Chapter 568: [Do you like it?] 4 more

Remember for a second【】

Looking at these S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, Carl's thoughts turned sharply, he quickly made a decision, turned around and ran.

After all, he is a fugitive no matter what, and he still holds such conspicuous things as the Peerless Blade and the Mind Scepter in his hand, and S.H.I.E.L.D. will definitely not let him go.


Coulson shouted and hurriedly led someone to chase.

But the two sides were quite a distance away, and seeing that Carl was about to flee to a sports car not far away, they immediately pulled the trigger and shot.

"Bang bang bang!"

Carl turned into a man of steel in time, blocked the bullet, and continued to run desperately towards the car.

Seeing this, Coulson took out a component shaped like a silencer from his pocket, quickly assembled it on the pistol, and fired again.

"Bang!" A gunshot rang out, but instead of a bullet, a thin-line-like laser shot out from the muzzle.

The laser came in an instant and penetrated Carl's thigh, causing him to cry out in pain, fell to the ground, and couldn't get up for a while.

"What is this?" An agent looked curiously at Coulson's pistol.

Coulson removed the pistol component he had just installed, and a bullet fell from it: "An immature gadget that converts the kinetic energy of a bullet into a laser, but it seems to work well."

"I want to make one too!"

"Do business first." Coulson walked towards Carl first.

Karl gasped sharply. He heard the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer, and then he gritted his teeth, struggled violently, and slashed at Coulson with a peerless blade.

Coulson was well prepared. As a battle-hardened agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., his fighting skills were naturally better than most people, and he grasped the hilt of the peerless blade.

But Carl's strength was amazing, and Coulson was far inferior. He was immediately retreated by a violent earthquake, and the blade almost cut his face.

Looking at the peerless blade in front of him, Coulson instantly broke out in cold sweat.

Intuition tells him that this thing can definitely cut his head like a tomato.

The other agents hurriedly joined the battle, and with the combined efforts of several people, Carl was immediately restrained.

Coulson grabbed Carl from behind, and the others grabbed his limbs.

"Do you still want to run?" A tall and mighty black agent snatched the Peerless Blade from Carl's hands.

At this point, however, things changed abruptly.

Seeing that he was in a desperate situation, Carl, who was a desperado, immediately felt the ruthlessness in his heart!

Even if I die together, I will never be captured!

He turned into a body of steel, grabbed the peerless blade that had just been snatched by the black agent, and then stabbed him directly.

The body of steel could not stop the peerless blade in the slightest, and the sharp blade easily passed through his chest, followed by Coulson, who restrained him from behind!


Several agents were shocked.

Carl struggled with all his strength, took advantage of this to break free, took a few steps with his mind scepter and ran to the nearby car, slammed on the accelerator and ran.

He was seriously injured now, with blood pouring out of his mouth and nose uncontrollably while driving.

But with an unusual body and a strong desire to survive, Carl stepped on the accelerator to the end, endured the injury, and fled at full speed for a while before he couldn't bear it, and fell on the steering wheel and passed out.

The sports car then lost control, collided with a roadside rock, and rolled over to the ground.

It was probably God's blessing to absorb Karl.

A few minutes after the crash, a black sedan stopped here.

A few men in black came out of the car, and the leader was a middle-aged man wearing a monocle with a deep temperament.

He walked near the absorber and noticed the psychic scepter on the ground almost at a glance.

He leaned over and picked up the scepter of the mind, looking at the blue light at the top of the scepter, a little bit of frenzy flashed in his eyes.

After a while, he turned his head and asked, "Is this person dead?"

"Not yet, Baron Strucker," his subordinate replied. "What shall we do with him?"

Baron Strucker said: "Take it back."


The subordinates carried Carl to the car, and Strucker stood up and looked at the psychic scepter in his hand with satisfaction: "It's a worthwhile trip, haha!"

"Long live Hydra!" He raised his scepter and shouted, like a fanatical believer.

The others also shouted: "Long live the Hydra!"

In a quiet and tense operating room.

Coulson was lying on the operating table, motionless, and a few people in white coats were busy around, talking in a low voice.

a few hours later.

"How is it?" Nick Fury asked, holding his forehead, his voice gloomy.

Coulson was a subordinate and friend he valued very much, and it was difficult for him to accept such a scene.

The doctor shook his head: "We have done our best, but the situation is still very dangerous, and it is very likely that we will not survive tonight."

Nick Fury was silent for a long time.

After a while, he took a deep breath: "Use gh325."

"This technology is immature and may not be effective, and..." the doctor hesitated.

Nick Fury interrupted him, saying, "He has to live, understand?"

The doctor had to agree and nodded.

On a balcony in the Golden Palace, Odin and Thor stood in front of the railing, looking at the night view of Asgard.

^0^ One second to remember【】

while talking.

The content of the conversation was mainly Thor's human experience.

There is no doubt that compared to the long life of more than a thousand years, the existence of Donald Black's identity is extremely short, and he did not even complete high school.

But the impact on Thor is obvious. Anyone can feel that Thor, who has been in the world for a while, has become a lot more stable after returning. He is no longer so impulsive and competitive, and he starts to think about the consequences of doing things.

Odin was very pleased with this, but he couldn't help but say: "Son, I feel that you have been too wasteful for more than a thousand years."

Thor smiled awkwardly.

Indeed, compared with the changes brought about by this short experience, it is not an exaggeration to say that he has lived on a dog in the past thousand years of his life.

In the end, Thor's life was too smooth. He was born with courage and lived under the protection of Odin. He had no troubles and difficulties for a long time, and hardly needed to consider any consequences. Naturally, it was easy to develop a dazed personality.

Donald Black, on the other hand, was an orphan, crippled, bullied from an early age and had to think twice about doing anything.

For Donald, thinking about the consequences is a fundamental survival skill, just like a fish must be able to breathe underwater. In his view, Thor's behavior is basically mentally retarded.

Therefore, after returning to God's Domain, Thor always felt that he was a bit refined.

Because every now and then the thought that Donald has always insisted on pops up in his mind: Thor is mentally retarded...

And then immediately, he would suddenly realize that he was Thor.

"Father, there is one more important thing. UU reading " Thor said suddenly, seeming a little shy, "I...I fell in love with someone on Earth."

"Jane Foster?"

Thor was startled, but he didn't expect Odin to know the name.

Odin said lightly: "Rowe and Heimdall told me."

Thor nodded suddenly, and then continued deliberately: "That... I want to bring Jane back to Asgard."

Odin frowned suddenly: "Do you want to marry her?"

"…Yes," Thor admitted.

Odin said: "She's a mortal, do you know what that means? When you've just passed one percent of your life, she's already an old man."

"I know—but I really like her," Thor said.

Odin pointed to his nose: "Do you like it?"

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^