Chapter 538: 【Destruction and Creation】

"Good luck." Bruno Costa said frivolously at last, then turned around and left the court surrounded by the crowd.

"Sorry, Frank, we couldn't help you." Matt said apologetically and frustratedly, deeply frustrated by the failure of the lawsuit.

"It has nothing to do with you." Frank said, "I will use my method to make them punished."

Matt was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately and said quickly, "Don't you think—no, Frank, that's not a wise choice."

"I have no choice. I can't change the law, I have to break the law!" Frank said decisively, "From today, Frank Custer is dead, and my name is Punisher!"


New York at night, Hell's Kitchen.

Although it is located in the bustling Manhattan, it is still one of the most crime-prone areas in the United States. The notoriety of Hell's Kitchen is not known to everyone.

At this moment, on a tall building in Hell's Kitchen.

Matt Murdoch stands alone on the roof, holding a dark red mask in his hand, which is his other identity: Daredevil.

He became blind due to the damage of nuclear radiation in his childhood, but as compensation, God opened a window for him and gave him an extraordinary hearing.

With his extremely acute hearing, Matt can not only hear the sound, but also hear the sound of human blood flowing.

The detailed sound waves form images in his mind, just like the imaging of sonar, which is far more precise and vast than vision.

Therefore, whenever Matt listened carefully, all the bells and whistles of Hell's Kitchen could not escape his ears.

At night, the advantage of hearing is highlighted, and he uses this to become a hero, incarnate Daredevil, stop crime in the dark New York, and hide his merits and fame.

However, Matt, who was a lawyer during the day, did not violate the law at night.

His way of ending the crime has always been to hand over the prisoner to the police and let the law implement the sanctions, instead of killing people or anything.

Matt has always adhered to this principle.

But what happened to Frank recently has shaken his heart.

If the law really has no way to deal with a sinful person like Bruno Costa, how should he choose?

Do you continue to choose meaningless laws, or choose to become a punisher like Frank, and use killing to punish sin?

Matt knows that Frank has started his revenge plan, the nightmare of the New York gangster is coming, and more and more gangsters will die.

The crime rate in Hell's Kitchen also seems to reflect this. This is the most crime-prone area in the United States. However, he has been listening on the roof for two hours tonight, but he has not heard the slightest movement of concern.

Just as Matt was about to turn around and leave, a fight finally took place on a street corner a few kilometers away. A group of hooligans were bullying two passersby.

Finally, something has been done.

Matt put on a mask, turned into Daredevil, and rushed to the place where the fight took place.


Luo Wei sat in the room, with his right hand open, a bright flame was surging in his palm, and a phoenix image could be vaguely seen in the flame.

The reason why the phoenix appeared in his flame was naturally because of the power of the phoenix before.

Although the phoenix power intercepted by the Holy Shield technique was weak, after being absorbed by him, it still produced a subtle combination with his flame power.

It was this combination that made Luo Wei realize for the first time that the power of the phoenix is ​​not simply destruction, but the unity of opposites between destruction and creation, and there is new life in destruction and killing.

After a period of exploration, with the help of the power of the Holy Light, Luo Wei successfully induced the creative side of the Phoenix Force. At this time, what was burning in his palm was a mass of Creation Fire, which could have the same healing effect as the Holy Light.

Although it is only effective at the beginning and has no great use, it still allows him to see a possibility and an opportunity... The interaction of the power of flame, the power of the phoenix, and the power of holy light may lead him to another kind of power. One form, another level.

In fact, for hundreds of years, Rowe has tried to study the mystery of the Holy Light more than once.

But the power of the Holy Light is too profound. He often thinks about it all day long, but the harvest is not as good as what he learned in an instant.

This made him realize that he was just a primary school student on the path of the Holy Light, and it was impossible for him to have any substantive innovation. It was the right way to honestly study holy deed spells.

Until this time, Luo Wei had an unprecedented strong feeling that he seemed to have really touched something Of course, he also humbly prepared for failure. After all, in the past few hundred years, He has been beaten in the face more than once.

Every time he thought he understood the secret of the Holy Light, practice would tell him that it wouldn't work.

After a few times, Luo Wei felt that he was a holy light.

I hope this time I am not a civilian.

Luo Wei continued to **** for the secret of the creation of the power of the phoenix. The flames in the palm of his hand were churning, and the vague image of the phoenix was flying around.


At this moment, a gunshot outside broke his thoughts.

Rowe put away the flame and sighed.

His current location is New York. He has been here for a while. What he did not expect is that, as the most prosperous city in the world, the law and order in New York is actually quite bad. At least this is the case in the nearby area. usually.

Really free America.

He opened the eyes of reckoning, and immediately found the location of the shooting, then flew out and quickly arrived at his destination.

"Nosy guy!" said a gun-wielding thug who kicked the man who fell to the ground, gritted his teeth, and prepared to fire another shot.

Rowe moved his fingers, and the holy light instantly condensed into a small ball in the palm of his hand and shot out.

Although the holy light ball is tiny, its speed and energy are not trivial.


Just hearing an explosion, the ball hit the thug, and the brilliance of punishment exploded, like a bullet fired from a heavy sniper rifle, directly smashing it into two pieces!

