Chapter 546: 【Jin Bing's death】

???? Immediately, the Punisher's magic wings fluttered, and the dark figure instantly smashed the wall in front of him and returned to the seventieth floor of the King's Building.

???? "Feel the power of this demon!" He said in a deep voice, and at the same time, raging demonic flames ignited in both hands and rolled towards the two robots.

???? "Boom!"

???? Wild demonic flames roared, wrapping the robots in groups, and melting them in a blink of an eye, turning them into a pile of scrap iron.

???? Seeing that his strongest weapon was easily killed by the Punisher, Rao Shijin had already experienced hundreds of battles and was well-informed, and he couldn't help but show fear, and stepped back tremblingly: "You... the devil …”

???? "Yes, I'm a devil." The Punisher stepped forward unhurriedly, his voice as low and cold as always, "But it's you who needs to go to hell!"

???? Kim Nami's heel hit the wall, and he fell into a situation where he had no way to retreat.

???? His face was pale, he looked at the punisher who was close at hand, and swallowed: "Strictly speaking, it was Bruno who killed your family... We have no direct hatred."

???? "Maybe." The Punisher said casually, and then the conversation changed, "But, you are guilty."

While speaking, he grabbed Jin Bing's collar and lifted Jin Bing, who weighed 200 kilograms, like a baby.

???? I have to say that Jin Bing's clothes are of excellent quality, and even if he bears such an amazing weight, there is no sign of a half tear.

???? "No, Frank, I think we can talk." In the face of death, Jin Bing, who had experienced countless **** storms, was not much calmer than ordinary people, and said quickly.

The Punisher did not stop, carrying Jin and walking towards the edge of the broken wall of the building, saying, "I won't negotiate with the evil, you have only a dead end."

???? "If I remember correctly, you still have eight seconds left." He finally said, and immediately threw Jinbei from the broken wall.

???? "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh., Jin Bi fell from the top of the King's Mansion just like the Punisher of that day.

???? Eight seconds later, his screams stopped abruptly when he hit the ground, and the former underworld emperor died.

???? Compared with the original Punisher, the huge size made Jin Bian's death even more tragic.

???? Under the King's Building, his body was almost spread out, and blood was strewn all over the ground, which was particularly conspicuous even in the night.



Looking at the blood that was blooming on the ground, the Punisher was silent for a long time, then with a long whistle, he turned and flew away, the dark shadow passing by in the moonlight.

???? It takes a moment.

The Punisher returned to the cemetery, and when he landed, his magic wings retracted, and he returned to his human appearance, squatting on the ground and panting slightly.

???? "Frank, are you okay?" Karen went up to help him.

???? Fergie asked, "Kimpin is dead?"

???? Frank nodded: "Yes, he is dead, and the body is lying under the King's Mansion."

???? Luo Wei walked slowly: "The transformation of the demon hunter cannot be maintained for a long time, otherwise it will hurt yourself. You should pay attention when you use this power."

???? "I understand." Frank said, then hesitated for a while, "What do you need me to do for you? You resurrected me and gave me such a powerful power."

???? "I don't have much to ask you to do, you can continue to be the punisher." Rowe said, "Of course, occasionally I may also need your strength, when I call you, you can't Refuse."

???? Although the Punisher has obtained Illidan's soul mark, his power is still far from the real Illidan. After the transformation, he has only a sixth-level strength. Rowe does not expect him to be of great help.

???? "I understand." The Punisher replied.

???? Luo Wei noticed the short blade in his hand and thought for a while, then he held both hands empty, and a large amount of holy light surged out, quickly condensing into two battle blades.

???? The shape of the two swords shaped by holy light is almost the same as that of Azzinoth, but the color is translucent gold.

???? "Take these two weapons for now." Rowe handed the blade to Frank.

???? Although the two war blades were only created by him in a short period of time, they were also crystals of holy light, and they were definitely much stronger than the broken iron pieces of the earth.

???? With these two blades, the Punisher looks like a demon hunter.

???? Having just witnessed Rowe's resurrection of the Punisher and giving him magical powers, and now witnessing the scene of this casual creation, Matt, Fergie, and Karen have completely determined Rowe's identity.

???? God.

???? Except for the gods, they could not find a more suitable understanding.


???? Karen hesitated for a while, then said cautiously: "You must be a god, right? Frank's family unfortunately left him. You can resurrect Frank, but can you also bring his family back to the world?"


br# ???? Frank obviously hoped so too, but he didn't think he was qualified to ask Rovi for anything, so he didn't say anything.

???? Now Karen helped him to say it. Although he didn't express it, the hope in his eyes was already self-evident.

???? "You have always called me a god, but in fact I am only a mortal. Most of the laws in the universe bind me like they bind you." After seeing the Infinite Witch, Rowe deepened this idea.

???? After a pause, he continued: "Resurrection of the dead violates the laws of nature... I can resurrect the Punisher just because he is the Punisher, not because I have the power to overstep the universe."

???? Everyone was silent.

???? Confirming that his family could not be resurrected, the Punisher's face couldn't help but gloom.

???? After leaving the battlefield, what he longed for in his heart was a peaceful family life.

???? But now it seems that he may only be a punisher in the future, a demon hunter and continue his life of battle, blood and fire.

???? Luo Wei disappeared in a beam of light that fell from the sky, a few people were no longer surprised by this.

???? "Where are you going, Frank?" Matt listened to the Punisher who left silently.

???? "Fate." The Punisher said in a low voice, then he carried the Holy Light Warblade and walked away in the dark night...


???? Two years later.

???? In a dark and silent room, a gust of wind whistled through the window, and then turned into a pale man with long hair, with a faint look of horror.

???? "Master..." His voice trembled slightly.

???? "Why are you the only one, Earth Demon?" A cold voice came, and a young man in black walked out of the darkness.

???? "The earth demon is... dead." The long-haired man obviously experienced something terrible, and he was still in shock.

???? "Dead?" The black-clothed youth's expression changed, "What did the Ghost Rider do?"

???? "No." The long-haired man shook his head, "We met a terrible guy called Punisher on the road. He killed the earth demon. Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise I would have died at his hands."

???? The youth in black took a deep breath, his eyes filled with gloom: "Why did he kill you? What are you provoking?"


???? The long-haired man hurriedly shook his head: "No. He said he was a demon hunter... Hunting demons is his duty...

, although he also seems to be using demonic power. "

