Chapter 556: 【The Punisher Kills】

Hulk looked at the sound, and saw a figure almost melted into the night falling from the sky, with black wings flapping behind him.

The figure fluttered its wings, and the gust of wind that set off extinguished the flames on the helicopter, and then he dropped to the ground, revealing his stature.

What does not match the image of this demon is that the weapon in his hand is actually a pair of war blades exuding a holy brilliance, and the blades point directly at hatred.

"Who are you?" Abomination said sullenly, feeling threatened in him.

"The Punisher." Frank Custer opened his double-edged sword. "Your sins will end here. Say your prayers."

Hulk took advantage of this to resist, repelled the hatred, and broke free of the suppression.

Roaring with hatred, he was about to charge the Hulk again, but the Punisher had already launched an attack.

I saw the Punisher's wings fluttered, flew close in an instant, and then swung his two blades, slashing towards the hatred head-on.

"Qiang!" Abomination raised his hand to block, the raised bone spur blocked one of the blades, but failed to block the other.

The sharp blade that flashed holy brilliance immediately pierced his shoulder, blood splashed, and the power of punishment burned his flesh and blood like a flame, making him scream.

The Hulk killed it, and a heavy punch hit the hater's face, directly knocking out a front tooth!

While the battle was going on, Nick Fury also arrived at the scene and joined forces with S.H.I.E.L.D. agents such as Coulson.

"The Punisher!" Nick Fury recognized the Punisher in demon form at a glance.

"You seem to know him?" Hawkeye asked.

Nick Fury nodded: "You should have heard of the Punisher and the gang. In fact, I knew him a long time ago, long before he became the Punisher."

"Frank was the bravest and most honorable Marine, and he had a happy family. It's a pity that that happened... alas."

An agent asked: "As far as I know, the Punisher is dead. And why is he the way he is now, he doesn't look human anymore."

Nick Fury was silent for a moment: "I don't know very well. It is said that he was resurrected and gained extraordinary power with the help of gods."

"After the resurrection, the Punisher still attacked frequently and punished the sins, but now he is much stronger than before, so the battles are relatively straightforward and do not attract much attention."

Natasha said, "Maybe we can get Frank Custer to join the Avengers?"

Nick Fury nodded in agreement: "I think so too. Let's talk to him after the fight is over."

Although Abomination is powerful, it is slightly stronger than Hulk, and it is naturally not an opponent to face the siege of Hulk and Punisher.

Moreover, the Punisher's War Blade has the disciplinary power of the Holy Light, and it does astonishing damage to abominations, and every hit is a great trauma and pain.

Therefore, in the blink of an eye, the hatred was beaten to the point where it was powerless to fight back, covered with bruises and bruises.

"Boom!" Hulk dragged a car and threw it horizontally. The huge impact immediately knocked the hater flying, pierced through two walls one after another, and fell to the ground.

The Punisher fluttered his magical wings at this time, and a large blue demonic fire surged out from his wings, instantly burning his hatred.


Hatred that his whole body was burned by the demonic fire, he couldn't help screaming and rolling around on the ground.

But this flame is obviously not so easy to put out, let him roll around, and it has been burning vigorously.

Hulk came to Abomination again, holding the car in both hands, and slammed the Abomination on the ground.

"Boom boom boom!"

Soon the car was smashed, and the molten iron burned by the magic fire splashed everywhere.

The hatred was dying, and after struggling for two more times, he finally fell motionless in the flames.

"What's your name?" The Punisher looked at Hulk.

Hulk didn't say a word, looking at the disgusted corpse and gasping silently.

After a while, Betty came from not far away and approached him carefully.


Hulk raised his head with some warmth in his eyes, but he was not Bruce Banner after all, at least not a sober Bruce Banner, so he did not respond to Betty's call.

He looked at General Ross behind Betty, and the army that gathered more and more and aimed at him, and finally bowed his head and turned away.

With just a few jumps, his huge and powerful body disappeared into the vast darkness without a trace.

"Natasha, you go to track Hulk. If you can find him and the situation allows, you can try to communicate with him." Nick Fury ordered quickly.

"Yes." Natasha responded and left immediately.

Nick Fury led someone to stop the Punisher who was about to leave.

The Punisher has been lifted from the demon form at this time and restored to his human body. He looks no different from ordinary people. When he saw Nick Fury, he was slightly surprised: "Fury?"

Nick Fury laughed. "Long time no see, Frank."

Frank smiled symbolically, obviously reluctant to say more.

After experiencing the death of his family and his own resurrection he felt that he could no longer integrate into the society of normal people.

"Is something wrong?" he asked.

Nick Fury: "You have extraordinary powers now, and the sight just now is amazing. May I ask, what the **** have you been through?"

"Death and rebirth," Frank said.

"Unbelievable." Nick Fury couldn't help but said, "I heard that you got help from the gods?"

Frank didn't answer.

"Well, if it's true, it's not surprising. In fact, I've seen gods too. Maybe we've met the same god." Nick Fury smiled to resolve the embarrassment.

"Speaking of business." He coughed and continued, "SHIELD is forming an 'Avengers' alliance, which aims to recruit heroes with extraordinary abilities as members to fight all kinds of supernatural threats - like that guy. "

As he spoke, he pointed to the abominable corpse in the distance.

"I wonder if you are interested in joining?"

Frank was silent for a moment: "Government organization?"

"It can be said that." Nick Fury nodded, "although it is somewhat different from the government department in the standard sense, but we formed it after all."

Frank shook his head when he heard the words: "That's fine, I'm not suitable to serve in the government."

Nick Fury obviously didn't want to give up a strong man like him: "Why, didn't you serve in the military before? You are a very good soldier."

Frank said flatly, "Maybe. But I don't think you'll allow me to act on my own."

"What private action?"

"Like what I do with gangsters," Frank said. "When I find them, I'll come in and screw their heads off."