Chapter 553: 【I am Iron Man】

The differences did not affect the relationship between the two.

Peter still thinks Thor is a warrior and a hero, and Donald still thinks Thor is simple-minded and well-developed.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class, and the two were about to go to the bathroom together, when Peter noticed Donald's disability.

"Your leg……"

Donald leaned on crutches and left his seat, and said in a low voice, "Born, it probably got me to the orphanage."

Peter was silent for two seconds: "Have you heard of exoskeleton armor?"

"What is that?" Compared with Peter, Donald's knowledge and experience are obviously still inferior.

"It's what Iron Man wore!" Peter gestured on himself.

Iron Man, the most watched figure recently.

So far, no one has confirmed the real identity of Iron Man, but this does not prevent him from becoming a dazzling superhero that everyone worships.

Anyone who has eyesight, after watching the news reports of Iron Man, is obsessed with the gorgeous and strong steel body.

"Oh, so it is." Donald nodded.

Peter continued: "It used to be thought that exoskeleton armor was fifty years away from maturity, but Iron Man proved that it is now mature!"

"You can customize a pair of exoskeleton armor in the future. You don't need to be like Iron Man, as long as it has a very simple structure, you can get rid of crutches."

Donald: "Maybe, but if it can be cured, it will definitely be better. I still hope to have a healthy leg."

"So you want to be a doctor in the future?"

"Yes." Donald nodded without hesitation, obviously having thought about this question more than once, and came up with his own answer more than once.

"What about you, Peter?"

Peter didn't seem to think deeply about this issue, and said after a long while, "I don't know, maybe I will be a biologist like my father. Well, biology and medicine are very close, maybe we can be together in the future."


Stark Industrial Building.

Tony Stark was lying on the sofa, watching various reports, speculations, and conspiracy theories about Iron Man in the newspaper with great interest.

His secretary is also the person he trusts most, Pepper Potts, Miss Pepper was leaning over to change the gauze for his wound, and said with some fear, "Last night was really dangerous..."

Tony obviously didn't care, he smiled: "It's all right now, your tone is too exaggerated."

Little Pepper was silent for a moment, then stood up and looked at him with a serious expression, as if to teach him a lesson.

Tony was a little overwhelmed.

Although he is the boss of Pepper in name, in practice, he does not have the authority of the boss in front of Pepper, and sometimes he is even reprimanded in the opposite direction.

So seeing Ms. Pepper's serious expression, Tony was inevitably a little flustered.

He tried to change the subject: "Haha, look at these reports, they really say everything, look at this, CNN actually said-"

"Tony, many people are now guessing that you are Iron Man." Pepper interrupted him.

"Guessing is no big deal." Tony spread his hands.

Pepper looked at him: "This will bring a lot of trouble. Your identity, and what happened last night, Stark Industries must eliminate the impact of the incident as much as possible... You must take it seriously at the press conference later. "

"Got it," Tony said.

At this moment, a man in a suit and leather shoes with a slightly higher hairline walked in from outside, holding a few cards in his hand: "Alibi."

Tony was startled, and then he took the card helplessly: "Okay, Agent Coulson."

Coulson said: "This is the proof of the port authority, and the speech we have prepared for you. You were on the yacht in the port of Avalon all night yesterday, and there are 50 guests' testimony."

Tony flipped through the card casually: "Actually, it's better to say that it's just me and Pepper, on the island."

Coulson smiled politely: "The yacht is real. You can just follow the instructions above."

Tony continued to look at the card in his hand, then frowned slightly: "Didn't you mention Obadiah?"

"We've dealt with it," Coulson said calmly. "He was on vacation and died in a plane crash... You know, small planes are really bad, and a lot of celebrities have died in private helicopter crashes. event."

Tony's brows did not stretch, and he looked at the card in his hand: "Frankly, Coulson, these rhetoric you prepared sound... completely unreliable."

Coulson only said: "This is not the first time SHIELD has done this kind of thing, just follow the official statement. Mr. Stark, it's your time to go."

Tony sighed, then put on his jacket with the help of Pepper, flirted a few words, and then went out to the scene of the press conference.

"Mr. Tony Stark has prepared a statement, but he will not accept any inquiry, thank you." Colonel Rhodes, who had just finished speaking, said, and then stepped aside and let Tony walk in the middle.

Tony took out the card: "Some people speculate that I was involved in the incident on the road and the roof, I must clarify this..."

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a reporter below suddenly said: "Excuse me, Mr. Stark, do you really think we would easily believe such an official rhetoric? A bodyguard in a combat uniform just happened to appear?"

Tony was a little unhappy: "I know what you want to say. It is everyone's right to question, but questioning is not speculation. If there is a deviation in the report, you are responsible. I am not a ~My character can't be a hero at all."

"I didn't say you were a superhero."

"..." Tony froze for a while, not knowing how to respond.

He finally remembered Coulson's reminder, took a deep breath, and decided to ignore the media's doubts and read the manuscript.

He held up the card, ready to read the manuscript.

It seemed to be another boring press conference.

However, at this moment, Tony suddenly felt that the act of holding the speech was a bit funny, and he frowned.

it is ridiculous!

I actually had to make such a clumsy and perfunctory disguise, it was like a child's stage play.

He dawdled for nearly a minute before, but at the moment he hesitated for only half a second, then looked away from the speech, looked up at the media, and said calmly: "Actually... I am Iron Man. ."

After a short silence, the scene exploded in an instant, and all the media swarmed up.

"Mr. Stark!"

"Mr. Stark, are you really Iron Man?"

Looking at the boiling reporters, Tony just felt relaxed, couldn't help but smile, then turned around and left the scene in a relaxed manner.



Tony returned to his residence and was surprised to find that there was an unexpected guest at home, a bald black man in a black coat, who could hardly be seen in the night.

"Who are you?"

"Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D." Fury said with a smile.

"I think we should talk about things."