Chapter 524: 【Rocky

Facing the siege of hundreds of frost giants, Thor was not afraid at all.

In fact, in more than a thousand years, he has almost no memory of fear.

At any time, he seemed to be a newborn calf.

Thor raised his hand and threw Mjolnir, and the warhammer shot out in the thunder.


A frost giant was knocked into the air, but it failed to stop Mjolnir's momentum, and the warhammer was still advancing bravely in the thunder.

"Boom boom boom!" A series of frost giants fell one after another.

Then Thor stretched out his hand, Mjolnir drew an arc and shot back, and the enemies along the way were also knocked down.


The frost giants roared and rushed up.

Vorstagg, Fandral, and Loki stood together, supporting each other, against the frost giants rushing up from all sides.

"Loki, where's your halberd?"

Fandral swung his sword to kill a nearby frost giant, then turned his head and said something.

Both he and Vorstag were fighting bravely to kill the enemy, but Loki was obviously paddling, almost only parrying but not fighting back. He didn't even take weapons, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

When Loki heard this, a bit of reluctance appeared on his face.

He came to Jotunheim to verify his identity, not to fight and kill. Now things have suddenly turned into this situation, which makes him very depressed.

If I were a Frost Giant, it seems inappropriate to kill people in Jotunheim...

Although it's not like he hasn't killed a frost giant before.


Fandral shouted again.

Loki sighed, and had no choice but to take out the halberd from Proxima Dark Night from the space bracer, and waved it.


A dazzling beam of light shot out from the halberd, and a frost giant who rushed close was blasted his head on the spot, and his flesh and ice **** splashed.

Fandral smiled and said, "That's right, did you just fall asleep?"

Loki was speechless, only forced a smile.

With the cooperation of the three, although they couldn't kill a lot, they were still invincible for a while, and they stood still during the siege of the frost giants.

In comparison, Thor is much more brave.

As an Asgardian **** who has completed his second awakening, he is the strongest among several people, and he is also known for his bravery in the entire Asgard.

Coupled with the help of the artifact Mjolnir, there are few opponents in Jotunheim.

Following Thor's battle, Miaolnir flew into the sky and dashed through the Frost Giant's camp with thunder.

Mjolnir weighs only 40 pounds, which is obviously a light hammer for the Asgardians.

However, due to the additional power of Odin, this warhammer has some magical properties, such as the ability to use the power of the core of the earth to produce a weight that is even more exaggerated.

Therefore, Mjolnir can always cause an extremely violent impact, which is far beyond the visual effect of its size.

However, there are hundreds of frost giants, and the number is still increasing, obviously it is impossible for them to be weak.

Thor rampaged through the enemy group, and soon encountered an enemy that could not be solved with a hammer.

"Jotunheim is the domain of the Frost Giants!" said a Frost Giant with a scar on his face, beckoning with both hands.

With his movements, countless ice thorns condensed around him immediately.

The icicles shook for a while, then all aimed at Thor.


With the sharp sound of breaking through the air, a large amount of ice stimulation shot out and attacked Thor.

The densely arranged ice thorns are like a light blue wall, flying towards the sky.

Thor hurriedly swung Mjolnir in front of him, and the thunder blasted from the warhammer in all directions, forming a round surface to block in front of him.

"Boom boom boom!"

The flying ice thorns all hit the round surface, causing a dense crackling sound.

The ice **** splashed everywhere, and it looked like flying snow.

The ice thorns continued to flow, and Thor rushed towards the Frost Giant Scar against the resistance.

Seeing that his attack did not cause any substantial damage to Thor, the Scar Frost Giant couldn't help showing a bit of annoyance, suddenly changed his attack, and slapped the ground with both hands.


The ground covered by ice trembled, and then a huge ice cone instantly erected from the ground, pointing directly at Thor.

Thor was stabbed in the chest immediately.

Fortunately, he was protected by armor, which gave him time to react and made him soar into the sky.

"Taste the wrath of Thunder!"

Thor looked at the Frost Giant Scar, and held Miaolnir high, thunder rumbled in the sky, and the dazzling electric snakes danced non-stop.

The Scar Frost Giant quickly opened his hands, and a huge ice shield quickly condensed.

Thor roared angrily, swooping down with the thunder that fell from the sky, and suddenly threw Mjolnir in the middle.


Miaolnir came with a thunderous explosion, and with only one explosion, the huge ice shield was smashed with cracks and crumbling, but it hadn't collapsed yet.

The Scar Frost Giant was slightly relieved.

However, at this moment, Thor fell to the low altitude, close at hand.

He called Mjolnir back into his hands, aimed at the shaky huge ice shield, and struck another heavy blow with the hammer.


This time, the ice shield finally couldn't take it anymore, and it collapsed suddenly, turning into shards of ice and flying into the ground.

The Scar Frost Giant was a little frightened, and hurriedly condensed an ice axe in the left and right hand songs to meet Thor who was close.

A mere ice axe, how could it be compared to Mjolnir, Thor smashed the two ice axe to pieces.

It's just that he was busy fighting with the enemy in front of him, so it was inevitable that he would make some omissions in the face of other attacks Soon an ice thorn hit him in the back.


The ice thorn smashed into pieces on the armor, but the impact force and the power of ice cold passed through the armor without reservation and acted on Thor.

Thor staggered for a while, and the Frost Giant Scar seized the opportunity, and the ice axe that was being repaired fell from top to bottom, hitting Thor in the face.

Thor hurriedly raised his warhammer to block, barely blocking the dangerous blow.

But since then, he has also moved to a passive situation, gradually losing the opportunity to fight back under the siege of the surrounding enemies, and the situation is not very good.

"We have to help Thor!" Vorstagg said immediately after noticing Thor's situation.


The three of them fought and walked, and soon merged with Thor not far away. The four of them stood together to fight against the enemy and stabilized the situation again.

But at this moment, a group of huge snow-white figures emerged from the ice field at the end of the line of sight, accompanied by bursts of roars.

"It's an ice bear!"

These snow-white figures are the ice bears unique to Jotunheim, and they are also the mounts of some frost giants.

As these ice bears approached, Thor and the others gradually saw the frost giants sitting on the backs of the ice bears.

Among these frost giants, the leader is none other than the king of Jotunheim, the ruler of Gastpenny Castle, Laufey.

"Lauffy is here in person, what should we do?" Fandral said.

Looking at Laufey who was riding on the back of the ice bear secretly, Loki's face seemed a little complicated, his eyes flickered slightly, and the weather was uncertain.

Lau he his biological father?

