Chapter 533: [Infinite Witch] 8 more


The Planet Devourer was shot and flew out, and immediately became furious: "Phoenix, I am the Universe God Planet Devourer, you dare to attack me?"

"Humph!" Jean Grey snorted coldly, not at all afraid, raised her hand, and another phoenix flame swarmed towards Planet Devourer.

Rowe looked a little excited.

Fight! Fight!

He really has nothing to do with the phoenix, and the Planet Devourer, as the **** of the universe, should be able to subdue the phoenix, right?

Things went as he expected, and the angry Planet Devourer soon fought with the rebellious Phoenix.

It's just obvious that the Planet Devourer is starving.

Compared with other abstract cosmic gods, the Planet Devourer is a concrete and even personal existence. After all, he was originally a person, a survivor of the Big Bang, who was accidentally combined with the cosmic order.

Therefore, relatively speaking, he is a special cosmic **** whose specialness is mainly reflected in the violent fluctuations in strength.

When fully fed, the Planet Devourer is just as powerful as other abstract gods incarnated by rules, aloof and looking down upon all beings, ants, humans, Asgardians are indistinguishable in his eyes, although this state does not seem to arise pass.

But when he is hungry, he has no rank, and there are some strange achievements from time to time.

The current Planet Devourer is in a state of extreme hunger, unable to exert even 10% of its peak power.

So he was hitting and hitting, and he fell into a downwind, panting and looking rather embarrassed.

"You... you are disrupting the order of the universe!" Planet Devourer pointed to Jean Grey and said.

Jean Grey, who was wrapped in her will by the phoenix, naturally ignored these and continued to attack the Planet Devourer, blazing the phoenix flames one after another.

"Phoenix, attack the gods of the universe and disrupt the operation of the order, you will be punished!" Planet Devourer simply stopped fighting, finally slammed a harsh word, turned his head and left.

Luo Wei: "..."

After the Planet Devourer left, Jean Grey looked at Rowe again, like a beast staring at its prey: "You are mine!"

Before she finished speaking, she was wrapped in the power of the phoenix, turned into a fiery flame, cut through the starry sky, and headed straight for Luo Wei!

Rowe hurriedly dodged, and occasionally swung the Sulfuron Warhammer, but it was of no avail and could not cause any damage to Phoenix.

Not only that, but he himself encountered several dangers and had to use the Holy Shield technique several times to resist the attack of the phoenix.

Just when he was about to be unable to resist, the beam of light from the Rainbow Bridge came down again, and Hela's figure appeared along with it.

Rowe breathed a sigh of relief.

"Another one to get in the way!" Jean Grey said, and the flames of the phoenix rushed towards Hela from her hands.

Feeling the power contained in the flames of the phoenix, Hela's expression changed slightly, and she quickly attracted with both hands. A large amount of matter flew out from the planet not far away, and it turned into metal in the middle, and greeted them in unison.


The flames of the phoenix exploded, and the metal twisted and even melted, but it blocked the attack of the phoenix after all.

Luo Wei flew to Hela's side: "Try to trap her!"

"Okay!" Hela nodded, and then she recruited more metal from the planet, shaped it into chains, passed Rowe, and flew to Jean Grey.

Luo Wei put his hands on the chain, his palms radiated a lot of light, and the holy light source was poured into it continuously, making it shimmer with a faint golden light.

Chains endowed with the power of the Holy Light fluttered in the sky, all wrapped around Jean Grey.

These golden chains are obviously stronger and stronger, and even the power of the phoenix cannot tear them apart for a while.

In the end, more and more chains of Holy Light wrapped around her, enclosing her in three layers and three layers out.

Hela manipulated the chain to tighten continuously, while Rowe still poured holy light into it until the mana was running out.

A large number of holy light chains have wrapped Jean Grey into a golden zongzi, tightly bound.

With the combined efforts of Luo Wei and Hela, it seems that they have successfully trapped Phoenix.

"Who is this woman?" Hela asked.

Luo Wei felt that this question seemed a little strange: "An earthling with the power of the ancient divine power phoenix resident on his body. I was worried that she would slaughter all living beings, so I brought her here."

"Phoenix..." Hela muttered, frowning, "It is said that this is an ominous force that always heralds death and destruction."

Luo Wei nodded: "Yes, this reckless phoenix even attacked the Planet Devourer, and killed a few humans before."

Just as the two were talking, flames suddenly reappeared in the gaps in the chains of Holy Light, and they quickly became blazing.

"No, she's about to break free!" Luo Wei's expression changed, he didn't have time to think about it, he just stretched out his hand.

Holy Shock!

"Boom!" The holy light in the layers of chains was immediately detonated, and a golden circle of light burst out instantly, like a rising sun, shining brightly.

But then, the overwhelming phoenix flames swept out, completely breaking the chain, and the afterglow of the holy light also dissipated.

Jyn Grey's body was full of flames, the shape of the phoenix surrounded her, her gloomy face was full of anger: "Do you think this can trap me? This will only make me stronger!"

Rowe and Hela looked at each other.

Immediately, Hela made up her mind and said, "Heimdall, fully open the Rainbow Bridge and kill the Phoenix!"

"Your Highness, the Rainbow Bridge as a weapon can only be used when Asgard is alive or dead," Heimdall said.

"I know." Hela said, "But the power of the phoenix may bring disaster to the entire universe, and my father is sleeping again, and now I can only use the Rainbow Bridge."

Heimdall was still hesitant: "This..."

But at this moment, with Jean Grey at the center, three chains suddenly flew out of the void without warning, entangling them in an instant.

Jean Grey was startled and tried to break free, but in the face of these three inconspicuous chains, the originally fierce Phoenix flames were useless.

No matter how she burns, the three chains will not move at all.

Immediately, three witches in black robes appeared out of thin air. They each held a chain and made an old woman's voice: "Phoenix, in the name of Infinite, this is a punishment for you."


The three chains slammed into a huge light, and an indescribable force poured into Jean Grey's body.

"Ah!" Jean Grey screamed, accompanied by the chirping of the phoenix.

Immediately, the power of the phoenix was forcibly stripped out of her body by the power of the three witches and turned into a shining phoenix form.


Phoenix looked at the three witches, turned around and flew away with a cry of anger and unwillingness, disappearing into the boundless universe without a trace.

"The Infinite Witch."

Looking at the three black-robed witches who easily expelled the power of the phoenix, Hela's expression was a little solemn.

