Chapter 554: 【The Avengers】

"You're not the only superhero in the world, Stark," Nick Fury said, and then sat down as if he were at home, "there are many people of extraordinary ability who are obliged to uphold justice besides you. And peace, you are the most famous one."

Tony shrugged. "I don't actually consider myself a superhero."

Nick Fury asked, "What do you think you are?"

"Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist," Tony blurted out, then poured himself a glass of wine.

"..." Nick Fury was silent for a while.

Immediately he waved his hand: "Seriously. We, S.H.I.E.L.D., are preparing to build a superhero organization to deal with all kinds of supernatural threats. We want to know, are you willing to participate in this plan?"

"The name of the plan is 'The Avengers'? ' Tony asked.

"Yes, to be precise, we're going to build an Avengers. Nick Fury nodded. "How is it, genius?" "

Tony thought for a while.

Soon he made a decision: join the Avengers.

He didn't make this decision because he thought it was necessary to join a team of heroes, but because he thought the name "Avengers" was cool and not to be missed.

"Have you registered your name?"


Tony nodded immediately: "Okay, I decided to join you. Now who else is the Avenger besides me?"

"No." Nick Fury smiled. "Strictly speaking, neither are you. The plan has just begun, and the Avengers haven't been officially formed yet."

Tony: "Okay, I'll wait for your news, I hope SHIELD's work efficiency is higher than other departments."


SHIELD headquarters.

"Fury, this is my report." The beautiful female agent in black leather handed a report to Nick Fury.

The tight leather coat makes her proud figure seem to overflow, giving people a juicy visual texture and full of temptation. I believe that there are many men in this world who are willing to drink her bath water.

However, such a beautiful scenery could not cause the fluctuation of Nick Fury's attention.

After all, as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he can definitely be called a battle-hardened man who has seen a lot.

The more beautiful women are, the more dangerous they are, and the more beautiful female agents are especially dangerous, he knows this well. The woman in front of her even had the chilling nickname of "Black Widow".

"What report? Natasha." Nick Fury was looking at other documents before asking first.

"Tony Stark," Natasha said.

Nick Fury picked up the report and read it, then frowned quickly: "You don't think he's fit to be an Avenger?"

"Yes." Natasha nodded, "He is impulsive, has a tendency to self-destruct, and is a typical narcissist. He is indeed not suitable to be a member of the Avengers."

Nick Fury was silent for a moment.

Although he didn't have much contact with Tony Stark, in retrospect, he found that these character analysis comments given by Natasha were indeed very appropriate.

"Well, you're right." Nick Fury touched his chin, then added after a while, "but...he's rich."

"What?" Natasha didn't seem to understand.

Nick Fury: "S.H.I.E.L.D. may not have enough budget, so we need someone like Tony Stark. If he can't be part of the Avengers, he certainly won't pay."

Natasha was silent for two seconds: "Maybe we can make him an advisor to the Avengers?"

"I thought so too," Nick Fury said, "but..."

Just then, Agent Coulson hurried in from outside, looking nervous.

"What's the matter, Coulson?"

"A monster is wreaking havoc in Brooklyn, and I think we should do something," Coulson said.

"Brooklyn?" Nick Fury quickly called for surveillance in Brooklyn, New York, and quickly saw the scene.

A green-skinned giant with unusually prominent bones was roaring furiously on the street, rampaging, and the cars on the road were easily knocked over and blown away by him like toy cars.

This terrifying monster, the bullets of the police hit him like a tickling, leaving no traces.


Although there was no sound in the surveillance video, Nick Fury felt as if an intimidating voice sounded in his ears when the monster roared up to the sky.

"What is this? The Hulk?" he asked.

Coulson shook his head: "No, not the Hulk, we call him 'Abomination'. "

"The exact origin of the hatred is unclear, but he should have some connection to the Hulk, in fact, General Ross and Bruce Banner are around there."

Nick Fury frowned, but hatred was wreaking havoc on the streets of New York, killing people every second, and he didn't have time to think about it.

"You all rush to the scene immediately and bring our newly developed weapons." He immediately ordered.


"One more point." Nick Fury said again, looking at Natasha.

"If you can, talk to Bruce Banner, maybe he can join us too."

Natasha nodded: "I understand."

Coulson immediately led a team of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and rushed to Brooklyn at full speed. They quickly arrived at their destination, and the earth-shattering roar of hatred could be heard from a distance.


Looking at the huge figure rampant in the firelight in the distance, all the SHIELD agents were a little uneasy.

"Can we really handle this guy?"

"Probably," Coulson said, but didn't mean to back down.

"Hoo-ho!!" Abomination found that their empty and chaotic streets had no other prey, so he rushed over without hesitation.

Along with his thunder-like momentum, the ground of the entire street trembled lightly.

"Barton!" Coulson shouted while carrying a huge gun.

"Boom!" He pulled the trigger, and a dazzling beam of light shot out from the muzzle, hitting the abomination's chest, but it didn't cause any damage, just stunned it.

"Roar!!" Abomination roared, regaining his footing and continuing to charge.

At this time, Hawkeye Barton, who was standing behind Coulson, bent his bow and threw an arrow, and an arrow shot precisely on the forehead of Hate.

As the elite of S.H.I.E.L.D., Hawkeye is naturally not using ordinary arrows.

I saw that in the next instant of the precise hit, the arrow exploded with a bang, releasing a large amount of fiery flames, like incendiary bombs.

In fact it is a kind of incendiary bomb.

The flaming flames enveloped Abomination's upper body, but it still did not cause any damage, and Abomination was still rapidly approaching the agents.

But then, Hawkeye Barton fired another arrow, hitting Hate's forehead with the same precision.


The arrow exploded, this time it was not a flame, but a cloud of white gas—liquid nitrogen.

The liquid nitrogen of minus two hundred degrees was released, creating an extreme cold, which formed a violent collision with the raging flames of Shicai!

The damage caused by the sudden heat and sudden cold, the hated skin could not bear, and immediately the skin was ripped open, the upper body was bloody, and the green blood was all over the face.

The experience of this injury is obviously also very painful.

The unprepared hatred couldn't help but howl, fell to the ground suddenly, and after knocking over the car, slipped embarrassingly to a dozen meters in front of Coulson.