Chapter 532: [Power of the Phoenix] 7 more

A part of his power was cut off, although it was only a very small part, but it still angered Phoenix.

The dazzling red light suddenly burst out, and the power of the phoenix completely escaped from Jean Grey's body, condensing into the image of a phoenix in mid-air, and uttered an angry cry.


Phoenix slammed into Luo Wei, but failed to penetrate the holy shield and returned without success.

Rowe hurriedly extended the time of Divine Shield while paying attention to the situation in his body.

A ray of phoenix power entered his body, although it did not cause any damage to him, it greatly stimulated the flame power in his body.

At this moment, Luo Wei felt that the flame in his body seemed to be ignited by the power of the phoenix, and it was boiling violently, vaguely undergoing some kind of change.

Although it feels a little uncomfortable, it should not be a bad change.

After all, the Divine Shield technique will isolate all negative effects. If this ray of Phoenix power will hurt him, it will also be squeezed out instead of staying in the body.

Luo Wei ignored the phoenix power in his body for the time being, and turned to look at the phoenix who was screaming angrily outside.


After a failed collision, the phoenix soared into the sky, creating a huge momentum.

Jean Grey had fainted, it seemed that it was due to the shock wave generated by the impact just now.

Luo Wei immediately moved away from her, flew to the sky, and then folded his hands together, the holy light quickly condensed into a half-open cage.


The phoenix attacked him again, screamed loudly, and then shot out, like a meteorite wrapped in tail flames, and struck with a bang.


Although Phoenix's attack this time was much stronger than before, it still failed to defeat the defense of Divine Shield.

And Luo Wei also immediately shot, the Holy Light cage that had just condensed turned, and immediately locked the Phoenix inside, and then quickly closed, trying to imprison the power of the Phoenix.

However, Luo Wei is obviously a little naive. Although the power of the phoenix in front of him has not yet reached the point of shocking the universe, it is still an incomparably powerful force.


The phoenix's wings fluttered, and the Holy Light cage collapsed.

However, after this confrontation, Phoenix obviously realized that Rowe is not so easy to bully, at least it can't do anything to the Holy Shield at all.

It chirped again angrily, turned its head back, and returned to Jean Grey's body.

The power of the phoenix returned, causing Jean Grey, who had just been unconscious, to suddenly wake up. She got up from the ground and looked at the phoenix brilliance that was constantly circulating on her body.

She felt that this force was trying to subvert her mind, and the desire for destruction quickly accumulated in her heart, making her almost suffocate.

"Jyn Grey!" Rowe hurriedly landed from the sky.

But he obviously couldn't do anything. Jean Grey's will was quickly defeated by the power of the phoenix, and she became the incarnation of the phoenix, exuding a surging phoenix breath all over her body.

"Death!" Jean Grey, who was surrounded by the phoenix, looked straight at Rowe and said this word coldly.

As soon as the voice fell, the monstrous flame of the phoenix shot out, and the vast heat enveloped immediately created a mist of water near the dam.


This time, Rowe didn't use the Holy Shield, he just opened the Holy Light Shield.

The flames of the phoenix that came immediately knocked down the shield of holy light almost instantly, and violently acted on his body.

Fortunately, Luo Wei himself is a flame supernatural power, and has a high immunity to flames, and the power of the phoenix is ​​similar to flames, otherwise he might be severely injured by this blow.

Even with the divine power of flame, the power of the phoenix that hit him directly was still unbearable, causing Luo Wei to grit his teeth.

Jean Grey flew up, the wings of the phoenix appeared on both sides, and with a gentle flap, endless flames flew out.

Rowe hesitated for a moment, then tried to attack actively. He clenched the Sulfuron warhammer in both hands, and the Holy Light fluttered his wings and went straight to Jean Grey.

Hammer of Justice!


The power of the phoenix formed a wall of flames in front of Jean Grey, and the Saffron warhammer slammed down, accompanied by a loud noise, and the holy light and flames flew out immediately, with a huge momentum.

Despite the staggering momentum, Rowe couldn't really kill Jean Grey.

Not only that, he didn't want to hurt Jean Grey, all he wanted to deal with was the phoenix inside her, which made him frown.

At this time, a car passed by not far away, Jean Grey noticed it, and raised her hand was a phoenix flame.


The car was immediately destroyed, and the people inside died naturally.

Rowe's mouth twitched.

Phoenix's tyranny is well-deserved. He can't even retreat now. After all, once he retreats, most of the creatures on earth will suffer.

"Heimdall, inform His Majesty Odin immediately."

So far, Rowe can only let Odin take action.

Heimdall was silent for two seconds: "Your Majesty is sleeping..."

Why are you sleeping again!

Rowe cursed in his heart, and he even wondered if Odin went to the cave of time to ask about the prophecy, and then chose the critical moment to fall asleep.

"I'll go tell His Highness Hela," Heimdall said.

"First teleport me and Phoenix away to a place where there is no life." Rowe said.


Rowe flew close to Jean Grey again, and the rainbow bridge fell from the sky at the right time, instantly sending the two away from the earth and teleporting them to a remote star field.

Not only is there no life here, but even the celestial body has only one lonely planet, so there is no need to worry about harming the innocent.

Looking at Jean Grey, who was burning with the power of the phoenix Luo Wei suddenly regretted choosing Holy Light.

As a reward for killing a superstar, he can actually choose to reckon or repent. In the current battle, no matter which one is better than Holy Light.

Needless to say, the reckoning, the strongest attack spell appointed by the holy deed can reach the upper limit of the power of holy light. In other words, the degree of reckoning against the sky is no less than that of the Holy Shield technique, and there must be hope to hurt the Phoenix.

Confession has a chance to make the enemy abandon the darkness to the light, maybe it can influence the phoenix, although it seems unlikely...

Rowe confronted Jean Grey, thinking about countermeasures in his heart, but his eyes suddenly narrowed, but he saw a faint spot of light rapidly magnifying in the distance.


He blinked, and then, in disbelief, found out that it was the Planet Devourer!

The Planet Devourer arrived here soon, and his target was obviously the only planet here, and he wanted to feed his stomach.

"Planet Devourer, come and stop the phoenix, she is trying to slaughter the creatures of the universe!" Although Luo Wei had a bit of a holiday with the Planet Devourer, he still shouted with an attitude of giving it a try.

"It's none of my business... I'm just here to eat, I'm almost starving." Planet Devourer ignored.

"Aren't you the embodiment of cosmic order?"

"But not in this order." Planet Devourer flew to the vicinity of the planet, ready to eat.

Rowe was silent.

However, he did not expect that although Planet Devourer ignored Phoenix, Phoenix took the initiative to provoke Planet Devourer.

"Don't get in the way here!" Jean Grey said angrily, raising her hand and a blazing flame went straight to the Planet Devourer.


