Chapter 523: [Thor storms into Jotunheim angrily]

Ten minutes later.

Thor, Vorstag, and Fandral came back after looking for the purse, but they didn't see any sign of Loki, so they couldn't help wondering, "Where did Loki go?"

Fandral asked passers-by: "Excuse me, did you see a man with long black hair and green clothes sitting here just now."

"He left with a blue-skinned man," said a passerby.

"The blue-skinned person? Who?" Thor was puzzled.

The passerby shook his head: "I don't know him, but he is like a piece of ice. As soon as he came, we all felt the cold, and it was an unforgettable feeling."

"That's right, that guy is a frost man." The people nearby responded in succession.

"Look at this table, as well as the ground, it's all the ice **** he left behind."

"I even suspect that his body temperature is absolute zero, it's terrible..." The speaker shuddered.

"It's the Frost Giant!" Thor clenched his fists, "Loki was taken away by the Frost Giant!"

Vorstag couldn't help but ask, "What should we do?"

Thor did not hesitate and said angrily: "Of course, go to Jotunheim and save my brother from the frost giant!"

Fandral: "Thor, I think we should report to His Majesty Odin first, and His Majesty will decide."

"No!" Thor waved his hand involuntarily, turned around and left, "Let's go to Jotunheim now!"

Vorstag and Fandral had to keep up, and the three boarded the spaceship, set off immediately, and went straight to Jotunheim after continuous space jumps.

For the vast majority of creatures, successive space jumps cause a huge physical load. But as Asgardians, they can easily bear this load.

After a while, they drove the spacecraft to the star field near Jotunheim.

Coincidentally, there was a spaceship not far in front of them. Like them, they had just finished the space jump and were landing on the planet of Jotunheim.

"Look, will Loki be on that ship?" Volstage pointed out.

"Follow it!" Thor said.

Fandral was in charge of driving the spaceship. He adjusted the direction and said, "Thor, I still think we should report to Asgard. This is too rash."

"It doesn't matter if the Frost Giant secretly helps Thanos, now that even such a despicable thing can be done, do you need to do anything else?" Thor said, "I'll make them remember the wrath of the Thunder God right away!"

Fandral can also guess a bit of Thor's thoughts. Thor not only wanted to rescue Loki, but also wanted to take revenge on the Frost Giant, and if Odin knew, revenge on the Frost Giant might not be so smooth.

The spaceship in front obviously sensed them, and immediately accelerated and landed towards Jotunheim.

Seeing that it was about to disappear into the ice and snow, Tolton was a little anxious, and finally he simply opened the hatch and swiped Mjolnir after him.


With the rumbling thunder, Thor quickly approached the spaceship in front of him, and then swung his warhammer again, the sky thundered, and the electric snake danced wildly.


Immediately afterwards, there was only a loud, earth-shattering sound, and a dazzling thunder fell from the sky, directly hitting the spaceship under the pulling of Miaolnir, hitting it straight.

The spaceship that was hit hard immediately lost its balance and fell to the ground in a whirl. The pilot inside the ship seemed to try to adjust the attitude of the spaceship but to no avail, and did not change the downward momentum.

Thor took advantage of this to speed up, caught up with the spaceship, and then saw Loki inside through the porthole.

"Loki, I'm here to save you!"

"..." The spaceship crashed, and Loki was panicking. Seeing Thor outside, he was at a loss for a while, and he didn't know what to say.

Thor was unaware of his complicated expression. He slammed the warhammer against the porthole, then broke through the window and grabbed Loki's arm.

"Thor, listen to me..." Loki tried to say something.

But Thor pulled him out of the spaceship involuntarily, and then gave the frost giant who was driving the spaceship a hammer: "Dare to catch my brother, go to hell!"

The frost giant was knocked unconscious by a hammer, and the spaceship lost its balance completely.

Thor dragged Loki to the side, and then watched the spaceship fall all the way, and finally collided with the iceberg.

"Boom!" The spaceship exploded.

The two fell to the ground, and Thor patted Loki on the shoulder: "Don't thank me, brother."

Loki: "..."

"By the way, what did you just say to me?" Thor remembered.

Loki took a deep breath, then shook his head: "No, nothing... Are we going back to Asgard now?"

"Back to Asgard?" Thor disagreed. "The Frost Giants caught you, do we just let them go? By the way, and they helped Thanos. We have to teach them a lesson!"

Loki was silent for a while: "Forget it, I'm fine anyway."

"No, they must pay the price!" Thor swung his warhammer.

At this time, the spaceships of Fandral and Vorstage also landed on the ground. Thor turned his head to see them getting off the spaceship, and immediately said, "Let's go, let's go to Gastepony Castle!"

"What a big breath!" A stern voice suddenly came, "Gastepney is His Majesty Laufey's castle, and is it yours to go there if you want?"

Thor turned his head and saw a team of frost giants coming here: "You guys actually delivered it to your door."

The frost giant at the head said: "Son of Thor Odin, do you want to break the peace agreement between Jotunheim and Asgard?"

Thor said angrily, "It's clear that you broke the agreement first!"

"We?" The frost giants looked at each other, "You mean Thanos? Isn't this matter already settled?"

Thor snorted coldly and swung his warhammer: "Since you are unwilling to admit it, Miaolnir will let you admit it."

"Thor." Loki tried to persuade again, but it was too late, Mjolnir had already shot out with a thunderbolt.

"Boom!" A frost giant was hit in the head and died on the spot.

The battle ensued.

"Stupid God of Thunder, you are provoking a war!" The frost giant headed by said angrily. He knew that he would not be Thor's opponent, but he still drew his long sword to meet him.

Thor stretched out his hand to recall Mjolnir, then jumped up with a roar, and the huge warhammer directly smashed the enemy's long knife.

Vorstagg and Fandral also joined the battle, facing a dozen or so frost giants on the opposite side.

Loki stood there, somewhat bewildered.

The battle didn't last long. Thor and the three were no ordinary people, and the enemy was just a team of Frost Giants patrolling soldiers. They were quickly defeated by them, and there were casualties everywhere.

However, following the death of the patrolling soldiers, other frost giants came after hearing the news, and dozens and hundreds of people arrived one after another, besieging Thor.

