Chapter 571: [When the father-slaying is in progress] 7 changes

Rainbow Bridge Teleport Hall.

"Heimdall, is there any news about the Mind Scepter?" Rowe asked.

"Not yet." Heimdall shook his head and sighed, "If only I had paid attention to it at the time. Unfortunately, Thor and I were both paying attention to Loki and completely forgot about the Mind Scepter. I don't know who took it."

Rowe couldn't help frowning.

After the timeline changed, the Infinity Stones seemed to be hidden a lot, and now the Space Stone and Mind Stone are all gone.

What will be the fate of the six Infinity Stones in the end?

"Rovi, you said earlier that resurrection will make Loki have a tendency to degenerate. What is it, can you tell me specifically?" Heimdall said.

Luo Wei was silent for a while: "I can't say either... But I will pay attention to him. If he really goes downhill, it is not impossible for him to recover."

He wanted to ask Heimdall to stare at Loki, but then he thought that it would be of no use.

Heimdall's perception ability is only infinite distance, but the intensity is not high, it is easy to block. In the original book, Loki can easily block Heimdall's sight.

Or his own method is more reliable.

"I hope..." Heimdall sighed.

After leaving the Rainbow Bridge, Rowe went to the hidden island in the Sea of ​​Marmora, where the space passage is located.

He hadn't used this space channel for a long time, and it was only recently that he remembered its existence again.

In the original book, Loki used it to lead the way for the Frost Giant.

Now that Loki has obtained the soul imprint of Arthas, the possibility of going into darkness has greatly increased. Rowe has to guard against it, so he often comes to check this space passage.

Arriving near the space passage, Luo Wei took out a bottle of clear water-like medicine from the Sanctuary space, shook it and fell to the ground.

This is a relatively unpopular potion produced by Shengqi. Pour the matching potion on the ground in advance, and then mix it. The resulting color change can confirm whether anyone has come.

This is an extremely secretive monitoring that cannot be detected by most magic or technological means.

Soon, the color change of the potion gave the answer, and someone did pass by.

Knowing this result, Luo Wei's expression suddenly became much more serious.

Is Loki really going downhill?

Right now was when Odin was sleeping, and Loki was sneaking in and out of Asgard at this time, which inevitably made Rowe very alert.

The sign of Alsace's complete depravity is patricide.

He pondered for a moment and felt that he had to be cautious, at least while Odin was sleeping, he had to always pay attention to Loki's movements.


A few days later.

Deep in the Golden Palace, Odin was sleeping on the bed, the golden light covering him like a quilt.

Frigga was by the side, her face was a bit tired. Whenever Odin was sleeping, she was probably the most tired.

The magic of Odin's sleep must be activated by her. After Odin falls asleep, she will accompany him for a long time.

At first, Odin only slept for seven days and it didn't matter. As the sleeping time prolonged, Frigga inevitably felt tired.

"Mother." Loki's voice came from the door.


Loki walked in and sat down with a smile. The smile on his face looked the same as usual. He came in and asked casually, "When my father wakes up this time, will my sister and Rowe have a wedding?"

"Yes." Frigga nodded, "It is every parent's wish to see their children get married and start a family. Your father has been waiting for too long, and now he can finally fulfill his wish."

Loki's smile was even wider.

Frigga's conversation changed: "Loki, it's time for you to take care of marriage matters... It seems that you never have a girl you like."

"I'm the youngest, and it's Thor who should be worried now." Loki said.

"Thor also has a girl he likes," Frigg said. "She has always been in love with Sif, and she also met a girl in the atrium."

The mother and son talked for a while, and Loki said, "Mom, go and rest, I'll accompany father for a while."

Frigga was really tired, so she nodded, got up after a few last words and left.

After Frigga left, there were only Odin and Loki left in the room. Odin lay asleep on the bed, while Loki sat beside him, silently watching his sleeping father.

"Father..." He murmured and repeated, his eyes blank.

Looking at his father who was close at hand and had no resistance, the depraved voice in Loki's heart resounded unprecedentedly, and pointed out the direction of the abyss for him bluntly.

Kill the father!

As long as he kills his father, he can gain unparalleled power, and he can become the master of ice and death.

The title of this ruler is called the Lich King!

As long as he kills his father, the power of the Lich King will come to him!

This voice echoed repeatedly in Loki's soul, roaring, roaring, making his eyes more chaotic.

"Have you made up your mind yet, my child." At this moment, a cold voice came from behind.

Laufey came behind Loki with the Frozen Winter Coffin in hand.

Loki looked up at him.

Laufey handed the Frozen Winter Coffin into Loki's hands With the touch of this icy artifact, Loki's image automatically changed, and his skin quickly appeared ice blue.

"You are the Son of Frost, the successor of Jotunheim." Laufey said slowly, while Zhang Loki injected his own power.

This power, intertwined with the power of the Frost Winter Coffin, immediately dispelled Odin's spell completely, allowing Loki to fully recover as a frost giant.

The Frost Giant Loki held the Frost Winter Coffin, and the endless power of icy cold caused his soul to fall further into the bottomless abyss.

killed my father...

He stood up, gasping for breath, the Frozen Winter Coffin in his hand aimed at Odin sleeping on the bed, and began to brew his power.

Now if he wants to, he can immediately kill Odin, kill his father, and be crowned king.

"Father, I used to respect and love you so much, it was an innate, truly selfless love." Loki's tone gradually became calm, but also became cold and emotionless, "but unfortunately, you don't regard me as a son. , In fact, neither am I, for you, I am probably just a tool to rule the Nine Realms."

"I won't be your tool anymore, I want to be my own master!" Loki's voice became fierce.

"Loki!" A loud shout came from outside the door.

But it was Luo Wei who appeared at the door. He was opening his eyes of reckoning and looking directly at the two people in the room. .

He has been using the Eye of Reckoning to inspect the interior of the Golden Palace recently, and the result was almost a step slower, but fortunately, Loki hasn't killed Odin yet.

"Go to hell!" Loki gritted his teeth, and the Frozen Winter Coffin burst out with an ice-blue beam of light, heading straight for Rowe.