Chapter 536: 【Gangster】

Bruno Costa is a bald man with sunglasses and a strong build. At first glance, he is a tough character who has experienced many battles.

At this moment, he was looking down at the young people in front of him.

All of these people were covered in bruises and blood, and they had obviously just been tortured. Their hands and feet were bound, their mouths were covered, and their faces were full of horror.

"Mr. Fisk gave you a chance, but you don't know how to cherish it." Bruno said slowly, "say goodbye to this world."

"Send them on their way." He waved his hand after saying that.


A gangster immediately stepped forward, took out a pistol with a silencer and aimed it at the forehead of one of the young men.

"Hmm! Hmm!" The man pointed at by the gun was terrified, but unfortunately, his mouth was covered, and he couldn't even say a word of begging for mercy.


The silencer drowned out most of the pistol's sound, and a bullet came out of the barrel and hit his forehead, taking his life.

Several of the people who were **** died one after another, and then Bruno Costa lightly ordered his men to throw the bodies.

For Frank Custer, who had lived through the war in Afghanistan, such scenes were commonplace, but his wife and children obviously couldn't adapt to them.

The wife is better, after all, she is an adult, but her face is pale: "Frank, let's get out of here quickly."

In contrast, two young children are much more afraid. They don't really understand the scene in front of them, but they also vaguely realize something: "Dad... they, are they killing people?"

Frank didn't answer: "Let's get out of here."

The family of four quickly got up and prepared to leave this place of right and wrong.

However, at this moment, a gangster keenly sensed their movements and said to Bruno, "There seems to be someone over there!"

"Come on!" Frank Custer hurriedly picked up the two children and ran wildly into the distance.

"Crack!" The gunshot through the silencer sounded again, and a bullet hit Frank in the back.

Frank screamed and fell to the ground.

"Frank!" The wife was panicked, and subconsciously leaned over to help.

"Let's go!" Frank gritted his teeth and tried to push his wife and children away, but his severely injured body made it difficult for him to even get up.

Soon, the family was surrounded by gangsters such as Bruno.

"Ah, isn't this lawyer Custer?" Bruno also recognized Mrs. Custer and said with a smile, "We've met before."

Mrs. Custer hurriedly begged: "Please, don't hurt us..."

Bruno sighed: "I'm a kind person, it's a pity that you saw things you shouldn't see, and you're also a lawyer, ma'am. I won't let a lawyer who witnessed my murder leave alive."

Frank, who fell in a pool of blood, panted, "Let go, let the child go..."

Mrs. Custer also cried: "Mr. Costa, let the children go, they don't know anything, they don't know anything, let them go, please!"

Bruno obviously didn't think so, shook his head, then aimed the gun at the two children and pulled the trigger one after another.

"Crack! Crack!"

"No—" Mrs. Custer tried to grab the gun, but to no avail.

Her action ended up just deflecting one of the shots, saving her daughter's half-life, while her son had been shot through the young head.

"Mom, it hurts so much..." the daughter said in pain as she fell to the ground.

Looking at her severely injured husband and daughter and her dead son, Mrs. Custer was desperate.

Then she screamed like a mad lioness and rushed towards Bruno Costa desperately.

"Bang!" But in vain, a bullet ended her movement with ease.

However, the loud gunshot made Bruno's expression change, and he looked at the subordinate who fired: "Bastard, you didn't install a silencer!"

"Sorry, boss..." The accused gangster was a little flustered.

Bruno hurriedly shot the Custer family who fell to the ground, and then said, "Let's get out of here as soon as possible. The sound of gunfire just now may attract the police nearby."

"Yes." A group of gangsters quickly left the place.

A few minutes later, several police cars arrived here, and the police got out of the cars and hurried to the Custer family.

"How are you?" the policeman asked.

However, Mrs. Custer and the two children had not moved, and fell motionless in a pool of blood, and only Frank survived.

He moved his fingers tremblingly, pointing in the direction where Bruno and the others fled, and closed his eyes a few seconds later, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"Send these people to the hospital!" the police officer ordered, "Let's go after them!"

"Yes, sir!"

Several police cars split up, one was responsible for taking the Custers to a nearby hospital, while the rest chased in the direction Frank pointed out, hoping to find the killer.

Luckily, they intercepted Bruno Costa's vehicle, who had not yet fled.

"Stop, NYPD!"

"Damn!" Bruno Costa scolded, but he still had to stop. Although Wilson Fisker was backing, the hard police was obviously a stupid choice.

The police officer took people out of the police car, let Bruno get out of the car without any explanation, and immediately launched a search.

Soon they found the pistol and some blood-stained clothes, and said triumphantly: "Very well, you scum of New York City, prepare to go to jail!"


Frank Custer moved his eyelids and then woke up suddenly, rolled over from the hospital bed, and fell to the ground in a panic.

The injury on his body made him grin for a while, but he still tried to break free from the needle tube and the hospital bed.

Hearing the voice, doctors and nurses hurried over: "Are you crazy, you just got out of danger!"

"My wife, my son, my daughter..." Frank said weakly, being put back on the bed by the nurse.

"Now your task is to recuperate." The doctor said.

"What the **** happened to them!" Frank asked with his eyes wide open and breathing heavily. The bandage on the wound quickly oozes blood, which made the doctor panic.

"They, they're fine, don't get excited."

"Really...Are they all okay?" Frank calmed down a little and asked with hope, but his voice trembled slightly.

He longs to know the truth, but is afraid to know the truth, that the truth is not what he imagined it to be.

"Really." Although he said that, the doctor is obviously not good at lying, and almost anyone can draw the opposite fact from his tone.

Frank Caster clutched at the bedding, his body trembling, and the blood on the bandages quickly expanded, making his already pale skin even more bloodless.

Immediately, the re-deteriorating injury made him comatose again.

When Frank woke up again, there was a gray-haired man in a suit and leather shoes in the room.

"You're awake, Frank." The gray-haired man said lightly. .

"Who are you?" Frank Caster asked, leaning against his forehead, eyes closed in pain, his mind slurred, dizzy and confused.

"I'm a friend of Mr. Wilson Fisk, you can call me Cent," said the gray-haired man.