has already taken effect, and the unstoppable cancerous transformation will soon swallow his life.

Maybe it won't be long before the purple sweet potato essence will die painfully in the wasteland of the universe.

"I left a curse of death on him. Even if he escapes, there is not much time left." Rowe said slowly.

"Of course, I will also let Heimdall search for his traces in the universe. As long as there is a chance, I still hope to cut off his head with my own hands."


On a desolate planet, a blue light suddenly flashed in the air.

Immediately after hearing a muffled groan, a burly man like a purple potato fell from the blue light to the ground where the rocks were piled up.

"Huh...huh..." Thanos lay on the ground and breathed for a moment.

At this moment, he seemed to notice something, raised his arm and looked, there were some tiny wounds spread on his purple skin, blood stained with dust.

Looking at these tiny wounds, Thanos couldn't help frowning.

As a powerful Eternal Protoss who has awakened for the third time, his body has an incomparably powerful recovery power, and the recovery of ordinary injuries is at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, at this time, these insignificant wounds on the arm have not healed, and this has never happened.

Maybe I'm too tired...

Thanos shook his head, dispelling the distracting thoughts in his heart, then stood up from the ground and walked to the distant wasteland without saying a word...

