Chapter 537: 【Blind lawyer】

Wilson Fisk, the most powerful gang leader in New York City and even in the United States, is a world-class billionaire.

Compared to the official "Wilson Fisk", the gang leader is also known by a better name: Kim Bing.

On the surface, Kim is not a successful entrepreneur, but the world knows that he is actually a gang leader, and that crime is the root of his success.

Although everyone knows that he is a gang leader, he made his fortune by organizing theft and selling drugs, but with his huge power and the skills of navigating the legal void, he has always been safe and sound, and is even admired by many people, like a celebrity.

Bruno Costa, who killed Frank's family, was Jin Bing's subordinate, so when he heard this name, Frank's mood instantly calmed down and he clenched his fists.

"I came to you for a very simple reason." Senter took a check out of his pocket and cut to the chase. "It's a check for a million dollars. Take this money and forget about everything that night... you know. I mean."

Frank said, "That's a lot of money..."

"That's right. Most people don't earn that much in two lifetimes, and you can easily spend the rest of your life with it," Cent smiled.

However, Frank's next words made his smile froze.

"But, I refuse." The injury made Frank gasp, "Go back and tell Bruno, and Jin Bing, let them wait for the punishment of the law, and I will prepare a coffin for you!"

Although many Americans are now calling for abolition of the death penalty, in fact only a small number of states have actually abolished the death penalty, and New York is not one of them.

In other words, it is entirely possible for a prisoner to be sentenced to death in New York State.

It is inferred from common sense that Bruno brutally killed so many people, including two children, in the boundaries of New York State, and the death penalty is inevitable.

"Frank, you are an adult." Senter said in a deep voice, "Fight to the end, you are not qualified."

"Let's see!" Frank tried to get up and punch him, but the injury wouldn't allow him to.

"Very good." Sentai nodded, "Then let's meet at the trial, I believe it will be a wonderful trial that fully embodies the spirit of the rule of law."

Frank believes in law and justice, Bruno is guilty of a crime, and he believes that the law will punish this guy.

However, the development of things soon exceeded his expectations.

A few days later, a brown-haired woman came to the hospital to find Frank.

"Lawyer Soya, how's it going, when is the court session?" Frank hurriedly got up from the bed.

Soya shook her head: "Sorry, Frank, for some inconvenient reasons, we can't help you."

"Why?" Frank couldn't believe it.

Soya only said: "Like all professions, the primary duty is to support the family... I'm very sorry, as a friend, I also sympathize with your experience, but we really can't help you."

Frank couldn't understand: "Is there any difficulty in this lawsuit? Bruno was caught by the police at the time."

"Sorry, Frank." Lawyer Soya didn't answer, just apologized several times, and then left the hospital.

Over the next few days, Frank contacted many lawyers he knew, but none of those friends were willing to help him.

Although this does not mean that the lawsuit has been lost, in fact, it is inferred from common sense that with Bruno Costa's crime, Frank has no need to find a lawyer at all, and the New York City police and prosecutors are enough to send Bruno to the electric chair.

Nevertheless, this still made Frank feel exactly the power of Jin Bing, and the possibility of Bruno Costa escaping legal punishment began to flash in his mind frequently.

This made him feel angry and frightened, and he was in a constant state of panic.

The death of his wife and children appeared repeatedly in Frank's sleep, tormenting him like an eviscerated blade, making his bedridden life shattered, chaotic, and dark.

This afternoon, a gentle man wearing sunglasses came to the hospital, followed by a fat man with long hair.

"Who are you?" Frank Custer asked in a bad tone, sitting on the hospital bed, as if suppressing a roaring **.

During this time, his heart began to become depressed and irritable.

"My name is Matt Murdoch, and I'm a lawyer." Murdoch shook hands with him, then introduced the fat, long-haired man behind him, "This is my friend, Fergie Nelson."

Only then did Frank notice that Matt's behavior seemed to be different from ordinary people, and then looked at the sunglasses he was wearing: "Are you blind?"

"Yes." Matt smiled.

Frank frowned slightly and was silent for a moment: "Are you Bruno Costa's lawyer?"

"Why do you think so?" Matt was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted, "Is it because there are no lawyers in New York willing to help you?"

Frank didn't speak.

Matt smiled and continued, "Actually, we're here to help you."

"Why help me?"

Matt: "No why We heard about your misfortune and came to help you just hope the criminals get the punishment they deserve and justice is done."

The atmosphere was quiet for a while.

Frank took a deep breath and seemed to temporarily calm the irritability and depression inside: "Okay, thank you, Matt. Whatever the end result is."

In fact, he no longer believed in the law, nor in justice.

Before the arrival of Matt Murdoch, Frank had some fantasies in his mind, but now he is fully aware of the reality - only the blind are willing to help him.

Since then, he began to plan a revenge plan outside the law.

As it turns out, Frank was right.

Although Matt Murdoch's legal level exceeded his expectations, and he had to deal with the lawyers hired by King and for several months, the case ended in failure.

Bruno Costa's homicide charge has been dropped over an alleged illegal search by police.

This may be the biggest feature of American law. If the police are not standardized in the search and collection of evidence, any evidence obtained will be denied.

Unfortunately, the New York police that night happened to fail to comply with the search regulations and forcibly searched, so a series of strong evidence such as guns, ammunition, blood-stained clothing, etc. were found invalid, and the charges failed.

in the courtroom.

Bruno Costa walked up to Frank triumphantly, followed by his defense attorney, Senter.

"This lawsuit is easier than I thought. It seems like a million dollars is too much, haha," he said sarcastically.

Looking at the smug Bruno, Frank Custer's eyes seemed to be burning with flames, and he said word by word: "I promise you will get the punishment you deserve, not just you, but also Jin Bing, New York City. The gangsters, all the sinners in this world!"