Chapter 539: 【Daredevil】

Luo Wei didn't answer, but looked up and down the masked man in front of him.

He soon noticed that the man didn't look at him with his eyes, he seemed to be blind.

Could it be Daredevil?

Rowe didn't know much about Daredevil, he only knew that he was blind, and he didn't know other features, so he said, "I think you should introduce yourself first."

"I..." Matt was a little flustered.

His hearing could scan the surrounding scene like a sonar. As he listened, he quickly discovered that the person who saved him in front of him didn't seem to be flesh and blood.

Judging from the characteristics of reflected sound waves, the opponent's body may be heavier and stronger than steel, which he has never seen before.

"What's your name?" Rowe asked again.

"My name is Ma—" In the confusion, Matt blurted out, said half of his name, and then stopped, "Sorry, I don't want people to know my true identity."

Rowe nodded.

It seems that it should be Daredevil.

"You killed someone?" Matt asked in disbelief when he noticed the thug's body.

Luo Wei said casually: "Of course, he almost sent you to see Marx just now."

Matt then said: "You should let the law try and punish him. Suicide by suicide is against the principle of justice."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he knew that the old procedure was just. Luo Wei didn't bother to argue with him, so he said, "I have one thing to say, it's true."

"..." Matt didn't know how to respond.

"See you by fate." Rowe said, then turned to leave, returned to his residence, and continued his business.

Compared with Daredevil's "civilized law enforcement", the punisher's methods are much more intense and decisive.

In another corner of New York City, in a claustrophobic half-abandoned public toilet.

The Punisher threw a bruised gangster on the toilet, pointed a gun at him, and asked word by word, "Bruno Costa, where did that **** hide?"

"I...I don't know." the gangster thugs cried.

The Punisher said nothing, raising his hand was a punch.

"Ah!" The thugs screamed, heartbreaking.

The Punisher's punch directly blew one of his eyeballs, and blood, tears and vitreous body overflowed.

Punisher tugged at his tie: "When I was in the Marine Corps, an instructor told me that when a person's eyeball breaks and the vitreous leaks out, the immune system will produce corresponding antibodies, and this antibody will attack the other. Healthy eyes."

"Therefore, if the damaged eyeball is not removed in time, your other eyeball will also become blind, which is a human defect... Do you want me to remove the eyeball for you?"

"What you said... is it true?" The thug didn't know if what he said was true or not, but he became more frightened, groaning in pain, and shrank on the toilet and shivered.

"Where is Bruno?" The Punisher asked again.

"...Can you let me go?" the thug said timidly.

"Speak!" The Punisher roared with the gun to his temple.

"I said, I said!" The thug finally collapsed, burst into tears, and said everything that should be said and shouldn't be said.

"...Bruno is in Florida, Castle Pantabode, Florida."

After the Punisher heard it, he was silent for a moment.

"Can you let me go now?" the thug asked cautiously.

The Punisher looked at him: "I have bad news and good news. The bad news is that what I just said is true. You really need to remove the damaged eyeball as soon as possible, otherwise the other eyeball will also be blinded."

"Then... what's the good news?"

"The good news is that you don't have to be so troublesome," said the Punisher, pulling the trigger.

"Bang!" The bullet shot into the thug's brain from the eye socket, ending his life.

After the man was dealt with, the Punisher left with a weapon, wearing a battle suit with a skull logo on it, to continue his path of revenge.

A few days later, Florida, Pantabode Castle.

In the silent night, Bruno stood alone on the balcony, looking anxiously at the night outside the castle.

Intuition told him that there were a pair of bloodthirsty eyes hidden in the darkness, and these hungry wolf-like eyes were staring at him.

He became increasingly uneasy, pacing back and forth, and finally dialed the phone.

"Boss, it's me..." The person who asked Bruno to call him the boss was naturally Kim Bing, Wilson Fisk.

On the other side of the phone came Jin Ping's deep voice: "What's the matter?"

Bruno swallowed: "Scoley is dead. Frank Custer must have done it. He's killing my men right now. I feel like he's going to find me soon."

"How many people does he have?"

Bruno said hesitantly, " should be one."

Jin Bing's voice was obviously a little displeased: "You can't handle it alone?"

Bruno said: "He was the elite of the Marine Corps. He participated in the war in Afghanistan. He is proficient in fighting, infiltrating and assassinating. He is a very dangerous guy. Such people are lurking in the dark and attacking us. We have no way."

The other end of the phone was silent for a while, then only said, "I see."

"Boss—" Bruno wanted to say something, but Jin Bian had already hung up the phone, and UU reading stopped him abruptly.

He looked at the phone in his hand, his face suddenly full of melancholy, he sighed for a while, and put the phone down.

Seeing that it was getting late, Bruno poured a glass of red wine and had a glass of red wine before going to bed, which was his habit for many years.

"Tsk." After reminiscing about the taste of the wine, he felt a little relieved, and then went to the bathroom to wash up.

However, the moment he opened the bathroom door, before the lights were turned on, a strong sense of crisis suddenly surged into his heart, as if a hungry wolf suddenly rushed towards him in the dark.

Bruno raised his hand subconsciously, and then there was the sound of the sharp blade piercing the flesh: "Ahhh-"

A sharp dagger pierced his palm!

Seeing that he failed to kill Bruno, Frank in the dark was a little annoyed.

But this annoyed mood vanished in an instant.

Exactly, I'll let you suffer more!

"Help—" Bruno was terrified and tried to ask for help.

Frank moved quickly and stabbed the dagger with his backhand again. The sharp blade immediately pierced through Bruno's jaw, and immediately pierced his tongue!

"Uh uh uh..." Bruno covered his chin in fear, blood gushing out from between his fingers and between his teeth.

"I said, Bruno, I will use my own method to make you get the punishment you deserve!" Frank gave him another knife and said through gritted teeth. .

He is the elite of the Marine Corps. He is very aware of the weaknesses of the human body, and he also knows where the pain caused by the attack is stronger.

Therefore, each of his swords did not kill Bruno immediately, but it made him suffer.