Chapter 555: 【Abomination VS Hulk】

Abomination fell to the ground, green blood stained everywhere.

However, before the agents could breathe a sigh of relief, the gigantic monster climbed up from the ground again. It was clear that it was only injured by some flesh and blood, and it was not a big problem.

"Prepare Plan B!" Coulson yelled, pulling the trigger again, and the beam blasted the still-unsteady abomination.

The agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. dispersed.

Abomination got up from the ground, looked left and right, and was about to chase after Hawkeye Barton.

But at this moment, he seemed to notice something, and suddenly looked up at the sky, and saw a military helicopter hovering in the sky above him.

Looking at the helicopter, he couldn't help clenching his fists, his eyes burning with murderous intent: "Face me, Hulk!"

in the helicopter.

"Let me go." Bruce Banner looked at the hatred below, took a deep breath, and turned his head.

His girlfriend Betty panicked and quickly grabbed his arm: "Bruce, what are you talking about?"

"Only the Hulk can subdue this monster now," Banner said. "I have to do this, I can't sit back and watch this guy continue to kill."

General Ross: "What if you can't?"

Bruce Banner hesitated, but still said: "Otherwise, there is no way to launch ballistic missiles here... Let me go."

General Ross was silent for a moment, and finally agreed: "Land down, let him down."

"No, stay in the air and open the rear hatch," Banner said.

Ross thought for a while, then nodded and motioned for the soldier to do the same and open the rear hatch of the helicopter.

Bruce Banner walked over and stood on the edge of the hatch, facing the night wind and looking down at the chaotic streets hundreds of meters above the sky, where the mad hatred was still roaring.

"Bruce, don't do this!" Betty grabbed his arm again, begging him not to jump off.

"You just injected the medicine, you don't even know if you can transform yourself!"

Bruce Banner shook his head and turned his back to the edge of the door that was close at hand: "Sorry, Betty, I have to go."

Seeing that she couldn't persuade him, Betty could only cry silently, and let go after a kiss.

Bruce immediately jumped, jumped off the helicopter, and reached the ground after falling for more than ten seconds.


The huge impact directly smashed through the road, causing him to fall below the ground and disappeared for a long time.

"Bruce!" Betty on the helicopter could not help shouting.

On the other side, Natasha said with the aid of a communication device, "Colson, I saw Bruce Banner."

"Where is he?" Coulson's voice came.

Natasha: "He jumped out of the helicopter, just underground not far in front of me, and if he hadn't completed his transformation, he would be dead by now."

Coulson was silent for half a second: "Leave him alone and continue our plan."

"Yes." Natasha replied.

"Boom!" But at this moment, the ground that was penetrated by Bruce suddenly flew into the gravel, and immediately a huge green figure climbed out of the pit, naturally the Hulk Hulk.

Natasha was startled, but at the same time a strange thought popped into her mind: How come the Hulk's **** are of such good quality?

The hatred at this time has long been naked and naked. In contrast, after Hulk transformed, the underwear on his body was still strong, and there was no sign of damage at all.

She couldn't help but stay on Hulk's **** for a while...

Seeing Hulk appearing, Hate even gave up on other goals, went straight to Hulk, and shouted at the same time: "Hulk!"

"Roar!" Hulk, not to be outdone, also roared and rushed up to meet him.

"Boom boom boom..."

The heavy steps of the two caused a thunderous sound on the road, leaving pitted footprints behind them, and the nearby vehicles were shaken.

Hulk and Abomination leaped at the same time, crashing into each other.


The Hulk suffered a loss in this collision, was blown away by the top of the hatred, knocked over a piece of vehicles and fell into the flames on the street corner.

As soon as he got up from the flames, hatred followed closely, and a fistful of punches beat him to the core, almost without the strength to fight back.

Clearly, the Hulk is not an abomination opponent.

This may be due to the difference in the original body of the two sides. The original body of the hatred is Bronski, a soldier who has been tested by wars. After turning into hatred, he retains a considerable part of his consciousness and is very adaptable to fighting.

And Bruce Banner is a weak scientist. Although he has learned a little fighting, he is obviously too far behind in front of Bronski, and his consciousness is more chaotic after his transformation.

In addition, Bruce also injected a potion not long ago to try to eliminate the transformation. Although it proved unsuccessful, it also inevitably affected Hulk and looked a little weak.

Seeing that the Hulk was not a hated opponent, he was shot and flew out, and General Ross on the helicopter immediately ordered: "Shoot that guy with a machine gun!"

"Yes!" The soldier responded, and then the machine guns under the helicopter began to fire.

"Da da da!" The muzzle of fire surged, and the dense bullets shot at the hatred.

"Ross." Abomination gritted his teeth, and then jumped up the tall building and came to the top of the building to run wildly.

"Da da da!" Helicopter chased after him with machine guns.

However, after a while Abomination approached the helicopter on the edge of the building, and then he jumped up and tried to jump on the helicopter.

At the critical moment, Hulk rushed to the side, jumped up, and grabbed the ankle of disgust.

"Go away!"

Abomination said angrily, with a heavy punch that almost knocked Hulk down.

Hulk gritted his teeth and held on tightly, not letting go at all.

The fighting between the two giants hanging under the helicopter immediately caused the plane to lose its balance and teeter.

"Crash landing!"

The pilot quickly adjusted the fuselage to make a forced landing, and the plane spun around and landed on the ground.

During the forced landing, due to the hatred and the Hulk scrambling with each other, the helicopter inevitably hit the building and nearly collapsed.

Fortunately, there were two pads for buffering at the final landing, so the forced landing was successful. Although many people on the plane were injured, no one seems to have died.

It's just that the situation is still not good. The leaked oil is quickly ignited, the fire spreads rapidly, and the remaining fuel of the helicopter may be detonated at any time.

At this time, Hulk just got up from the ground, shook his head, and seemed a little confused.


With a roar of hatred, he stepped forward and punched Hulk to the wall, then strangled his throat.

His protruding bone spurs were like sharp knives, piercing Hulk's skin, dripping with blood, causing Hulk to scream.

"You don't deserve this power at all!" Abomination said fiercely, increasing the strength of the bone spur, piercing deeper into Hulk's flesh and blood.

"Watch them die!"

Hulk was strangled against the wall and could not resist for a while. Seeing that the flames on the helicopter were burning bigger and bigger, it seemed that it was about to explode.

"Devil, you are looking for your own death!" At this critical juncture, a deep voice suddenly sounded in the sky.