Chapter 569: [Degenerate Tendency] 5 more

Remember for a second【】

"Why not?" Thor asked rhetorically.

Odin was stunned.

Thor continued: "She was there for me when I was loneliest, we really love each other, and I should give her happiness."

Odin was silent for a moment, then said slowly: "Do you think you will bring her happiness? Fifty years later, she is very old, and you still don't have a single gray hair, do you think she will be happy? She will only Get twice the pain of aging than ordinary people."

In fact, he said this, but also a bit of his own experience in it.

After all, Frigga is much younger than him, and now that he is half-dead in the ground, Frigga is relatively bright and beautiful, causing him to have some strange anxiety from time to time...

This is indeed a more realistic issue.

Thor couldn't help lowering his head, frowning and thinking for a while.

"Marriage is a major event in life. As the prince of Asgard, you want to marry a mortal. It's a joke!" Odin said.

"But—" Thor continued to argue.

Odin interrupted him: "What about Sif?"

Tolton was speechless and speechless.

He had been in love with Sif until he became Donald Black, and after Haldo's death, Sif's affections gravitated toward him, and many wished the two of them could come together.

Although the two had never established a relationship, if he abandoned Sif just like that, he still felt like he was indebted.

Thinking of Sif's sadness and loss after hearing the news, but she could only be silent and blessed, Thor's heart suddenly filled with guilt.

But he really doesn't love Sif anymore.

once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking.

Although Thor's experience as Donald was brief, and his time with Jane Foster was even briefer, the emotion was deeper, and it was love born in loneliness.

In contrast, the love he once had for Sif was impulsive and direct, and seemed to be closer to body lust.

Odin looked at him and finally said: "Forget her, understand? This is the best choice for you and for her."

Thor didn't respond, bowing his head silently.


Loki sat on the stone seat, leaning on the halberd in his right hand, looking like a monarch who was summoning his ministers.

I don't know why, since his resurrection, there have been some messy things in his mind, such as this sitting position.

He seldom sat in such a serious and solemn posture before, more often he was lying on the reclining, or crossed his legs, and then dangled a glass of wine in his hand, with a lewd smile on the corner of his mouth.

But now, as soon as he sits down, Loki can't help but go into some kind of deep emotion, and it's uncomfortable not to sit upright.

It's nothing, what's more important is that there is a faint voice that always rises in his heart, indistinct, but conveys the same emotions and desires:


Yes, Loki could feel that it was a depraved voice that was calling him, guiding him, and leading him to the abyss.

The voice grew louder and louder, echoing in the deepest part of his soul, murmured.

Loki was a little anxious.

Although he knew that he was not a good person, the depravity conveyed by this voice still exceeded his bottom line.

He understood that if he obeyed the call of this voice, he would fall into complete darkness and evil, no different from the demons of hell.

However, in addition to the call, this voice also conveyed another foreshadowing: as long as he follows this call and falls completely, he will gain unparalleled power.

It was this tempting foreshadowing that made Loki's heart not firm.


Loki closed his eyes and sat on the stone seat for a long time without moving, as if he was frozen.

He sat like this for a day and a night, and then suddenly opened his eyes, as if remembering something important.

"Today seems to be the day when my father slept..." Loki murmured.

For a long time, his father Odin had mixed feelings.

He loves his father like most children, but often resents Odin's neglect of him.

It is a fact that parents always say that their love for each child is equal, but there is no equality in the world, and there is always one child who is most favored and one who is most neglected.

Odin loves Thor the most, everyone knows that.

And Loki may be the most neglected one, at least in Loki's own view.

He often thinks about the reason behind this, and finally gets the guess that he is not Odin's biological child.

For this reason, Loki rushed to Jotunheim to try to verify his true identity, but he gave up because of Thor's participation.

After his resurrection, his feelings for Odin became more complicated, and the word "father" became more and more lingering in his heart.

Loki thought of Odin, and the voice of the depraved calling from the depths of his soul immediately became clearer.

Finally, it became more and more difficult for him to restrain his emotions, and finally he got up, left the house on a lonely night, and left Asgard.



After leaving Asgard through the space channel, Loki once again set foot in this frosty realm.

In the whistling cold wind, the sight of the snow and ice, snow white and ice blue made him feel intoxicated, as if the child had returned to his mother's arms.

Very early on, Loki realized that although he was thin, he was

^0^ One second to remember【】

Far more resistant to freezing than others, this anomaly was highlighted after entering Jotunheim.

And I don't know if it was an illusion, Loki felt that after being resurrected, he was more resistant to freezing than before, or that he liked frost and cold more.

Loki leaned down and waved his hand to wipe off the snow on the ground, revealing the ice surface. In a trance, he felt that this scene seemed familiar...

"Who?" The frost giant found him.

Loki was not flustered and stood up: "Take me to your king, Laufey."

"You're Loki!" the frost giant recognized him, and whispered.

"what should we do?"

"Your Majesty has ordered if Loki comes to Jotunheim, he will take him directly to the Castle of Gastpone." The frost giant headed to the left and right.

Then he looked at Loki: "Come with us, I'll take you to see His Majesty Laufey."

Led by the Frost Giants, Loki came to the royal city of Jotunheim, the palace of Laufey, and the Castle of Gastpone.

He looked up at the building.

The castle of Gastpone has been destroyed and repaired several times, but still stands tall and majestic, standing in the endless ice, is one of the most awe-inspiring fortresses in the universe.

They entered this glacier fortress, turned around for a while, and finally saw the king of frost giants, Laufey, on the throne in the hall made of ice. .

"Your Majesty." The frost giants saluted.

Laufey was always looking at Loki, his eyes flashing, and a smile appeared: "Ah, you are finally here, Loki."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^