Chapter 552: 【Elementary school Thor】

[The soul imprint of Arthas Menethil, imprints the dead target and releases Lay on Hands, the deceased can be resurrected, and the resurrected will gain some of Arthas' characteristics and power... The resurrected must be with Arthas Highly fit]

[Arthas Menethil was an excellent paladin, a student of Uther, the pride and hope of Lordaeron... But he also has a depraved and evil side, which led him to the Frozen Throne, Become the Lich King. 】

[Those who are resurrected with this mark will also have a tendency to fall and gain some of the Lich King's power. 】

Looking at this description, Luo Wei couldn't help frowning.

Is it possible for the resurrected to become the Lich King?

This can be a little troublesome.

Illidan may be classified as an "anti-hero", similar to Punisher and Venom, but the Lich King is an unquestionable villain, corrupt and evil.

If someone was resurrected with this soul imprint, and he eventually degenerated into the Lich King, wouldn't Luo Wei have to kill him, which is equivalent to a white resurrection?

Rowe looked at the other two awards.

[Book of Experience: Sylvanas Windrunner]

The Book of Experience of Queen Xi...

Well, it would be nice if the reins could be dropped...

【Book of Spells: Repentance】

There is also a spell on the sixth floor, Repentance, whose effect is to have a certain chance to make the target abandon the darkness and cast the light.

Looking at the spell book of repentance, Luo Wei couldn't help but move.

Maybe this spell should be used in conjunction with Arthas's Soul Mark?

If the resurrected person degenerates into the Lich King, he can try repentance first, and if the repentance is successful, there is no need for physical escape.

Then here comes the problem.

In the Marvel universe, who is more compatible with Arthas?

Queens, New York.

A thin, blond boy with a schoolbag on his back was walking through the streets of New York alone. He obviously had a leg disability and had to walk with crutches and limping.

"Haha, Cripple Blake!" Two boys about his age ran past him and pushed him, almost knocking him down, then turned to look at him in front of him with mocking expressions.

As a veteran victim of school bullying, Donald Black has long been accustomed to this, he just walked forward on his own, bowed his head and said nothing.

He was powerless to resist, and was ashamed to tell his elders, and he endured it silently for a long time. There is no doubt that this will only make it worse for others to bully him.

This experience made Donald more introverted and precocious, and at the same time made him disgusted with people with strong limbs and simple minds...

Donald left early, but because he was lame, he arrived at school late, and was a few minutes late.

But no one paid any attention to him. He quietly walked into the lively classroom of elementary school students and sat in his own seat - in the corner of the last row.

Then he took out the book and waited for the teacher to arrive, out of tune with the playful classmates around him.

"I heard that there are new students who have transferred in today?"

"Male or female?"

"I don't know, I just heard from the teacher in the office..."

The students are discussing this topic, and it seems that a new person will enter the class today. Donald Black also overheard the discussion next to him for a while when he was flipping through the book, but soon lost interest and continued to bury himself in the book.

Ten minutes later.

The teacher entered the classroom, followed by a shy brown-haired boy, which attracted everyone's attention.

"Today we have a new classmate who came over." The teacher said with a smile, then looked at the brown-haired boy, "Introduce yourself to the classmates."

"Hello everyone." The brown-haired boy was obviously not used to the new environment and said embarrassedly, "My name is Peter Parker."

"Welcome Peter Parker." The teacher applauded, and the students applauded to welcome him.

Immediately, the teacher pointed to the vacant seat on Donald's side: "Peter, you can be Donald's roommate, there is just a vacant seat there."

Peter nodded and sat down beside Donald with his schoolbag on his back.

Facing the sudden arrival of the same table, Donald, who had been sitting alone in the corner for a long time, was a little uncomfortable and shrank toward the wall, but he couldn't help but curiously observe Peter secretly.

"Hello, my name is Peter Parker, is your name Donald?" In the end, Peter broke the deadlock first and whispered in class.

"Yes." Donald nodded, thinking about the main points of interpersonal communication recorded in the textbook, "Donald Black, nice to meet you... Well, why did you turn here?"

What he didn't expect was that as soon as he finished speaking, he saw Peter Parker's expression darken.

This made him a little flustered and wondered if he had said something wrong.

"My parents left me." Peter hesitated for a while and said, "So I had to move in with my uncle's house, and then I transferred to here, which is closer to my uncle's house."

Donald couldn't help asking: "Your parents left you? Where did they go?"

Peter shook his head sadly and said: "I don't know. They disappeared suddenly, I don't know where they went, and my uncle didn't tell me. UU Reading "

The atmosphere was quiet for a while, and then Donald patted him on the shoulder: "I understand how you feel. In fact, I come from an orphanage, and I don't know where my parents are."

Peter looked at him unexpectedly, and saw sincerity in his eyes.

Similar experiences have made the relationship between the two quickly draw, and their personalities are also very similar. They are both restrained and precocious, with far more thinking and reading than their peers, and they are typical good students.

Before a class was over, Donald and Peter became friends who talked about everything.

"Have you read Norse mythology?" Peter said.

Donald nodded: "It was a few years ago. When I woke up, I didn't know who had put several Norse mythology books in my room, and then I read them all."

Peter asked with great interest, "Which character in Norse mythology do you like?"

"Well... Loki." Donald thought for a while.


"I think he's smart and funny, even though he's the **** of tricks." Donald said, "What about you, Peter, which Norse **** do you like?"

"Thor, of course," Peter blurted out, "I think he's the bravest and most powerful Norse god, Odin's favorite son. I remember the book saying that Thor was the only **** who didn't walk the rainbow bridge. , because his heavy footsteps will ruin the beautiful Rainbow Bridge."

Donald didn't agree and shook his head: "In my opinion, Thor is an impulsive and reckless guy, with developed limbs and a simple mind. He may not walk the Rainbow Bridge because he is too fat, only in this way can he Walk and destroy the Rainbow Bridge."