Chapter 522: 【In ignorance】

With the collapse of the Templar spaceship, Thanos' power completely dissipated, and he himself disappeared, and a vigorous interstellar war finally came to an end.

After saving countless invaded civilizations, the Asgard warriors can finally enjoy their leisure time after winning an unprecedented high prestige.

this day.

Loki personally drove the spaceship to shuttle in the starry sky. The spaceship included his brother Thor, as well as Vorstage and Fandral. As for Hogan, who was also the three warriors, he went back to Wanaheim.

"We're about to reach the Land of Ignorance, see that?" Loki pointed out the spaceship window, a huge object that looked like a planet.

"What is that, and why do I think it looks like a head?" Thor asked.

"So smart." Loki laughed.

"..." Thor was silent for a while, every time Loki said he was smart, he felt like he was mocking.

Loki continued: "You guessed it right, that is a head, to be precise, the head of an ancient god."

"Heaven of the gods!"

Loki nodded: "That's right."

Vorstag couldn't help asking: "Who cut off the head of the god? There are very few people who can do this."

Loki looked at the head of the **** that was getting closer and closer outside the window, and said slowly, "There is a saying that Gnar cut off this head with his black death sword."

Thor asked, "Who is Gnar?"

"I don't know." Loki obviously knew, but he didn't bother to explain, "We've reached a place, it's time to land."

He drove the spaceship and slowly landed on the ignorant land built on the head of the gods, an interstellar city that was full of brilliance and flamboyance.

"Is this really as interesting as you said?" Fandral looked at all kinds of pedestrians.

"Of course." Loki said with a smile, "You can find all entertainment services here, pubs, casinos, dance parties... and services that may not be legal in other places."

As he said that, he pointed out: "Let's go to that Oroni casino first, come with me."

After half an hour.

In the casino, the four of them were attracted by a small beast called Oroni, which is a lizard-like creature that people in ignorance like to use to play a gambling game similar to horse racing. The origin of the casino name.

"Hahaha! My Oroni has won again!" Volstage's luck seemed to be overwhelming today, and he bet several times in a row. Although the profit was not much, it still made him very happy.

He patted Thor on the shoulder: "You lost again, Thor!"

Depressed written on Thor's face: "You must have taken my luck, I have never been so unlucky... One last time, eh?"

"What's the matter, Thor, shouldn't you have lost something?" Loki asked with a glass of wine.

"I lost my purse!" Thor felt around and quickly confirmed that he had lost the purse.

Loki smiled: "I reminded you before coming here, thieves can be seen everywhere here, and catching thieves is the most popular entertainment in ignorance. Think about it, have you been bumped by someone just now?"

Thor frowned, then as if remembering something, he turned and left: "I'll look for it."

"I'm with you, too." Vorstager and Fandral also followed, leaving only Loki.

Looking at the three of them who left together, his expression seemed a little lost. He drank the rest of the wine after a while, and then sat silently on his seat, playing with the wine glass in his hand.

Just when Loki was alone, a man in black robe suddenly appeared in the field of vision and sat opposite him.

As the man in black robe took his seat, a coldness filled the air, causing the nearby people to retreat, and the water-stained ground and table top were immediately covered with frost.

"Who are you?" Loki raised his head and asked.

The man in black robe lifted off his hood, revealing an ice blue face with a smile: "His Royal Highness Loki."

"The Frost Giant!" Loki was a little nervous.

Frost Giant: "Relax, I have no ill intentions, I just remind you of something."

"whats the matter?"

The Frost Giant didn't speak, and grabbed Loki's hand.

Loki subconsciously tried to dodge, but he took a step slowly, one hand was tightly held by the other party, which made him feel ashamed: "What are you doing?"

The Frost Giant released his hand unhurriedly: "I think in the previous temple battle, you should have realized that you are not as uncomfortable as the Frost Giant's body temperature like other people... including my dead. Many Frost Giants, including comrades, have seen this with their own eyes."

Loki was silent, obviously the other party was telling the truth.

The Frost Giant continued: "As far as I know, apart from those with the corresponding divine power, the only one who can do this is the Frost Giant himself."


The Frost Giant smiled: "More than a thousand years ago, our king Laufey was defeated by Odin. This is a well-known fact. But few people know it. Laufey also lost a child in the war, and that child was killed by Odin took it away, and his whereabouts are still unknown Loki clenched his fist subconsciously, breathing a little short: "So you think I am that child? This is ridiculous! My father is Odin, my mother is Frigga, my brother is Thor, how can I be a frost giant? I look nothing like you, it couldn't be more obvious! "

"It's not difficult to change your physical characteristics. You've learned magic, so you should understand." The frost giant said slowly, "You must have doubted it in your heart, otherwise you wouldn't be so excited."

"I'm not excited!" Loki slapped the table emotionally.

"What is the truth? Come to Jotunheim with me to find out." The frost giant said, "Luffy has a way to remove the spell on you to verify your true identity."

"If it turns out that you are not Laufey's son, you can leave Jotunheim on your own. We will not hurt you. After all, Jotunheim and Asgard are still peaceful."

Despite the appearance of five hundred frost giants in the Temple War, Odin finally chose peace and only verbally condemned.

Jotunheim also made a self-criticism showing weakness, saying that he was under control. The two sides did not tear their faces. If Loki goes to Jotunheim, the risk of being detained is really small.

Loki was silent.

The Frost Giant said again: "If you think you are not the son of Laufey, why don't you check it out."

Loki still didn't speak, lowered his head, and his face was cloudy.

"You decide for yourself." The frost giant stood up from his seat and turned to leave.

Seeing that he was about to disappear from sight, Loki said quickly, "Wait!"

