Chapter 531: [Holy Light] 6 more

"Do you have any other pants?" Rowe asked.

Banner spread his hands: "I prepared a lot of them in my backpack, but almost every time I transform, I lose the bag. So no."

Luo Wei: "Then I'll take you to a nearby city."

Banner hesitated: "I want to go back and look for it. Maybe my backpack can still be found, and there are some other things in it."

Luo Wei nodded: "Let's go."

Immediately, he dragged Banner into the sky and returned to the street just now. There was still some chaos here. Police cars were blocked, and the police and onlookers were noisy.

Rowe gave Banner a coat. Banner avoided the sight of the crowd and searched for his backpack near the street based on his impression.

Finally, he luckily found his backpack and ran over excitedly: "I found it!"

"Good luck."

Banner took out a pair of shorts from his backpack: "These are shorts that I specially found for someone to customize. Although the transformation will also cause it to loosen, at least it will not be completely broken."

"Wait a minute." Rowe said, took his pants, and let out the holy light in his hand.

Holy Light Infusion!

It doesn't take much mana to consecrate a pair of shorts, and Luo Wei completed the consecration soon, making it faintly covered with a layer of holy light.

"This—" Banner blinked.

Luo Wei said inscrutable: "You can understand it as the blessing of the sun god. Now it is a pair of shorts that have been blessed. Now that you are transformed, it should not become loose again. If you don't believe it, you can try it."

"Forget it, thank you." Banner didn't want to transform.

After he changed his clothes, there were more policemen rushing here, and the two left together.

"What are you going to do next? Banner." Rowe asked.

Banner was silent for a moment, then said, "As you said, I will continue to try to control this power. I hope one day I can really master it."

Luo Wei nodded, then suddenly thought: Do you want Labanna to join the Silver Hand?

The Holy Knight Hulk... It sounds very interesting.

Just when he thought about it like this, Heimdall's serious voice suddenly entered his ears: "Luo Wei, I found something unexpected, you'd better go and take a look."

Luo Wei frowned: "What unexpected situation, did something happen to Thor?"

"No, it has nothing to do with Thor, it's just an abnormally powerful energy wave... This terrible energy makes me uneasy. If you go, be prepared, and I will teleport you away at any time." Heimdall said.

feeling anxious? It was the first time Rowe heard Heimdall use such a rhetoric, and he couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Banner, I have something to leave." He turned his head and said.

Banner was taken aback: "Okay."


As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a rainbow beam of light descending from the sky, and then disappeared with Luo Wei in an instant, without a trace.

"..." Banner looked up at the sky.

The scene in front of him bloomed, and when the light of the Rainbow Bridge dissipated, Luo Wei came to a dam near a dam, and it was a dam that was bursting.

The mighty water tore through the dam and surged out, stirring up the sky-high water mist.

"Here is a dam in Canada, and someone is preventing it from bursting," Heimdall said.

Needless to say, Luo Wei also felt the energy fluctuations from below. This power was unparalleled, and he couldn't help but feel awe.

It was under the action of this force that the torrent of the levee was not completely released, but maintained relative stability and slowly vented.

Phoenix girl.

Rowe recalled the scene in the movie. It seems that Jean Grey, in order to save her companions, inspired a powerful Phoenix force to prevent the collapse of the dam, and finally sacrificed her good personality and turned into an evil existence that destroyed the world. .

He was a little puzzled. After all, the mutant's timeline has been changed a bit by him. At least Lao Wan and Professor X have not turned against each other. I didn't expect this to happen, and I don't know why.

But in any case, the power that is preventing the collapse of the dam is undoubtedly the power of the phoenix.

As one of the most terrifying divine powers in the universe, the power of the phoenix must be handled with care.

He observed for a moment, then took out the Sulfuron warhammer, flew down, and entered the mighty torrent in a short time, and found Jean Grey in it.

Jean Grey is an elegant woman, but the current situation obviously makes it difficult for her to maintain her graceful posture. The increasingly raging flood is coming, hitting her from all directions.

As the threat intensified, the power of the phoenix within her body was also awakened, giving her greater power to resist the impact of the flood.

But after all, she is flesh and blood, and her body is no different from that of ordinary human beings. This kind of confrontation obviously makes her body unbearable.

When Luo Wei saw her clearly, the corners of her mouth were already overflowing with blood, and at the same time, the power of the phoenix was intensifying and awakening, becoming stronger and stronger, and began to show the meaning of destruction.

Rowe knew he had to make a move.

He immediately flew to Jean Grey's side with both hands supported, and a large amount of holy light surged out, condensing into a thin wall in front of him, which looked a bit similar to the holy light shield.

But this is not a shield of holy light, but a solid holy light condensed by holy light.

The area of ​​the light wall expanded rapidly, and soon it turned into a wide wall to withstand the flood, and Jean Grey's pressure was greatly reduced.

"Who are you?" She breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Rowe suspiciously.

Luo Wei didn't answer, but condensed a few pillars to support the light wall, and then said: "Go!"

As he spoke, he dragged Jean Grey and flew up, quickly getting out of the flood.

The two came to the open space on the shore, and Luo Wei put her on the ground and asked, "How do you feel?"

Jean Grey wiped the blood from the corners of her mouth, panting slightly: "It's okay..."

Luo Wei raised his hand and released a flash of holy light to treat her injury, which soon made her complexion much better.

"Thank you for saving me." Jean Grey said gratefully.

Rowe is still casting spells.

But at this moment, his heart suddenly jumped, and he felt as if something was staring at him, and the warning sign suddenly appeared.

Almost at the same time as this thought occurred, a fiery red light appeared from Jean Grey's body, vaguely forming the image of a phoenix, and suddenly attacked Rowe.

The power of the phoenix!

Luo Wei was already on guard, and upon seeing this, he hurriedly summoned the holy deed and activated the holy shield technique. .

He slowed down a little bit, and at the same time that the holy light of the runes enveloped his body, a ray of phoenix power had entered his body.

With the opening of the Holy Shield technique, the power of the phoenix was immediately cut into two pieces, one strand remained in his body, and most of it was isolated from the outside!

