Chapter 547: 【Black Heart's Ambition】

???? Update the latest chapter of Paladins of Asgard as soon as possible!

???? "Master, what should we do?"

???? Hei Xin's face was gloomy, there was a long silence, but he didn't say anything about it for a long time, but asked: "Fengmo, has that woman been found?"

???? "I found it." Feng Mo nodded.

???? Blackheart said: "We'll talk about that Punisher later. Take me to her first."



???? "Johnny, I don't want to listen to the stories you made up anymore." Roseanne Simpson sat on the sofa in the apartment, holding the phone in her hand, and said desperately.

???? "I know, in fact, there is no such thing as your so-called Ghost Rider, the so-called Demon King's deception... It's just that there is no possibility between us."

???? The voice on the other end of the phone hurriedly tried to defend: "Roshan, I definitely didn't lie to you. In fact, there is another Ghost Rider by my side. He can prove that what I said is-"

???? Before he could finish speaking, Luo Shan hung up the phone, then leaned on the sofa, looking out at the night outside the balcony, while holding her pillow tightly.

???? do not know how long it has been.

???? She wiped her wet eyes, then got up and left the sofa, ready to wash and rest.

???? However, at this moment, a gust of cold wind suddenly hit, making the whole room full of coldness, like falling into a cold winter.

???? "Ah--" Luo Shan sneezed and hurried to the balcony to close the window.

???? "Hello, Dear Miss Simpson." A faint voice suddenly sounded from behind her, startling her.

???? She hurriedly turned around in panic, and then saw two gloomy figures appearing behind her at an unknown time, one was a pale-skinned long-haired man who was sloppy, like a homeless man who had taken medicine.

The other person who was talking to her was a young man in black, handsome, well-dressed, with a smile on the corner of his mouth. He looked like a medieval gentleman, but he exuded an indescribable evil spirit from the inside out.

???? "You... who are you?" Luo Shan said, leaning back against the balcony, while unconsciously looking at the pistol on the table in the living room not far away, it was her self-defense weapon, but it was a pity that it was now ten minutes away from her. a few meters away.

???? "You can call me 'Black Heart'." Hei Xin keenly noticed her gaze, and immediately ordered, "Fengmo, take the gun to Miss Roseanne."

???? "Okay, master." Feng Mo turned into Yin Feng and rolled back, the pistol had already appeared in his hand, and handed it to the more terrified Roseanne Simpson.

???? Blackheart smiled slightly: "Hold it, if you feel unpleasant or for whatever reason, you can use it to shoot at us."

???? Feng Mo also nodded, and at the same time handed the pistol forward.

???? Roshan's breathing became fast, and she couldn't help feeling both fear and confusion when facing these two evil and ghostly guys. #b...

br#???? In a violent mood, she suddenly gritted her teeth, grabbed the pistol, and pulled the trigger one after another.

???? "Bang bang bang!"

???? Several bullets were fired at Black Heart and Feng Mo, but their expressions remained the same, allowing these bullets to pass through their bodies, and they were unscathed.

???? The bullet hit the wall as if through the air.

???? Looking at the two people who were unscathed in front of her, Luo Shan was even more frightened, and subconsciously wanted to step back, but there was a balcony behind her, and there was no way to retreat.

???? "We have no ill intentions." Hei Xin said, maintaining a polite smile, "We came to you, just to ask you for a small favor."

???? Luo Shan tried her best to calm her emotions and asked after a while, "What... what?"

???? Blackheart asked first, "As far as I know, Johnny Blazer is your boyfriend, right?"

???? Luo Shan didn't answer, and she didn't know what her relationship with Johnny was now, a lover who has been separated for many years and has almost rekindled an old relationship recently?

???? But this is obviously a symbolic question.

???? Blackheart continued: "The story of you and Johnny, we know that all we need you to do is to ask for one thing from Johnny - the contract of St. Van Gonzalo."

???? "Extortion? I wouldn't do such a thing." Roseanne still has a sense of justice, even if the target of the extortion is a stranger, he is not willing to do it.

???? Heixin smiled: "Don't you want to know if Johnny really cares about you?"

???? These words clearly hit Luo Shan's heart with precision, causing her eyes to flicker slightly, not so firm anymore.

???? Indeed, she is not willing to hurt any strangers.

???? But Johnny is clearly no stranger.

???? After going through many ups and downs with Johnny, Roshan really wanted to know if Johnny really cared about her.

???? But she also hesitated, this inexplicable St. Van Gonzalo contract seems to be something extremely important, and if she chooses to help Black Heart, it may bring some bad consequences to Johnny.

???? Seeing Luo Shan who had not made up her mind for a long time, Hei Xin couldn't help but secretly get annoyed.

???? But on the surface, he had to keep smiling: "How is it, Miss Roseanne? We won't hurt you, and we won't hurt Johnny, we just want to get back the St. Van Gonzalo contract - this thing was originally It doesn't belong to him either."

???? Black Heart is telling the truth, he really won't hurt Luo Shan, but not because he can't or won't, but because he doesn't dare.

???? In order to avoid the punishment of his father Mephisto, he escaped from **** to Earth, but as soon as he arrived, he was targeted by Asgard and the Silver Hand these two terrible organizations It was convenient to monitor him, and also notified another terrible organization on earth, the Supreme Sanctuary.

???? Under the surveillance of the three parties, as long as the black heart dares to kill and set fire on the earth, no matter...

Asgard and the Silver Hand are still the Supreme Sanctuary, they can destroy him in minutes and raise his ashes.

???? Now there is a punisher who is "enforcing the law in advance" from nowhere. His subordinate earth demon did nothing wrong, and was killed by this guy inexplicably, so he had to be a demon with his tail between his legs. .

???? He, born in hell, after Satan, the noble demon prince, is now roaming the earth and shrinking.

???? Every time I think of this, Hei Xin's heart can't help but feel extremely angry and humiliated.

???? Why is the earth so difficult to mix?

???? Fortunately, wealth and wealth are at risk. Although the earth is dangerous, there is a contract with St. Van Gonzalo. This is the treasure that his father coveted and dreamed of. It has a powerful and terrifying magic power.

???? As long as he gets this contract, he can skyrocket his strength and raise his eyebrows.

???? Not only that, in his opinion, after obtaining the contract of St. Van Gonzalo, even if it is to counterattack **** and unify the demons, there is a lot to do.

???? Must get the contract!

???? The key to obtaining this contract is the woman in front of him. Using her as a bargaining chip, Johnny, the Ghost Rider, will surely obey and hand over the contract of St. Van Gonzalo obediently.

???? "It seems that you have doubts in your heart, Miss Roseanne." He said again, "You are not sure that Johnny will give up an old antique for you."

???? "Okay... I promise you." Luo Shan finally overcame her reason, exhaled and said.