Chapter 525: [Rhetoric] 4 more

Thor noticed Laufey and immediately shouted with his warhammer, "Laufey, fight with me and let me see if you are worthy of being the King of Jotunheim!"

"Are you crazy!" Fandral said quickly, "Loki, contact Heimdall!"

Loki hesitated for a moment, but nodded anyway, and began to cast spells to contact Heimdall in Asgard.

Lau Fei came over on the ice bear, the battle was suspended, and the surrounding frost giants saluted, "Your Majesty."

Laufey nodded, then looked at Thor: "Asgardian, did you come to Jotunheim to die?"

"I'm the son of Thor Odin." Thor was obviously dissatisfied with Laufee's unspecific address.

Laufey: "Of course I know who you are."

Thor asked at this time, "Why did you kidnap my brother?"

Laufey was silent for a moment, his eyes moved to Loki unconsciously, but he quickly took it back.

"We didn't kidnap your brother, we just invited him to Jotunheim as a guest." He said slowly.

"A guest?" Thor sneered, "Do you think I'm a three-year-old?"

Lau Fei sarcastically said, "Aren't you a child, a young child who likes fighting, likes to use force, and wants to prove that he is a man?"

When Thor heard the words, his face couldn't help showing anger, and he held Mauernier tightly in his hand, almost smashing it directly at Laufey.

Laufey continued: "I can take this as a misunderstanding and let you leave Jotunheim, just like Odin released the frost giant who helped Thanos before."

"Your Majesty, we can't just let them go!" said the Frost Giant Scar, "He killed so many of us!"

Laufey maintained the tone just now: "Lightly starting the war will make more people die. Odin and I both understand this."

"Come on, son of Odin, while I'm willing to let you go."

Thor was silent, but his anger was obviously not subsided, and he was hesitating whether to end it.

Loki took advantage of the situation to persuade: "Thor, we should go back, and we can only continue the battle between Jotunheim and Asgard."

However, at this moment, the Frost Giant Scar sneered coldly: "Go back to breastfeeding, little princess of Asgard."

Loki murmured aloud.

Sure enough, upon hearing this sarcasm, Thor immediately stopped hesitating, and threw Mjolnir with his backhand, hitting the Frost Giant Scar.


The Scar Frost Giant raised the ice axe to block, and the ice axe shattered, and the battle broke out again.

Thor stretched out his hand to beckon, and Mjolnir, who flew out, drew an arc, knocked down the frost giants along the way, shot back, and was held in his hand again.


Thunder rumbled in the sky, and electric snakes danced wildly.

Immediately, Thor swung the warhammer violently, and a thick thunder fell from the sky, heading straight for Laufey.

As the King of Frost Giants, although Laufey is old, he definitely won't be killed just like that.

In the blink of an eye, he had already condensed an ice shield over his head, covering him and the frost giants around him.

The thunder landed and bombarded the ice shield, inspiring an amazing sound and light.

However, Thor's blow, despite its impressive force, failed to defeat Laufey's ice shield in the end, and it didn't even cause significant damage.

This was obviously far from what he expected, and he couldn't help but change his face.


Lau Fei snorted coldly and clasped her fingers together.

Following his movements, the ice shield above immediately turned into many ice blades, and after a while of rotation, they shot out and shot at Thor one after another.

At this moment, the Rainbow Bridge fell from the sky.

In the dazzling light, Luo Wei's figure appeared instantly, and a fiery flame swept out from his hands.

"Boom boom boom!"

When the ice blades hit the flames, they exploded, turning into mist.

Then the flames rolled back, returned to Rowe's hands, and turned into a huge flaming hammer covered with spikes, which was the Saffron Warhammer.

"Rovi, the sun god..."

Lau Fei's face sank, and there was hatred in her voice.

His hatred for Rowe was no less than his hatred for Odin. After all, Rowe killed his eldest son at the beginning, and he was absolutely mortal.

Besides, Rowe has escaped from him more than once.

Every time he thought he had killed Rowe, but he didn't every time, and he would become stronger when they met again.

Compared with Odin, who is even more waning than himself, Luo Wei, an enemy that is still on the rise and has already become a climate, obviously makes Laufee feel more threatened.

"Stay safe, Your Majesty Laufey."

Rowe put the Saffron Warhammer on the ground and said calmly.

Lau Fei remained gloomy: "Are you here to officially start a war?"

"It's up to His Majesty Odin to decide. I can't make the decision, and I have no interest. I just want to bring them back." Rowe said.

Laufey: "They killed so many frost giants, you can take them back if you want?"

"Otherwise? The matter between Jotunheim and Thanos has not been investigated clearly." Luo Wei said lightly.

"If you have to go to war, Asgard will not back down. At least I have the confidence to win another war."

Laufey was silent.

Although emotionally he was reluctant to admit it, the fact was that he could no longer treat Rowe.

Not only that, but after completely eradicating the forces of Thanos, Luo Wei has become one of the most prominent legion commanders in the universe.

No one would doubt that this sun **** can organize another fierce war and defeat any strong enemy like Thanos.

If Asgard didn't have the goddess of death and the sun, Jotunheim might not be afraid to go to war in the face of the dying Odin who is about to go to earth.

But now, Jotunheim dared to go to war, and nine times out of ten it would end in disastrous defeat.

"Asgard and Jotunheim have maintained peace for thousands of years, and no one wants to break it unless it is absolutely necessary," Rowe said.

Laufey finally said, "Maybe."

Rowe turned to look at Thor and the others, and Thor immediately said to him, "The Frost Giant is going to capture Loki, we—"

Luo Wei interrupted him: "Stop talking Let's go back."

Thor froze for a moment, and then the Rainbow Bridge descended again, bringing a few people back to Asgard's teleportation hall in an instant.

"You were too impulsive this time, Thor, actually broke into Jotunheim, and even started with Laufi!" It was Heimdall who spoke.

There's a rare sense of accountability in his voice, which he rarely does, and it leaves Thor a little overwhelmed.

Thor defended: "But they took Loki, do I want to do nothing?"

Heimdall looked at Loki: "The frost giant caught you?"

"Uh." Loki didn't know how to answer for a while, "This... maybe it can't be said that way."

"what is the problem?"

Loki quickly thought about his remarks: "Actually, I lost to the frost giant in the casino of ignorance, and I had to agree to his conditions and go to Jotunheim to help him solve a magic problem."

This statement sounds reasonable...

Although both Lowe and Heimdall thought it was fake.

Thor said: "This is obviously a scam, they just want to capture Loki, these despicable frost giants!"

Then he looked at Rowe again: "My brother-in-law, I think you should be tougher just now and fight Jotunheim directly. Asgard doesn't need to be afraid of them at all."

"They never really wanted to maintain peace, there is no doubt about it... We should completely defeat the frost giants and cut the grass and roots!"

Rowe was unmoved: "I said it's not up to me to decide, and everything will be decided after His Majesty Odin wakes up."

